Make straight the way of the Lord
ORARI S.MESSA DI OGGI DOMENICA 12 DICEMBRE ORE 10.30 – Dominica III Adventus ~ I. classis
e qui:
Evangelium Ioann 1:19-28
In illo tempore: Misérunt Iudǽi ab Ierosólymis sacerdótes et levítas ad Ioánnem, ut interrogárent eum: Tu quis es? Et conféssus est, et non negávit: et conféssus est: Quia non sum ego Christus. Et interrogavérunt eum: Quid ergo? Elías es tu? Et dixit: Non sum. Prophéta es tu? Et respondit: Non. Dixérunt ergo ei: Quis es, ut respónsum demus his, qui misérunt nos? Quid dicis de te ipso? Ait: Ego vox clamántis in desérto: Dirígite viam Dómini, sicut dixit Isaías Prophéta. Et qui missi fúerant, erant ex pharisǽis. Et interrogavérunt eum, et dixérunt ei: Quid ergo baptízas, si tu non es Christus, neque Elías, neque Prophéta? Respóndit eis Ioánnes, dicens: Ego baptízo in aqua: médius autem vestrum stetit, quem vos nescítis. Ipse est, qui post me ventúrus est, qui ante me factus est: cuius ego non sum dignus ut solvam eius corrígiam calceaménti. Hæc in Bethánia facta sunt trans Iordánem, ubi erat Ioánnes baptízans.
Gospel John 1:19-28
At that time, the Jews sent to John from Jerusalem priests and Levites to ask him, Who are you? And he acknowledged and did not deny; and he acknowledged, I am not the Christ. And they asked him, What then? Are you Elias? And he said, I am not. Are you the Prophet? And he answered, No. They therefore said to him, Who are you? that we may give an answer to those who sent us. What have you to say of yourself? He said, I am the voice of one crying in the desert, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as said Isaias the prophet. And they who had been sent were from among the Pharisees. And they asked him, and said to him, Why, then, do you baptize, if you are not the Christ, nor Elias, nor the Prophet? John said to them in answer, I baptize with water; but in the midst of you there has stood One Whom you do not know. He it is Who is to come after me, Who has been set above me, the strap of Whose sandal I am not worthy to loose. These things took place at Bethany, beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
Philipp 4:4-7
Fratres: Gaudéte in Dómino semper: íterum dico, gaudéte.
oann 1:19-28
In illo tempore: Misérunt Iudǽi ab Ierosólymis sacerdótes et levítas ad Ioánnem, ut interrogárent eum: Tu quis es? Et conféssus est, et non negávit: et conféssus est: Quia non sum ego Christus.
Siamo giunti alla III domenica di Avvento, detta “in gaudente” perche’ il Signore e’ vicino. Si tratta di una frase molto attuale!
I cristiani nel corso dei secoli sono rimasti in attesa. I tempi sono ora maturi per il secondo arrivo del Signore.
Per questo ci dice San Paolo “gioite!” Molti sono consapevoli, ma non tutti. Siamo in fatti preda dei media che dominano anche il pensiero.
Ma per noi valgono le parole dell’epistola!
Nonostante i piani dell’egemonia mondiale satanica, il Signore ci protegge e ci guida! Il Signore ascolta sempre le nostre preghiere e le esaudisce nella misura in cui si adeguano alla Sua volonta’ e a quella del Padre.
Nella sofferenza, non disperiamo e non incupiamoci, ma presentiamo a Dio le nostre preghiere! A chi possiamo rivolgerci e fidarci nell’avvenire, se non a Dio? Dio non abbandona il suo popolo nemmeno dal punto di vista fisico.
Affrontiamo il combattimento con mente serena, restiamo a Sua disposizione. Non dobbiamo diventare degli ostacoli, dobbiamo essere nella pace prima di tutto noi stessi.
Nel Vangelo i farisei vanno da San Giovanni Battista e gli chiedono chi egli sia. Non e’ il Messia, ne’ un profeta. Ma lui prepara la via al Signore.
Anche noi dobbiamo preparare la via al Signore! Con la preghiera, che e’ potente se unita a Maria!
Il braccio del Signore e’ pesante! Ma il cuore Immacolato di Maria interviene come mediatrice di tutte le grazie! Si tratta di perseverare nella preghiera. I tempi sono ormai brevi!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Phil 4:4-7
Brethren: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice.
John 1:19-28
At that time, the Jews sent to John from Jerusalem priests and Levites to ask him, Who are you? And he acknowledged and did not deny; and he acknowledged, I am not the Christ.
We have reached the third Sunday of Advent, called “in pleasure-seeker” because the Lord is near. This is a very timely phrase! Christians over the centuries have been waiting. The time is now ripe for the second arrival of the Lord.
This is why Saint Paul tells us “rejoice!” Many are aware, but not all of them. We are in fact prey to the media that also dominate thought. But the words of the epistle are valid for us! Despite the plans of the satanic world hegemony, the Lord protects and guides us!
The Lord always listens to our prayers and answers them to the extent that they conform to His will and that of the Father. In suffering, let us not despair and let us not become gloomy, but let us present our prayers to God! To whom can we turn and trust in the future, if not God? God does not abandon his people even from a physical point of view.
We face the fight with a clear mind, we remain at your disposal. We must not become obstacles, we must be in peace first of all ourselves.
In the Gospel the Pharisees go to St. John the Baptist and ask him who he is. He is not the Messiah, nor a prophet.
But he prepares the way for the Lord.
We too must prepare the way for the Lord! With prayer, which is powerful when united with Mary!
The Lord’s arm is heavy! But the Immaculate Heart of Mary intervenes as a mediator of all graces!
It is a question of persevering in prayer. Times are now short!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.