A brief comment is in order. Here is what the Virgin of Revelation (during her apparitions at the Tre Fontane, Rome) told Bruno Cornacchiola (1) (translation is mine):
“Look my son, even if someone [higher in the church hierarchy] issues to you an order, you are bound to obey, unless there is a breach of faith, moral and charity!“
Such a question concerns all statements, judgments, or even orders issued by false prophets (2), i.e., such as members of the false apostatic church of JM Bergoglio.
One such type of statements/judgments would be the following ones which, if properly confirmed, has been attributed to Abp. Georg Gaenswein and addressed to Don Enrico Bernasconi (my translation again):
1) “Benedict XVI has renounced to his Petrine Ministry, and from the start, he has promised obedience to his legitimate successor who is pope Francis.”
2) “The same pope [emeritus] Benedict has declared several times that there is only one pope and it is clear that he is Francis. Different interpretations are instrumental.”
3) “That you must give obedience only and uniquely to pope Francis, who is the Supreme Pontiff now reigning.”
If the authorship of the previous statements is confirmed (which of course is yet to be seen), these are the words of a false prophet, because:
REPLY TO 1) Benedict XVI has not renounced to his “Munus Petrinus” and therefore he still remains the reigning Vicar of Jesus Christ!
REPLY TO 2) Benedict has never declared publicly (in words and/or writing) that the reigning pope is Francis!
REPLY TO 3) No obedience is due (on the part of a Christian) to anybody else except the true pope Benedict XVI! And it goes without saying that an apostatic, heretic, blasphemous and antichrist cardinal cannot be the reigning pope and not even an authorative person in the Church!
If proven true, this would be the betrayal of the true christians of the Small Remnant and the betrayal of pope Benedict XVI who has sacrificed himself as a Victim of the Church! And foremost also a betrayal of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who has died for us on the Cross!
But let’s keep the rudder straight, ‘cause we are under the mantle of the Virgin Mary!