While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.
ORARIO S.MESSA ALLE ORE 8.00 – 14 settembre 2021: In Exaltatione Sanctæ crucis – II. classis –S.Messa online di Don Enrico Roncaglia, su youtube channel:
e qui:
Testo completo liturgia in latino:
Evangelium Ioann 12:31-36
In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus turbis Iudæórum: Nunc iudícium est mundi: nunc princeps huius mundi eiiciétur foras. Et ego si exaltátum fuero a terra, ómnia traham ad meipsum. (Hoc autem dicébat, signíficans qua morte esset moritúrus.) Respóndit ei turba. Nos audívimus ex lege, quia Christus manet in ætérnum: et quómodo tu dicis: Opórtet exaltári Fílium hóminis? Quis est iste Fílius hóminis? Dixit ergo eis Iesus: Adhuc módicum lumen in vobis est. Ambuláte, dum lucem habétis, ut non vos ténebræ comprehéndant: et qui ámbulat in ténebris, nescit, quo vadat. Dum lucem habétis, crédite in lucem, ut fílii lucis sitis.
Gospel John 12:31-36
At that time, Jesus said to the multitudes of the Jews, Now is the judgment of the world; now will the prince of the world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to Myself. Now he said this signifying by what death He was to die. The crowd answered Him, We have heard from the Law that the Christ abides forever. And how can You say, ‘The son of Man must be lifted up’? Who is this Son of Man? Jesus therefore said to them, Yet a little while the light is among you. Walk while you have the light, that darkness may not overtake you. He who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes. While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.
Stiamo celebrando la festa della Santa Croce. Ritrovata dall’imperatore Constantino che indisse percio’ la festa della Santa Croce. Festa che fu celebrata per la prima volta nel luogo della crocifissione e nel luogo della risurrezione di Gesu Cristo.
Sant’Elena fece portare una malata a contatto con la croce, che guari’ miracolosamente. Da quel giorno in ricordo il 14 settembre e’ il giorno della Festa della Santa Croce.
La Croce e’ il prezzo del nostro riscatto pagato da Gesu Cristo stesso a costo della sua vita. La luce di Cristo e’ quella che illumina il nostro cammino. La difficolta’ e’ capire che le nostre croci possono diventare per noi le chiavi del paradiso, dell’immortalita’ e della salvezza.
La mentalita’ di oggi e’ quella di sbarazzarci delle croci. Ma questa via non ci salva e non puo’ garantirci il paradiso!
Gesu’ Cristo e la sua Santa Croce sono quindi la nostra salvezza!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
We are celebrating the feast of the Holy Cross.
Found by the Emperor Constantine who therefore announced the feast of the Holy Cross. Feast that was celebrated for the first time in the place of the crucifixion and in the place of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Saint Helena had a sick woman brought into contact with the cross, which miraculously healed. From that day in remembrance, September 14 is the day of the Feast of the Holy Cross.
The Cross is the price of our ransom paid by Jesus Christ himself at the cost of his life.
The light of Christ is the one that illuminates our path. The difficulty is understanding that our crosses can become for us the keys to heaven, immortality and salvation.
Today’s mentality is to get rid of the crosses.
But this route does not save us and cannot guarantee us paradise!
Jesus Christ and his Holy Cross are therefore our salvation!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.