The high time has come: we have to dissent strongly and firmly, condemning the never ending blasphemies and apostasy of JM Bergoglio!
He is the “Impostor” which the Most High Virgin Mary (MHVM) has announced in her prophetic revelations (1), the “idol sheperd” of the Jesus Christ revelations (2) and antichrist of the biblical prophecies (3).
All of us, consecrated to the MHVM and followers of Benedictus XVI, the only Vicar of Christ and successor on the chair of Saint Peter, we’ll not stop shouting:
until he will be forced by his own undounted and irresistible satanic damnation to resign (or else get forcefully dismissed!) from his fake role of head of the Church, together with his ignoble followers of the satanic synagogues!
This will be the Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for which she will be called (4)
The Victorius Queen of the World!