Ma quali sono gli elementi caratterizzanti la sinistra Pro-NWO? Lo dice il nome stesso NWO (New World Order), il nuovo ordine mondiale, che si basa su MITI PERVERSI, ANTISCIENTIFICI E ATEI quali:
A) MITO (ANTISCIENTIFICO) DELL’AMBIENTALISMO CATASTROFISTA, secondo il quale: 1) il mutamento climatico terrestre attuale sarebbe irreversibile, 2) porterebbe alla scomparsa della vita sulla terra entro breve tempo (2030-2050) e 3) sarebbe causato dalle attivita’ umane. Si tratta di un mito antiscientifico basato su estrapolazioni sballate formulate da organizzazioni collegate all’ONU (1).
B) IL MITO (ANTISCIENTIFICO) DEL METICCIATO (SOCIETA’ UNICA GLOBALE EGUALITARIA), secondo il quale le attivita’ economiche e di conseguenze anche le regole di vita (cultura, religione, lingua) e di riproduzione/morte dovrebbero essere uniformate a livello mondiale in modo da garantire il diritto all’uguaglianza tra tutti gli individui e in particolare l’applicazione dei cosiddetti DIRITTI DI MORTE.
(1) IL DIRITTO ALL’ABORTO LEGALIZZATO (basato sull’idea antiscientifica che che un feto si possa considerare un essere umano solo dopo la nascita. Perversione che, peraltro, arriva a giustificare anche il preteso diritto alla soppressione ad libitum dei bambini appena nati!)
(2) IL DIRITTO AL GENDER LGBTQ (ovvero il mito perverso e antiscientifico che sia possibile per ciascun essere umano alterare il sesso biologico contenuto in ciascuna delle circa 37,2 trilioni di cellule che costituiscono il corpo umano, cambiandolo arbitrariamente e/o lasciandolo di fatto indefinito)
(3) IL DIRITTO ALL’EUTANASIA (e’ il vero il mito perverso e immorale che sia possibile per ciascun essere umano o per determinati individui/organizzazioni terminare la vita di se stessi o altri individui)
In highly vaccinated nations around the world, births are down significantly and excess mortality is up significantly. These are the same countries whose populations are already aging and in decline. It is time to give the depopulation ‘conspiracy theorists’ an apology.
Israeli death:
Australian death:
The red line represents death.
From Trust the Evidence’s analysis of the Australian Bureau of Statistics death data:
From June 2021 to May 2022, there were 16,467 more deaths than normal in Australia;
5,619 of these were attributed to covid, and 10,848 were not explained and weren’t covid.
The ABS also tracks the number of deaths against historical averages.
In May, 16,124 deaths occurred: 1,922 (13.5%) above the historical average.
In 2022, 75,593 deaths occurred by 31 May: 10,757 deaths (16.6%), more than the average.
Deaths due to dementia were 20.5 percent above the average for the year to May; cancer was 6 percent above, and diabetes was 20 percent higher.
I have already the thousand excess deaths a week in Britain. Yes, a thousand a week.Chris WaldburgerBritish press finally start asking questions about all the deathsAlmost a year ago, I tried to sound the alarm about what was becoming obvious in British death data: After another year of mysterious and tragic excess death, the establishment newspapers in that country are edging their way to asking some hard questions of their government. However, they are still unable to question the modern sacrament of vaccination, …Read morea month ago · 44 likes · Chris Waldburger
German death:
Eugyppius brings to our attention an upcoming paper by German researchers from the Universities of Regensburg and Osnabrück, who applied actuarial analysis to official German death data:
In 2020, the observed number of deaths was close to the expected number with respect to the empirical standard deviation. By contrast, in 2021, the observed number of deaths was two empirical standard deviations above the expected number. The high excess mortality in 2021 was almost entirely due to an increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79 and started to accumulate only from April 2021 onwards. A similar mortality pattern was observed for stillbirths with an increase of about 11 percent in the second quarter of the year 2021.
Something must have happened in April 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality in the age groups below 80 years, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the COVID-19 pandemic so far.
What happened in Germany in April 2021? Shhhh.
Swiss death:
Again, via Eugyppius, deaths in vaccinated Switzerland outstrip the unvaccinated pandemic years:
He goes on to quote a leading Swiss newspaper:
Until now, such scenes like this only happened in other countries: People who visit a doctor’s office are sent home due to capacity reasons or have to wait for hours. This week, sick people were faced with closed doors at the Permanence-Practice on the Marktplatz in Oerlikon. A notice said: “Due to high workload, we are unfortunately unable to accept any more patients today.”
This is by no means an isolated case in Switzerland. Axel Rowedder, specialist for internal medicine and head of the Medix clinics in Basel and Pratteln, has also had to briefly close his walk-in practices a few times this summer. “The congestion in the outpatient sector is massive. In Pratteln or at the Basel train station we have waiting times of up to four hours, sometimes even longer” …
Why are so many people suddenly ill? Where are all the patients coming from? “If we only knew,” says [Esther] Wiesendanger [another clinic administrator]. “I have the feeling that more people are sick and also more often.” But she won’t speculate on the reasons.
Il dato interessante da confrontare e’ la percentuale (qui misurata su 10^5) di morti per covid tra i vaccinati (specialmente con 2 o piu’ dosi) e i non vaccinati.