FONTE: https://www.fromrome.info/2021/08/15/our-lady-promised-a-miracle-to-prove-that-benedict-xvi-is-the-only-true-pope/?fbclid=IwAR0AYtD-zLL-PGeCo3299RKwQvX5XWRCKHxGttybXxRuHGrqoZDQHc8Guo0
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Our Lady came to Fatima to announce that God Himself has ordained that for all the problems of our age, there is only one means of salvation for mankind: that they turn to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and devote themselves to imitating Her faith in Jesus Christ (What are the consequences and future events? See 1,2,3).
As part of Her Divine diplomatic mission She indicated that She had come to save the Church from Ecclesial Freemasonry, for She chose to appear at Fatima, in the Diocese of Cardinal Cunha, from whose episcopal consecration descends the consecrations of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the principle members of the Mafia of St. Gallen, sending St. Michael the Archangel, the Angel of Peace, the year before hand to teach us of the threat which hung over humanity:
O my God, I believe, adore, await and love Thee! — And I ask pardon for THOSE WHO DO NOT BELIEVE, DO NOT ADORE, DO NOT AWAIT AND DO NOT LOVE THEE!
She warned us of the errors of Russia, which were orchestrated and planned by the Masonic Banks of New York City and London. She foretold the persecution of the Church by Her enemies. She foretold an apparent Pope and a true Pope who would be contemporaries.
And as a solution to all these threats and problems, She proposed 1 solution: THAT RUSSIA BE CONSECRATED TO HER IMMACULATE HEART BY THE POPE WITH ALL THE BISHOPS.
So, I ask all of you who doubt Benedict XVI is the true pope. Wait for Bergoglio to die, and THEN BEFORE THERE IS ANOTHER CONCLAVE, ask Benedict XVI to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart, and ask all the Bishops to do this with him.
And Russia will convert in the twinkling of an eye to the Catholic Faith, as Padre Pio promised. And that will be a sign to all, that there is no need for another conclave: that Bergoglio was a usurper, and that Benedict XVI never resigned from the papacy.
Remember and propose this.
And those who refuse this challenge, show by this means on what side they truly stand: with the Deceiver.