A transcript of the address by His Excellency Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò at the Catholic Identity Conference, October 1-3, 2021
The GREATEST RESET: this happy expression recalls the one we have heard repeated by the globalist elites for many years now – “The Great Reset” – which in the minds of its supporters is meant to be precisely that: a great starting over based on a new social and economic balance. Thus, I will not speak at length about what the Great Reset is, but rather about what the Greatest Reset ought to be: namely, the “New Beginning” that only Our Lord Jesus Christ, King and Lord of individuals as well as nations, can accomplish.
In the Apocalypse of Saint John the Apostle the eternal and sacred words of the Incarnate Word resound: “Ecce nova facio omnia” – “Behold, I make all things new” (Rev 21:5). Thus, when we speak about the Greatest Reset, we are referring to the manifestation of the omnipotence of God, to the baring of his Mighty Arm, to the defeat of His enemies. We, for our part, respond to these words by making the motto of Saint Pius X our own – “Instaurare omnia in Christo” – taken from the Letter of Saint Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians: “To reunite all things in Christ in the fullness of time: those that are in heaven and those that are on earth” (Eph 1:10).
But if it is our duty to recapitulate everything in Christ, so that He may make all things new, it is necessary then that we understand what is happening around us in all its dramatic evidence, that we recognize the intrinsically perverse matrix of the ideology that lays behind the pandemic farse, and above all that we realize the impossibility of yielding to any compromise with the enemies of Christ, of the Church, and of the human race. Recapitulating all things in Christ: in Him, who is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, everything must find its proper origin, development, and completion. A prayer from the Missal comes to mind: “Actiones nostras, quæsumus, Domine, aspirando præveni et adjuvando prosequere, ut cuncta nostra operatio a te semper incipiat, et per te cœpta finiatur” – “Direct, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our prayers and actions by Thy holy inspirations, and carry them on by Thy gracious assistance, so that every work of ours may always begin with Thee, and through Thee come to completion.” The lucid Latin prose provides a summary of how the initial inspiration, the help in execution, and the beginning and the end of every one of our actions is found in God.
If we observe the way in which the Great Reset and pandemic farce have been carried out, we notice that nothing of what has been done by the globalists has been inspired by good; on the contrary, we see that what inspires their criminal action is theological hatred of God the Creator and Savior; what allows the spread of the planet-wide fraud is lies, blackmail, deceit, and corruption; everything for them begins and ends in the name of death, sickness, and terror. It is the infernal chaos opposed to the divine cosmos, disorder opposed to order, the good opposed to that which is evil. The mark of the Great Reset is the aversion of Satan to the wondrous work of Creation and even more to the miracle of the Redemption. He who is a murderer from the beginning, and who is condemned for eternity because of his rebellion against the Majesty of God, rages in order to drag as many souls as possible with him to Hell, as a gesture of affront and insult against the God “who so loved the world that He sent His Only-Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life” (Jn 3:16). Envy and pride motivate the work of the devil and his servants, to spread on earth that infernal tyranny that is a pale anticipation of the torments of eternity. Envy of the grace that a creature composed of soul and body could have moved the Most Holy Trinity to compassion, to the point that the Eternal Word became man like us and took on our mortal flesh in order to make us sharers in His divinity, as one of the prayers of the Offertory says: “eius divinitatis esse consortes, qui humanitatis nostræ fieri dignatus est particeps” – “sharers in his divinity, who humbled himself to share in our humanity.” This gesture of the admirable humility of the Son of God contrasts with the proud and wicked cry of Lucifer.
The Greatest Reset is most certain and ontologically necessary: the gates of Hell will not prevail. Christians do not believe in two opposed divinities, following the Manichean vision of followers of the New World Order and Freemasonry. There is not a good “god” – Satan – who brings light to man after centuries of obscurantism and superstition, and there is not a bad “god” – the Biblical God – who cruelly scatters death and pain on an enslaved humanity. This is the esoteric doctrine of the sects that inspires the globalist ideology, a heretical and blasphemous doctrine that is repugnant to reason even before it is repugnant to faith. The Christian knows that the omnipotence of God will defeat the wicked “with the breath of his lips” (Is 11:4), and that the action of the devil is permitted by the Lord in order to punish evildoers and test those who are good. Thus we have no reason to worry about the outcomes of this epochal battle, because God does not lie nor can he be mistaken.
But until the day of Our Lord’s triumph over Satan, how many persecutions there are, how much suffering occurs, how many victims fall among the ranks of the good! And how many tears are shed by parents over the fate of their children, by children for their parents, by the elderly who look upon their approaching death as a liberation, by the young who anguishedly face the gloomy and threatening future that awaits them. We are in this phase, which is no longer transitional, but which has not yet reached the outcome which we all hope for and believe in. A phase in which the kingdom of the Antichrist is establishing itself with the cooperation of all the world institutions: rulers, magistrates, law enforcement agencies, doctors, journalists, and churchmen. “Dixit insipiens in corde suo: Non est Deus. Corrupti sunt, et abominabiles facti sunt in studiis suis; non est qui faciat bonum, non est usque ad unum.” – “The fool has said in his heart: There is no God. They are corrupt, and have become abominable in their ways; there is no one who does good, not even one” (Ps 14:1).
Everyone acts and behaves not only as if God did not exist, but even in open warfare against Christ and against the Church. They are all corrupt and do abominable things; there is no one who does good… Yet, if with the Psalmist we deplore this ruin that besieges us, this oppressive wickedness that tries to prevent us from accomplishing good and wants to compel us to do evil – including subjecting ourselves and our children to the genetic serum – nevertheless there are many souls who do not give in to blackmail, who fight the good fight, the “bonum certamen” (2 Tim 4:7) of which Saint Paul the Apostle speaks precisely in reference to the times of the great apostasy: “For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, they will heap to themselves teachers according to their own desires, refusing to listen to the truth in order to turn to fables. But you, be vigilant, know how to endure sufferings, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (2 Tim 4:3). Teachers according to their own desires: clergy and Prelates who preach heresies and use their authority to lead the faithful to get vaccinated; doctors and experts who deny true science for the sake of notoriety and gain; politics and rulers who do not pursue the bonum commune but instead obey supra-national powers and financial potentates; magistrates and law-enforcement agencies subservient to the totalitarian regime; journalists who shamelessly prostitute themselves by falsifying reality, censoring the truth, and criminalizing dissenters.
We certainly cannot say that we have not been warned: “For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be. And if those days were not shortened, no one living would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. If someone then says to you: ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or, ‘There he is,” do not believe it. False messiahs and false prophets will arise, and they will work great signs and miracles so as to lead even the elect into error if possible. Behold, I have told it you beforehand” (Mt 24:21-24). How many false christs and false prophets are around us! How many signs and miracles, thanks to the deceptions of the mainstream media and the lie that has become the norm! And how many elect are led into error, how many Catholics who have allowed themselves to be seduced by a colossal deception, after decades of compromises and yielding, all aimed indiscriminately at the pursuit of this “great tribulation,” at the establishment of the New Order through the Great Reset and with the pretext of a false pandemic!
But the wonders worked by Satan do not last, just as the immunity of the vaccine does not last by which they want to decimate the global population, subjecting the survivors to an infernal and inhuman dictatorship. And the elect can open their eyes, using their own reasoning and the warning of Sacred Scripture, to recognize the work of the Enemy, denounce it, unveil his plans, and reveal the accomplices. And even before that, understanding what is happening, framing it in a supernatural and eschatological key, fighting it with the most efficacious weapons.
Our duty, in this historical moment, is to fight the “bonum certamen” – the good fight – in order to acquire those merits before God that may lead Him to shorten the time of tribulation: “And if those days were not shortened, no one living would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” (Mt 24:22). The outcome of the battle, as I have said, is most certain and inexorable, but the duration of the persecution depends on us: “for the sake of the elect.” It depends on our testimony of Faith and of courageous defense of Truth, whether it is threatened by an Argentine who accuses a Cardinal of being a “denier” or who wants to prevent the celebration of the Catholic Mass; or if it is placed in danger by corrupt virologists and politicians who are enslaved by the globalist elite; or if it is silenced by the regime journalist or denied by the conservative intellectual.
Each of us today has the privilege of being able to align himself under the banners of Christ: “Finally, draw strength in the Lord and in the might of his power. Put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist the deceits of the devil. Our battle is not against creatures made of flesh and blood but against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of evil that dwell in the heavenly regions. Therefore take up the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day and remain standing after overcoming every trial. Stand firm therefore, with your loins girded with truth, clothed with the breastplate of justice, and having your feet shod with zeal for spreading the gospel of peace. Always hold in your hand the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one; take up also the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, that is, the word of God. Pray incessantly with every sort of prayer and supplication in the Spirit, to that end be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that when I open my mouth a bold word may be given to me, to make known the mystery of the gospel, of which I am an ambassador in chains, so that I can announce it with boldness as is my duty” (Eph 6:10-20).
Saint Paul uses a military metaphor that appears to me to be perfectly adapted to the present moment. He exhorts us to combat, warning us that we are not dealing with a human conflict, but a battle “against the Principalities and Powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the spirits of evil that dwell in the heavenly regions” (Eph 6:12). This is where the Greatest Reset truly begins. It begins in the moment in which each of us understands that we are not silent spectators or disarmed observers of the carnage that is taking place, but rather each one of us is a precious soldier in an army that owes its strength to He who commands it and to She who guides it: we can be poor sinners and full of defects, but if we do not respond to our vocation as Christians, as “soldiers of Christ” which we became with the anointing of Confirmation; if we supinely accept violence and oppression of both the false shepherds who infest the Lord’s Sheepfold as well as the traitors who occupy public institutions, we also escape the opportunity that Providence is granting us to be a part of the victory of Christ. A victory that will take place anyway, and that will be so dazzling and miraculous as to definitively defeat Satan and his slaves; but – pay attention! – it will be a victory in which the deserters and the ambushed will have no part, while they will be condemned by those who fought and by God Himself, who will pronounce a terrible sentence on them: “I will vomit you out of my mouth” (Rev 3:16). While to those who have taken part in the battle, proudly aligning themselves next to Our Lord, He says: “I will make the victor sit beside me on my throne, as I also have overcome and am seated with my Father on his throne” (Rev 3:21).
Let us therefore work to shorten the days of the tribulation and to ensure that the Greatest Reset takes place soon, putting an end to the tyranny of this sect of possessed people enslaved to the Evil One. Let us do so by training ourselves as athletes of the Faith in the exercise of the virtues and in spiritual growth, always preserving ourselves in the Grace of God. Let us do so by praying for our brothers and sisters, for our ecclesiastical and civil Superiors, and for our enemies: may the Lord touch their hearts and lead them to repentance, causing them to denounce the pressures and blackmails to which they have been subjected and the names of those responsible. Let us do so by speaking the truth, without concern for human respect, without giving in and without letting ourselves be intimidated. I appeal above all to those who hold positions of responsibility and who can bring to light the network of deceptions, crimes, and conflicts of interest that have made this scandalous planetary plot possible. Let us do so – and I conclude with this – by remaining faithful to what we have been taught, to the Faith of our Fathers, to the civilization that it has made germinate and flourish in our Homeland, to the world that they would like to cancel.
If each of us makes ourself a tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity and a throne of Christ the King, the society in which we live – both civil society as well as the Church – will not be able to do anything other than bowing down to Our Lord, because we will be leaven that makes the dough rise (Gal 5:9), the light of the world (Mt 5:14), and the salt of the earth (Mt 5:13). May this be the beginning of the true “Greatest Reset,” which we beg for from the Divine Majesty, through the intercession of Our Most Holy Mother, Mediatrix of All Graces and the Help of Christians. So may it be.
Autore Max Tex, basato sul documento originale dd.18 aprile 2020 (1,3).
Ecco un breve commento introduttivo ispirato all’Apocalisse di San Giovanni Evangelista. Si tratta del quinto Capitolo. L’occasione e’ utile per riflettere su un aspetto metodologico cruciale dello stesso testo. Precisamente si tratta di identificare la logica dell’Apocalisse, ovvero quale sia precisamente il fondamento razionale alla base delle rivelazioni contenute nello stesso testo. La questione e’ di straordinaria importanza, anche perche’, di fatto, lo stesso problema si pone riguardo anche ai tutti gli altri testi dei Vangeli! Sorprendentemente, almeno ad una prima analisi dei principali testi della teologia cristiana (2), questo aspetto sembrerebbe – ad eccezione apparentemente del solo, grandissimo, San Tommaso D’Aquino (3) – del tutto trascurato sia da autori/teologi cristiani antichi che (ancor peggio!) contemporanei. Infatti da sempre e’ di gran lunga prevalso il punto di vista della Logica Classica, o Logica Aristotelica, basata sul Principio della contraddizione a due vie di Aristotele (384 avanti Cristo, Stagira – 322 avanti Cristo, Calcide). Secondo tale principio ogni frase logica puo’ essere soltanto vera o falsa, le due possibilita’ restando mutuamente escluse.
La domanda che ci poniamo e’ infatti questa: qual’e’ la logica che emerge dalle rivelazioni dell’Apocalisse (4), ovvero la logica che dobbiamo necessariamente utilizzare nel nostro ragionamento razionale? Il punto di vista tradizionale e’ che quest’ultima coincida con la logica Aristotelica, ovvero quella basata sul principio della non contraddizione a due vie di Aristotele. Ma e’ davvero cosi? In altre parole la logica che dobbiamo necessariamente utilizzare da parte nostra per la lettura dell’Apocalisse, come degli altri testi del Vangelo, e’ davvero quella del vero e del falso, ogni altra possibilita’ restando esclusa?
All’inizio del Capitolo 5 dell’Apocalisse i primi 8 versi (qui basta considerarne in particolare due, ovvero i versi 3 e 4) che riguardano l’apertura dei sigilli del rotolo, il libro della Storia Umana custodito da Dio Padre in persona, “colui che sta seduto in trono”. Libro che “nessuno né in cielo, né in terra, né sotto terra era in grado di aprire il libro e di leggerlo“.
Si tratta del brano famoso dell’apertura dei sigilli da parte di Gesu’ Cristo. E’ anche l’occasione per la presentazione solenne di Cristo: Egli e’ insieme il Signore, ovvero il “Κύριος”, cioe’ il Messia Trionfante e l’Agnello, il Messia umile e vittima in croce, e insieme l’Alfa e l’Omega, il Primo e l’Ultimo, nonche’ la guida dell’Apostolo Giovanni (e nostro!) nel suo viaggio nel trascendente (il Paradiso). I primi otto versi riguardano il rotolo e i suoi sette sigilli:
E vidi nella mano destra di Colui
che era assiso sul trono un libro a
forma di rotolo, scritto sul lato
interno e su quello esterno,
sigillato con sette sigilli. 2
Vidi un
angelo forte che proclamava a
gran voce: “Chi è degno di aprire
il libro e scioglierne i sigilli?”
3Ma nessuno né in cielo, né in
terra, né sotto terra era in grado di aprire il libro e di leggerlo. 4 Io piangevo molto perché non si
trovava nessuno degno di aprire il
libro e di leggerlo. 5
Uno dei
vegliardi mi disse: “Non piangere
più; ha vinto il leone della tribù di
Giuda, il Germoglio di Davide, e
aprirà il libro e i suoi sette sigilli“.
L’aspetto straordinario e’ che sia Gesu’ stesso – nel racconto dell’Apocalisse, come pure nel nostro cammino personale alla Rivelazione – ad aprirci alla comprensione dell’Apocalisse, illuminandoci con il suo Spirito!
Lui solo infatti puo’ aprire il rotolo della Storia (rimuovendone i sigilli ad uno ad uno), Storia di cui e’ allo stesso tempo interprete e interpretazione. Cosa significa? Significa che gli eventi della Storia avvengono tutti sotto la Sua volonta’, anche quelli apparentemente malvagi, che si tramutano tutti in vittorie del Bene, ovvero Dio stesso!
Come puo’ dunque essere tutto cio’ compatibile con il libero arbitrio dell’uomo?
Questo accade perche’ gli eventi della storia (che Dio Padre in persona custodisce nel rotolo), per dono del Suo infinito amore verso gli uomini, non sono deterministici ma dipendono dall’agire degli stessi uomini, ovvero dalla loro libera scelta di stare dalla parte del Bene o del Male.
Di questo non possiamo pero’ renderci conto razionalmente ma solo per fede. Cio’ perche’ il nostro ragionare e’ limitato dalla nostra limitata conoscenza.
C’e’ quindi una razionalita’ superiore, irraggiungibile non solo da noi ma da qualunque creatura anche angelica. Si tratta della razionalita’, che oltrepassa la comprensione umana ed e’ quindi trascendente, di Dio Padre cui solo Lui puo’ attingere nella sua trascendenza infinita.
Infatti mentre Dio, essendo omnisciente, puo’ sempre distinguere il vero dal falso, noi uomini nella limitatezza non possiamo sempre farlo!
Quindi la nostra ragione puo’ fallire. Cio’ accade per tutto cio’ che riguarda il trascendente, ovvero il regno di Dio e Dio stesso!
Questo e’ il motivo, infatti, per cui non possiamo con la sola forza della logica razionale umana comprendere la stessa esistenza di Dio.
A meno, naturalmente, che non siamo aiutati da Gesu’ Cristo in persona! E’ Lui stesso che ci puo’ aprire, per un istante, la mente alla sua razionalita’ suprema! E farci intuire, come in un miracolo, il significato profondo delle cose di questo mondo e del trascendente!
Attraverso la rimozione dei sigilli dunque Gesu’ Cristo ci apre alla conoscenza della Storia, che diventa cosi accessibile con lo Spirito anche se non con la conoscenza razionale (questo e’ al di la’ delle nostre capacita’ perche’ non possiamo raggiungere in vita la trascendenza di Dio).
La conclusione riguardo alla domanda postaci all’inizio e’ dunque questa: la nostra logica, la logica umana, al contrario di quella di Dio, non puo’ discernere tutte le possibili frasi logiche! Esistono per noi frasi che sono indecidibili: sono (in particolare) necessariamente tutte quelle che riguardano il trascendente. Trascendente che per definizione non possiamo conoscere da soli e che quindi ci puo’ essere eventualmente soltanto rivelato dalla parola di Dio stesso, ovvero Gesu’ Cristo! Questo implica il superamento della Logica Aristotelica. La Logica della Rivelazione richiede infatti una nuova formulazione del principio di non-contraddizione. Quest’ultimo, al contrario del principio di Aristotele, deve essere infatti a tre vie. Precisamente, le frasi logiche che possiamo enunciare, escludendo la rivelazione di Dio, possono essere vere, false o indecidibili, ciascuna possibilita’ escludendo mutuamente le altre!
Peraltro, quando accettiamo – per fede – le rivelazioni di Dio, possiamo superare questa limitazione, nel senso che tramite le rivelazioni di Dio anche frasi logiche che riguardano il trascendente possono diventare per noi vere o false.
(1) https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=3328747660470838&set=a.975441279134833
(2) Si tratta comunque di un compito imponente dato che comporta l’esame dei testi principali di 2000 anni di tradizione cristiana!
(3) LA LOGICA DI SAN TOMMASO D’AQUINO: SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES -SOMMA CONTRO I GENTILI, Max Tex, 39 gennaio 2022, https://www.revelationvirgo.org/2022/01/30/summa-contra-gentiles-somma-contro-i-gentili-di-san-yommasio-daquino/
LINK ALLA S.MESSA/TO THE HOLY MASS: https://www.proselitismodellascienza.it/2021/11/09/venit-enim-filius-hominis-qu%c7%bdrere-et-salvum-facere-quod-perierat/?fbclid=IwAR3aKSckHNPej8dmgfvkc3yZHMmeBSa4eR2zm4_cR-RFrE9tYgqJRwYDblM
Apoc 21:2-5
In diébus illis: Vidi sanctam civitátem Ierúsalem novam descendéntem de cœlo a Deo, parátam sicut sponsam ornátam viro suo.
Luc 19:1-10
Zachǽe, festínans descénde; quia hódie in domo tua opórtet me manére!
Oggi e’ l’anniversario della dedicazione della prima basilica cristiana nel 324, San Giovanni (Battista) in Laterano. Il palazzo lateranense fu donato dall’imperatore Costantino al papa. Fu per lungo tempo il centro del cristianesimo.
Nei primi secoli i cristiani celebravano nelle chiese. In un secondo tempo usarono le catacombe, dove crearono delle Domus Ecclesiae. All’apparenza case ordinarie, all’interno erano delle chiese.
La nostra cappella e’ quindi una domus ecclesiae!
Il centro del cristianesimo e’ stato occupato da forze avveerse. Dov’e’ dunque il centro della chiesa cristiana? E’ spirituale: e’ il Cuore Immacolato di Maria!
Si adempiono le profezie di Fatima. Siamo radunati attorno al Cuore Immacolato della Donna Vestita di Sole. Che si rifugia nel deserto.
Siamo dunque nel deserto dove siamo protetti dalla BVM.
Dio non ci ha abbandonato. Dio sta preparando il futuro radioso della Chiesa, la Nuova Gerusalemme!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Rev 21: 2-5 In diébus illis: Vidi sanctam civitátem Ierúsalem novam descendéntem de cœlo a Deo, parátam sicut sponsam ornátam viro sua.
Luke 19: 1-10 Zachǽe, festínans descénde; quia hódie in domo your opórtet me manére!
Today is the anniversary of the dedication of the first Christian basilica in 324, San Giovanni (Baptist) in the Lateran.
The Lateran palace was donated by the emperor Constantine to the pope. It was for a long time the center of Christianity.
In the early centuries, Christians celebrated in churches. Later they used the catacombs, where they created Domus Ecclesiae.
In the appearance of ordinary houses, inside they were churches. Our chapel is therefore a domus ecclesiae! The center of Christianity has been occupied by adversary forces.
Where then is the center of the Christian church? It is spiritual: it is the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
The prophecies of Fatima are fulfilled. We are gathered around the Immaculate Heart of the Lady Clothed with the Sun.
Who takes refuge in the desert. We are therefore in the desert where we are protected by the BVM.
God has not abandoned us.
God is preparing the bright future of the Church, the New Jerusalem!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
Evangelium Luc 19:1-10
In illo témpore: Ingréssus Iesus perambulábat Iéricho. Et ecce, vir nómine Zachǽus: et hic princeps erat publicanórum, et ipse dives: et quærébat vidére Iesum, quis esset: et non póterat præ turba, quia statúra pusíllus erat. Et præcúrrens ascéndit in árborem sycómorum, ut vidéret eum; quia inde erat transitúrus. Et cum venísset ad locum, suspíciens Iesus vidit illum, et dixit ad eum: Zachǽe, festínans descénde; quia hódie in domo tua opórtet me manére. Et festínans descéndit, et excépit illum gaudens. Et cum vidérent omnes, murmurábant, dicéntes, quod ad hóminem peccatórem divertísset. Stans autem Zachǽus, dixit ad Dóminum: Ecce, dimídium bonórum meórum, Dómine, do paupéribus: et si quid áliquem defraudávi, reddo quádruplum. Ait Iesus ad eum: Quia hódie salus dómui huic facta est: eo quod et ipse fílius sit Abrahæ. Venit enim Fílius hóminis quǽrere et salvum fácere, quod períerat.
Gospel Luke 19:1-10
At that time, Jesus entered and was passing through Jericho. And behold there was a man named Zacchaeus; and he was a leading publican, and he was rich. And he was trying to see Jesus, Who He was, but could not, on account of the crowd, because he was small of stature. So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see Him, for He was going to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, Zacchaeus, make haste and come down; for I must stay in your house today. And he made haste and came down, and welcomed Him joyfully. And upon seeing it all began to murmur, saying, He has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.But Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, Behold, Lord, I give one-half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold. Jesus said to him, Today salvation has come to this house, since he, too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
Apoc 21:2-5
In diébus illis: Vidi sanctam civitátem Ierúsalem novam descendéntem de cœlo a Deo, parátam sicut sponsam ornátam viro suo.
Luc 19:1-10
Zachǽe, festínans descénde; quia hódie in domo tua opórtet me manére!
Oggi e’ l’anniversario della dedicazione della prima basilica cristiana nel 314, San Giovanni (Battista) in Laterano. Il palazzo lateranense fu donato dall’imperatore Costantino al papa. Fu per lungo tempo il centro del cristianesimo.
Nei primi secoli i cristiani celebravano nelle chiese. In un secondo tempo usarono le catacombe, dove crearono delle Domus Ecclesiae. All’apparenza di case ordinarie, all’interno erano delle chiese.
La nostra cappella e’ quindi una domus ecclesiae!
Il centro del cristianesimo e’ stato occupato da forze avvewerse. Dov’e’ dunque il centro della chiesa cristiana? E’ spirituale: e’ il Cuore Immacolato di Maria!
Si adempiono le profezie di Fatima. Siamo radunati attorno al Cuore Immacolato della Dponna Vestita di Sole. Che si rifugia nel deserto.
Siamo dunque nel deserto dove siamo protetti dalla BVM.
Dio non ci ha abbandonato. Dio sta preparando il futuro radioso della Chiesa, la Nuova Gerusalemme!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Rev 21: 2-5 In diébus illis: Vidi sanctam civitátem Ierúsalem novam descendéntem de cœlo a Deo, parátam sicut sponsam ornátam viro sua. Luke 19: 1-10 Zachǽe, festínans descénde; quia hódie in domo your opórtet me manére!
Today is the anniversary of the dedication of the first Christian basilica in 314, San Giovanni (Baptist) in the Lateran.
The Lateran palace was donated by the emperor Constantine to the pope. It was for a long time the center of Christianity.
In the early centuries, Christians celebrated in churches. Later they used the catacombs, where they created Domus Ecclesiae.
In the appearance of ordinary houses, inside they were churches. Our chapel is therefore a domus ecclesiae! The center of Christianity has been occupied by adversary forces.
Where then is the center of the Christian church? It is spiritual: it is the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
The prophecies of Fatima are fulfilled. We are gathered around the Immaculate Heart of the Lady Clothed with the Sun.
Who takes refuge in the desert. We are therefore in the desert where we are protected by the BVM.
God has not abandoned us.
God is preparing the bright future of the Church, the New Jerusalem!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.