And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them.
ORARIO S.MESSA ALLE ORE 8,00 – Lunedi 11 ottobre 2021 – Maternitatis Beatæ Mariæ Virginis ~ II. classisTempora: Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam XX post Octavam Pentecostes II. Octobris: S.Messa online di Don Enrico Roncaglia, su youtube channel:
e qui:
Testo completo liturgia in latino:
Evangelium Luc 2:43-51
In illo témpore: Cum redírent, remánsit puer Iesus in Ierúsalem, et non cognovérunt paréntes eius. Existimántes autem illum esse in comitátu, venérunt iter diei, et requirébant eum inter cognátos, et notos. Et non inveniéntes, regréssi sunt in Ierúsalem, requiréntes eum. Et factum est, post tríduum invenérunt illum in templo sedéntem in médio doctórum, audiéntem illos, et interrogántem eos. Stupébant autem omnes, qui eum audiébant, super prudéntia et respónsis eius. Et vidéntes admiráti sunt. Et dixit mater eius ad illum: Fili, quid fecísti nobis sic? ecce pater tuus, et ego doléntes quærebámus te. Et ait ad illos: Quid est quod me quærebátis? nesciebátis quia in his, quæ Patris mei sunt, opórtet me esse. Et ipsi non intellexérunt verbum, quod locútus est ad eos. Et descéndit cum eis, et venit Názareth: et erat súbditus illis.
Gospel Luke 2:43-51
At that time, when they were returning, the Boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem, and His parents did not know it. But thinking that He was in the caravan, they had come a day’s journey before it occurred to them to look for Him among their relatives and acquaintances. And not finding Him, they returned to Jerusalem in search of Him. And it came to pass after three days, that they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who were listening to Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. And when they saw Him, they were astonished. And His Mother said to Him, Son, why have You done so to us? Behold, in sorrow Your father and I have been seeking You. And He said to them, How is it that you sought Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business? And they did not understand the word that He spoke to them. And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them.
Ma egli rispose loro: «Perché mi cercavate? Non sapevate che è necessario che io sia nelle cose del Padre mio?». Essi però non compresero ciò che aveva detto loro. Ed egli scese con essi e tornò a Nazareth; ed era loro sottomesso.
E’ la festa della Maternita’ Divina, istituita nel Vetus Ordo per ricordare la proclamazione del dogma di Maria Madre di Dio stabilita dal Concilio di Efeso. Non e’ solo un dogma ma una realta’ che noi percepiamo nel nostro cuore e nella nostra mente.
Tra non molto anche i dogmi della Corredenzione e quella della Mediatrice di tutte le Grazie verranno certamente proclamati.
Dio ha scelto Maria. Infatti Dio sceglie le persone umili e pie.
Nella prova di fede che stiamo vivendo questa realta’ sara’ ancora piu’ evidente. Non e’ la grandiosita’ che conta. Li c’e’ l’inganno. E infatti nel piccolo e nell’umile la vera grandezza.
Lo stesso Gesu’ a 12 anni dimostra la sua umilta’ quando torna a Nazareth sottomesso ai suoi genitori.
L’uomo nella sua superbia non riesce a capirne il significato.
Ma Dio ha innalzato e innalzera’ gli umili!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
But he answered them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that it is necessary that I be in the things of my Father? ». But they did not understand what he had told them. And he went down with them and returned to Nazareth; and he was subject to them.
It is the feast of Divine Maternity, established in the Vetus Ordo to commemorate the proclamation of the dogma of Mary Mother of God in the Council of Ephesus.
It is not just a dogma but a reality that we perceive in our hearts and minds. Soon the dogmas of the Co-redemption and that of the Mediatrix of all Graces will certainly also be proclaimed. God chose Mary.
In fact, God chooses humble and pious people. In the test of faith that we are experiencing, this reality is even more evident. It is not the grandeur that counts.
There is deception there, and in fact, in the small and humble, the vefra grandeur.
Jesus himself at the age of 12 demonstrates his humility when he returns to Nazareth in submission to his parents.
Man in his pride cannot understand its meaning.
But God has exalted and will raise the humble!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.