I am glad to publish a message by Dr. Estefania Acosta Ochoa, a distinguished lawyer from Colombia and a true Christian. It contains an important declaration of faith on which all sincere Christians should convene. The time has come to fight back!
Massimo Tessarotto
Brothers in Christ,
As we know, unfortunately there are many things that today divide the children of God. However, the few and simple truths that unite us are more powerful than any motive for division: there is one and only Lord and Savior of the world, Jesus Christ; one and only Church, the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman; one and only Vicar of Christ on Earth, H.H. Benedict XVI.
Not a few Catholics have been proclaiming these truths through different means: blogs, YouTube channels, Twitter / Facebook / Instagram accounts, prayer groups… The result: in the current context of silent and silencing apostasy, the high ecclesiastical hierarchies and the Vatican itself continue pretending to ignore us… No one pronounces, no one takes action.
The time has come for us to rise up with the strength of unity, which can only come from truth, to be heard. For this purpose, I fraternally invite you to read, sign and disseminate as much as possible the following Declaratio, which we have published in eight languages:
There seems to be little time left for the confusion in our Church to aggravate even more, given the imminent departure of Pope Benedict XVI, and / or the end (for whatever reason) of Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s anti-Papacy. Therefore, what we have to do, let’s do it soon…
In Jesus and Mary,
Estefania Acosta
P.S. The entry of the signatures to the website will be done manually, not automatically; it is possible, then, that the signatories will not see their names published immediately.