And all the crowd were trying to touch Him, for power went forth from Him and healed all.
Evangelium Luc 6:12-19
In illo témpore: Exiit Iesus in montem oráre, et erat pernóctans in oratióne Dei. Et cum dies factus esset, vocavit discípulos suos, et elégit duódecim ex ipsis – quos et Apóstolos nominávit -: Simónem, quem cognominávit Petrum, et Andream fratrem eius, Iacóbum et Ioánnem, Philíppum et Bartholomæum, Matthǽum et Thomam, Iacóbum Alphæi et Simónem, qui vocátur Zelótes, et Iudam Iacóbi, et Iudam Iscariótem, qui fuit próditor. Et descéndens cum illis, stetit in loco campéstri, et turba discipulórum eius, et multitúdo copiósa plebis ab omni Iudæa, et Ierúsalem, et marítima, et Tyri, et Sidónis, qui vénerant, ut audírent eum et sanaréntur a languóribus suis. Et, qui vexabántur a spirítibus immúndis, curabántur. Et omnis turba quærébat eum tángere: quia virtus de illo exíbat, et sanábat omnes.
Gospel Luke 6:12-19
At that time, Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when day broke, He summoned His disciples; and from these He chose twelve – whom He also named Apostles- Simon, whom He named Peter, and his brother Andrew; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alpheus, and Simon called the Zealot; Jude the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who turned traitor. And coming down with them, He took His stand on a level stretch, with a crowd of His disciples, and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, who came to listen to Him and to be healed of their diseases. And those who were troubled with unclean spirits were cured. And all the crowd were trying to touch Him, for power went forth from Him and healed all.
Festivita’ di San Bartolomeo apostolo (*).
Bartolomeo assieme agli altri apostoli ha diffuso la fede in molte regioni del mondo. Per questo dobbiamo avere a mente gli articoli del Credo che sono i capisaldi della nostra fede.
Secondo la tradizione della Chiesa, San Bartolomeo avrebbe condotto dopo l’Ascensione di Gesu’ Cristo una vita missionaria in varie regioni del Medio Oriente tra cui la Mesopotamia[6]. Secondo alcuni, forse si spinse fino all’Atropatene e all’India[7] contribuendo all’evangelizzazione dell’India. Li sarebbe stato martirizzato, prima scorticato e poi decapitato.
In accordo con il Vangelo, Gesu’ dopo una notte di preghiera ha scelto, tra i discepoli, i suoi dodici apostoli.
Quanto viene calpestata oggi la loro testimonianza!
Quanto hanno testimoniato deve essere conservato! Specialmente in quest’epoca di apostasia occorre ricorrere alla loro testimonianza!
Recitiamo quindi sempre con fede la preghiera del Credo! Gli apostoli ci sostengono dal cielo!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo!
(*) I vangeli sinottici lo chiamano Bartolomeo, e in quello di Giovanni è indicato come Natanaele. Nato a Cana di Galilea, fu condotto da Filippo a Cristo Gesù presso il Giordano e il Signore lo chiamò poi a seguirlo, aggregandolo ai Dodici. Dopo l’Ascensione del Signore si tramanda che abbia predicato il Vangelo del Signore in India, dove sarebbe stato coronato dal martirio.
Feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle (*).
Bartholomew together with the other apostles spread the faith in many regions of the world. For this we must have in mind the articles of the Creed which are the cornerstones of our faith.
According to the tradition of the Church, St. Bartholomew led a missionary life after the Ascension of Jesus Christ in various regions of the Middle East including Mesopotamia [6]. According to some, perhaps he went as far as Atropatene and India [7] contributing to the evangelization of India. There he would have been martyred, first skinned and then beheaded.
According to the Gospel, after a night of prayer, Jesus chose his twelve apostles from among the disciples.
How their testimony is trampled on today! What they testified must be preserved! Especially in this age of apostasy it is necessary to have recourse to their witness!
Let us therefore always recite the prayer of the Creed with faith! The apostles support us from heaven!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(*) The synoptic gospels call him Bartholomew, and in John’s he is indicated as Nathanael. Born in Cana of Galilee, he was led by Philip to Christ Jesus near the Jordan and the Lord then called him to follow him, joining him to the Twelve. After the Ascension of the Lord it is said that he preached the Gospel of the Lord in India, where he would have been crowned by martyrdom.