
Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?
ORARI S.MESSA DI OGGI MERCOLEDI 12 GENNAIO 2022, ORE 8.00 – Die Duodecima Januarii ~ IV. classis
Tempora: Feria IV infra Hebdomadam I post Epiphaniam
e qui:
Evangelium Luc 2:42-52
Cum factus esset Iesus annórum duódecim, ascendéntibus illis Ierosólymam secúndum consuetúdinem diéi festi, consummatísque diébus, cum redírent, remánsit puer Iesus in Ierúsalem, et non cognovérunt paréntes eius. Existimántes autem illum esse in comitátu, venérunt iter diéi, et requirébant eum inter cognátos et notos. Et non inveniéntes, regréssi sunt in Ierúsalem, requiréntes eum. Et factum est, post tríduum invenérunt illum in templo sedéntem in médio doctórum, audiéntem illos et interrogántem eos. Stupébant autem omnes, qui eum audiébant, super prudéntia et respónsis eius. Et vidéntes admiráti sunt. Et dixit Mater eius ad illum: Fili, quid fecísti nobis sic? Ecce, pater tuus et ego doléntes quærebámus te. Et ait ad illos: Quid est, quod me quærebátis? Nesciebátis, quia in his, quæ Patris mei sunt, opórtet me esse? Et ipsi non intellexérunt verbum, quod locútus est ad eos. Et descéndit cum eis, et venit Názareth: et erat súbditus illis. Et Mater eius conservábat ómnia verba hæc in corde suo. Et Iesus proficiébat sapiéntia et ætáte et grátia apud Deum et hómines.
Gospel Luke 2:42-52
When Jesus was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast. And after they had fulfilled the days, when they were returning, the Boy Jesus remained in Jerusalem, and His parents did not know it. But thinking that He was in the caravan, they had come a day’s journey before it occurred to them to look for Him among their relatives and acquaintances. And not finding Him, they returned to Jerusalem in search of Him. And it came to pass after three days, that they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. And all who were listening to Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. And when they saw Him, they were astonished. And His Mother said to Him, Son, why have You done so to us? Behold, in sorrow Your father and I have been seeking You. And He said to them, How is it that you sought Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business? And they did not understand the word that He spoke to them. And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them; and His Mother kept all these things carefully in her heart. And Jesus advanced in wisdom and age and grace before God and men.

Rom 12:1-5
E non vogliate conformarvi a questo secolo, ma riformatevi col rinnovamento del vostro spirito: affinché possiate conoscere quale sia la volontà di Dio, ciò ch’è bene, gradito e perfetto.
Luc 2:42-52
Quando Gesú raggiunse i dodici anni, essendo essi saliti a Gerusalemme, secondo l’usanza di quella solennità, e, passati quei giorni, se ne ritornarono, il fanciullo Gesú rimase a Gerusalemme, né i suoi genitori se ne avvidero.
Oggi e’ il settimo e penultimo giorno dell’ottava di Epifania che termina domani giovedi 13 gennaio, dedicato al Battesimo di Gesu’.
E’ il Vangelo di Luca in cui Gesu’, dodicenne, resta nel tempio di Gerusalemme a discutere con i Rabbi la Bibbia. Infatti Gesu’ mette al primo posto nella sua vita l’obbedienza al Padre. Per tre giorni resta nel Tempio di Gerusalemme.
Ma al ritorno a Nazareth, Gesu’ ritorna nel nascondimento, dove restera’ fino a trent’anni per annunciare il Vangelo.
Anche a noi ci si chiede di discernere quale sia la volonta di Dio nei nostri confronti.
Tutto va censito nel proprio animo da ciascuno di noi.
Attraverso la nostra coscienza, nella preghiera e nell’esercizio della nostra vita.
Ciascuno ha infatti la sua missione. Ciascuno ha il suo compito che Gesu’ gli ha comandato di svolgere con umilta’ e dedizione.
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Rom 12: 1-5
And do not want to conform to this century, but reform yourselves with the renewal of your spirit: so that you may know what God’s will is, what is good, pleasing and perfect.
Luke 2: 42-52
When Jesus reached the age of twelve, they had gone up to Jerusalem, according to the custom of that solemnity, and, after those days, they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem, nor did his parents realize it.
Today is the seventh and penultimate day of the octave of Epiphany which ends tomorrow Thursday 13 January, dedicated to the Baptism of Jesus.
It is the Gospel of Luke in which 12-year-old Jesus remains in the temple of Jerusalem to discuss the Bible with the Rabbis.
In fact, Jesus puts obedience to the Father first in his life. For three days he remains in the Temple of Jerusalem.
But upon returning to Nazareth, Jesus returns in hiding, where he will remain for up to thirty years to proclaim the Gospel.
We too are asked to discern what God’s will is towards us.
Everything must be recorded in one’s soul by each of us.
Through our conscience, in prayer and in the exercise of our life. In fact, each has its own mission.
Each has his own task that Jesus commanded him to carry out with humility and dedication.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
Una risposta su “Nesciebátis, quia in his, quæ Patris mei sunt, opórtet me esse?”
[…] Riferimento: https://www.proselitismodellascienza.it/2022/01/12/nesciebatis-quia-in-his-quae-patris-mei-sunt-opor… […]