Col 3:12-17 Fratelli: Rivestitevi come eletti di Dio, santi e amati, di sentimenti di misericordia, di bontà, di umiltà, di modestia e di pazienza, sopportandovi a vicenda e perdonandovi se qualcuno ha da dolersi di un altro.
Matt 13:24-30 In quel tempo: Gesù disse alle turbe questa parabola: Il regno dei cieli è simile a un uomo che seminò buon seme nel suo campo. Ma nel tempo che gli uomini dormivano, il suo nemico andò e seminò della zizzania in mezzo al grano, e partì.
Cerchiamo di leggere questa parabola molto nota alla luce della situazione attuale.
Questa mietitura deve essere vicina. La zizzania infatti e’ molto cresciuta. Si e’ diffusa in tutte le istituzione e anche nella gerarchia e nella struttura della chiesa.
Non possiamo affermare che solo noi siamo il grano, non possiamo dirlo certamente. Ma e’ quello che con buona volonta’ cerchiamo di fare.
Del male della zizzania ne facciamo esperienza ogni giorno, tramite la televisione. Da anni ormai e’ diventata uno strumento anticristiano, una vera congiura contro la vera chiesa, un continuo omaggio a satana!
Nel silenzio completo della gerarchia, tutti gli anni si ripetono gli stessi eventi blasfemi. Ce’ da chiedersi se vi sia rimasto qualcuno di onesto tra i consacrati. Infatti, e’ certo che tutti i nominati dall’anti-papa siano invalidi. Non c’e’ su di lui la grazia di Cristo! E’ l’anti-papa che ha abbandonato la Chiesa ed e’ uno scismatico. Sono infatti scismatici coloro che hanno nominato un falso papa abbandonando il vicario di Cristo. Non sono piu’ pastori dei fedeli, non cercano piu’ il bene della chiesa!
Ma la mietituta della zizzania e’ vicina!
Occorre quindi separare il grano dalla zizzania! Occorre quindi, da parte di ciascuno, discernere! Occorre avere pazienza, preghiera per gli altri perche’ si convertano, occorre avere carita’ affinche’ tutti coloro che sono in errore possano salvarsi!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Col 3: 12-17
Brothers: Clothe yourselves as God’s elect, holy and loved ones, with sentiments of mercy, goodness, humility, modesty and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has to complain about another.
Matt 13: 24-30
At that time: Jesus told the crowds this parable: The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while the men slept, his enemy went and sowed weeds among the wheat, and departed.
Let us try to read this well-known parable in the light of the current situation. This harvest must be near. In fact, the weeds have grown a lot. It has spread to all institutions and also to the hierarchy and structure of the church.
We cannot say that only we are the wheat, we certainly cannot say that. But that’s what we try to do with good will. We experience the evil of the weeds every day through television. For years now it has become an anti-Christian tool, a real conspiracy against the true church, a continuous homage to Satan!
In the complete silence of the hierarchy, the same blasphemous events happen every year. One wonders if there is anyone honest left among the consecrated.
In fact, all those appointed by the anti-pope are invalid. The grace of Christ is not upon him! It is the anti-pope who has abandoned the Church and is a schismatic.
In fact, schismatics are those who have appointed a false pope by abandoning the vicar of Christ. They are no longer pastors of the faithful, they no longer seek the good of the church!
But the reaper of the weeds is near! It is therefore necessary to separate the wheat from the tares!
It is therefore necessary, on the part of each, to discern!
It is necessary to have patience, prayer for others so that they convert, it is necessary to have charity so that all those who are in error can be saved!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
Oggi ricordiamo Sant’Andrea Corsini (Firenze, 30 novembre 1301 – Fiesole, 6 gennaio 1374). E’ stato un religioso italiano dell’Ordine Carmelitano, vescovo di Fiesole e legato pontificio a Bologna: è stato proclamato beato da papa Eugenio IV nel 1440 e santo da papa Urbano VIII il 22 aprile 1629.
Dopo una giovinezza dissoluta, si converti e maturò la decisione di diventare frate carmelitano. Nel 1332 tornò a Firenze dove fu eletto priore del locale convento carmelitano: nel 1349, il capitolo della cattedrale lo elesse vescovo di Fiesole incarico che, seppur riluttante, finì per accettare. Fu anche inviato da papa Urbano V come legato pontificio a Bologna, dove si dedicò alla pacificazione delle fazioni cittadine in lotta tra loro.
Fu un grande predicatore e un combattente inflessibile contro l’immoralita’ nella chiesa.
Noi viviamo una situazione simile. La Chiesa vive uno stato di profonda crisi. Molti vescovi tradiscono la loro missione e la loro stessa ordinazione ponendo in dubbio e tentando di cambiare il Depositum Fidei.
L’anti-papa ha paragonato il battesimo a una sorta di “vaccino”, un farmaco che abbisiogna di “richiami”.
Ma il battesimo e’ per sempre, come il sacerdozio!
Questo apostata e’ ignorante dei fondamenti del catechismo. I vescovi e i teologi non si pronunciano sulle dichiarazioni eretiche che provengono dal Vaticano.
Ormai cio che accade nel mondo civile viene portato avanti dalla falsa chiesa. I suoi rappresentanti sono usciti dalla retta dottrina. Non sono piu’ ministri di Cristo, ma di una nuova falsa chiesa!
Il Signore presto verra’ e distruggerla, facendo rinascere la Sua vera chiesa, la Chiesa Cattolica!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Today we remember Sant’Andrea Corsini (Florence, 30 November 1301 – Fiesole, 6 January 1374) was an Italian religious of the Carmelite Order, bishop of Fiesole and papal legate in Bologna: he was proclaimed blessed by Pope Eugene IV in 1440 and a saint by Pope Urban VIII on April 22, 1629.
After a dissolute youth, he converted and made the decision to become a Carmelite friar. In 1332 he returned to Florence where he was elected prior of the local Carmelite convent: in 1349, the chapter of the cathedral elected him bishop of Fiesole, a position which, albeit reluctantly, he ended up accepting.
He was also sent by Pope Urban V as papal legate to Bologna, where he dedicated himself to the pacification of the city’s factions in conflict with each other.
He was a great preacher and an inflexible fighter against immorality in the church.
Nowadays, we live in a similar situation. The Church is experiencing a state of profound crisis.
Many bishops betray their mission and their own ordination by questioning and attempting to change the Depositum Fidei.
The anti-pope compared baptism to a sort of “vaccine”, a drug that needs “boosters”. But baptism is forever, like the priesthood!
This apostate is ignorant of the fundamentals of the catechism. The bishops and theologians do not pronounce themselves on the heretical declarations that come from the Vatican.
Now what happens in the civilized world is carried out by the false church.
Its representatives have fallen out of right doctrine. They are no longer ministers of Christ, but of a new false church!
The Lord will soon come and destroy it, reviving His true church, the Catholic Church!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
The Covid-19 jab was implicated in 93% of the deaths in people who were autopsied. The most interesting point to note is the original coroner or public prosecutor claimed that they were not due to the genocide jab. Initially, fifteen bodies were examined, from ages 28 to 95. They had died from 7 days to 6 months after “vaccination.” However, further examination revealed that the clot shot was the cause of death in 14 of 15 patients. The most attacked organ was the heart, but other organs were involved such as the lungs and liver. The significance of these findings is baffling, since there is a potential of millions of deaths.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Arne Burkhardt have done marvelous work to make the public aware of these dangerous Covid-19 shots. Family members requested the bodies of these victims to be thoroughly examined. Dr. Bhakdi has dedicated his whole life to practicing, teaching, and researching microbiology and infectious disease. Dr. Burkhardt is a world renowned pathologist and virologist who has published over 300 papers in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, and virology. Both men work currently in Germany. Ironically Dr. Bhakdi is thinking of leaving the country because health authorities want his 4 year old child Covid jabbed.
Both Dr, Bhakdi and Dr. Burkhardt noticed that in 14 of the 15 patients witnessed there were widespread evidence of the body attacking itself, which they had never seen before. These patients were people who died at home, in sporting events, in the car, or at work. Dr. Burkhardt was able to add 55 more patients to his examinations, increasing the total number to 70. In over 90% of the deceased, Dr. Burkhardt found autoimmune self-attack in the tissues of these organs by killer T-lymphocytes, in ages 28 to 90. In all deaths they found the same pathological findings. The only common denominator in all these people was the genocide Covid jab, a gene based therapy, which caused spike protein damage to tissue. Four of the victims from the Covid-19 shot, only received one dose. With each Covid jab, the immune system gets progressively worse. Dr. Bhakdi describes the shots as “leaky,”producing spike proteins that set up the organs for attack by killer lymphocytes. He also noted that these lymphocytes in the lymphatic system are dying. These cells are responsible for destroying viruses and bacteria that are already in our bodies, such as infectious mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, Epstein-Barr virus, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, and any other dormant ones. Dr. Bhakdi also noted there is “an explosion of tumors and cancers among the vaccinated that no one can explain.” The lymphocytes are the cells responsible for controlling cancers in our bodies.
Dr. Hoffe had found earlier this year in his own research that 60% of patients who received the genocide jab, had elevated D-dimer levels, which is an indicator of clotting on on the walls of small blood vessels. Dr. Ryan Cole, another pathologist, is seeing a twenty-fold increase in uterine cancer, along with other tumors as well. Dr. Cole has noted that the “vaccines” do not cause patients to produce enough secretory IgA. Immunoglobulin A is the first line of defense against harmful microbes, while maintaining a balanced immunological response. Lastly, Dr. Cole acknowledges the T-cell infiltrates in the jabbed population are tissue destructive. He wants to do a study to see how the spike protein deposits in the organs at the site of the infiltrates.
The work of the Bhakdi/Burkhardt team is bombshell. This is the first time a study explained how the genocide jabs are killing lymphocytes in the lymphatic system, which is equivalent to a sewage treatment plant of the body. This will consequently lead to the emergence of dormant pathogens infecting the host. I personally know a nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania who came down with shingles and Covid-19 infection, after her third booster shot. One of the questions that I have and I believe we need more research on, is this: Is the death of the lymphocytes a permanent consequence of the Covid injection? We know from previous studies that each shot seems to destroy immunity. Are the jabbed setting themselves up for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, which would lead to breakthrough infections?
The work of the Bhakdi/Burkhardt team, as well as Dr. Hoffe and Dr. Cole, can be outlined as follows. First, inflammatory events in small blood vessels, are characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and dead endothelial cells, which in turn can lead to blood clots. Second, there is an extensive accumulation of T-lymphocytes in the tissue surrounding blood vessels. Third, there is a massive infiltration of organs and tissue with these killer cells. From the work of all these scientists, we see that the heart is the main organ involved, but clotting can occur anywhere with these Covid jabs, from the brain to the blood vessels. These “clot shots” must be stopped!
Ioann 2:1-11 In illo témpore: Núptiæ factæ sunt in Cana Galilǽæ: et erat Mater Iesu ibi. Vocátus est autem et Iesus, et discípuli eius ad núptias. Et deficiénte vino, dicit Mater Iesu ad eum: Vinum non habent. Et dicit ei Iesus: Quid mihi et tibi est, mulier? nondum venit hora mea. Dicit Mater eius minístris: Quodcúmque díxerit vobis, fácite. Erant autem ibi lapídeæ hýdriæ sex pósitæ secúndum purificatiónem Iudæórum, capiéntes síngulæ metrétas binas vel ternas. Dicit eis Iesus: Implete hýdrias aqua. Et implevérunt eas usque ad summum. Et dicit eis Iesus: Hauríte nunc, et ferte architriclíno. Et tulérunt. Ut autem gustávit architriclínus aquam vinum fáctam, et non sciébat unde esset, minístri autem sciébant, qui háuserant aquam: vocat sponsum architriclínus, et dicit ei: Omnis homo primum bonum vinum ponit: et cum inebriáti fúerint, tunc id, quod detérius est. Tu autem servásti bonum vinum usque adhuc. Hoc fecit inítium signórum Iesus in Cana Galilǽæ: et manifestávit glóriam suam, et credidérunt in eum discípuli eius.
John 2:1-11 At that time, a marriage took place at Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Now Jesus too was invited to the marriage, and also His disciples. And the wine having run short, the mother of Jesus said to Him, They have no wine. And Jesus said to her, What would you have me do, woman? My hour has not yet come. His mother said to the attendants, Do whatever He tells you. Now six stone water-jars were placed there, after the Jewish manner of purification, each holding two or three measures. Jesus said to them, Fill the jars with water. And they filled them to the brim. And Jesus said to them, Draw out now, and take to the chief steward. And they took it to him. Now when the chief steward had tasted the water after it had become wine, not knowing whence it was – though the attendants who had drawn the water knew, – the chief steward called the bridegroom, and said to him, Every man at first sets forth the good wine, and when they have drunk freely, then that which is poorer. But you have kept the good wine until now. This first of His signs Jesus worked at Cana of Galilee; and He manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.
Rom 12:1-5 E non vogliate conformarvi a questo secolo, ma riformatevi col rinnovamento del vostro spirito: affinché possiate conoscere quale sia la volontà di Dio, ciò ch’è bene, gradito e perfetto.
Luc 2:42-52 Quando Gesú raggiunse i dodici anni, essendo essi saliti a Gerusalemme, secondo l’usanza di quella solennità, e, passati quei giorni, se ne ritornarono, il fanciullo Gesú rimase a Gerusalemme, né i suoi genitori se ne avvidero.
Oggi e’ il sesto giorno dell’ottava di Epifania che termina giovedi 13 gennaio.
Gesu’ nel Vangelo rimane nel tempio di Gerusalemme. Ma al ritorno a Nazareth, Gesu’ ritorna nel nascondimento. Si manifestera’ a trent’anni per annunciare il Vangelo.
Il Signore si assoggetta a questa volonta di Dio. Anche San Paolo ci esorta a non valutarci piu’ degli altri, a non assumere atteggiamenti di superbia, volere primeggiare. Questa tentazione deve essere evitata nella comunita’, perche’ la Chiesa e’ un solo corpo.
Ma ciascuno ha la sua missione. Ciascuno ha il suo compito che Gesu’ gli ha comandato di svolgere con umilta’ e dedizione.
Oggi c’e’ anche la memoria di San Igino, santo papa e martire del secondo secolo. Fu un combattente della fede, che si batte’ per la diffusione del vangelo contro la cultura, le menzogne e la religione del paganesimo,
Quanto a noi ci attende il Grande Avvertimento. Non sappiamo pero’ il momento preciso in cui avvera’.
La cosa piu’ urgente e’ prepararsi attraverso la purificazione, mortificazione, pentimento ma soprattutto preghiera per tutte le anime piu’ deboli che soggiacciono alle tentazioni.
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Rom 12: 1-5
And do not want to conform to this century, but reform yourselves with the renewal of your spirit: so that you may know what God’s will is, what is good, pleasing and perfect.
Luke 2: 42-52
When Jesus reached the age of twelve, they had gone up to Jerusalem, according to the custom of that solemnity, and, after those days, they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem, nor did his parents realize it.
Today is the sixth day of the octave of Epiphany which ends Thursday 13 January.
Jesus in the Gospel remains in the temple of Jerusalem.
But upon returning to Nazareth, Jesus returns in hiding. He will manifest himself at thirty to announce the Gospel.
The Lord submits himself to this will of God.
Even St. Paul urges us not to value ourselves more than others, not to assume attitudes of pride, to want to excel.
This temptation must be avoided in the community, because the Church is one body.
But each has its own mission. Each has his own task that Jesus commanded him to carry out with humility and dedication.
Today there is also the memory of San Igino, a saint pope and martyr of the second century. He was a fighter of the faith, who fought for the spread of the gospel against the culture, lies and religion of paganism,
As for us, the Great Warning awaits us.
However, we do not know the exact moment in which it will happen. The most urgent thing is to prepare oneself through purification, mortification, repentance but above all prayer for all the weakest souls who are subjected to temptations.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
Sul blog e’ apparso il seguente documento non firmato.
Molti hanno amato e continuano ad amare Papa Benedetto, ma altri (purtroppo) non hanno saputo (e/o voluto) apprezzare il grande dono che il Signore ci ha fatto con Benedetto XVI Pontefice… ed è per questo che Papa Benedetto ha dovuto “lasciare”…
Adesso, però, queste persone non dicano: “ah! Ma io”… perché con Cristo questi “giochetti” non funzionano! …
Ognuno (chiunque sia) si prenda le sue responsabilità e si faccia un bell’esame di coscienza!!! ….
Un giorno gli sarà chiesto di rispondere……
e non vorrei essere al loro posto!
La domanda che sorge spontanea a questo punto e’ pero’ la seguente: a chi rivolge realmente la sua critica (severa) l’anonimo? Ai semplici fedeli o piuttosto – come e’ del resto ovvio e naturale – alla gerarchia ecclesiastica formata dai consacrati, religiosi, teologi, sacerdoti, vescovi e (naturalmente) cardinali – e piu’ precisamente agli ecclesiastici “che contano” in Vaticano ed anche presso le conferenze episcopali nazionali (particolarmente in Germania, Italia, USA, Francia, Belgio, …).
Secondo un articolo pubblicato sul blog JOSEPH RATZINGER :B16 E G.GÄNSWEIN (1) si afferma che la profezia di Malachia citerebbe “papa Francesco”. Ecco il testo che contiene questa affermazione:
“In base ai commenti di Alfonso Chacón sarebbe possibile calcolare l’ultimo Papa e la fine del mondo: dopo Giovanni Paolo II (De labore solis) ci sarebbero altri tre Pontefici: Benedetto XVI, Francesco e un altro, che assumerebbe il nome di Pietro II. Di lui è scritto: Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus; quibus transactis, civitas septicollis diruetur, et ludex tremendus iudicabit populum. Finis (Pietro Romano, che pascerà le pecore tra molte tribolazioni. Terminate queste, verrà distrutta la città dalle sette colline, e il tremendo Giudice giudicherà il suo popolo. Fine).“
Secondo un articolo di Aleteia, blog notoriamente ultra-pro-bergogliano, addirittura :
1) le rivelazioni profetiche di “due papi” di Katherina Emmerich sarebbero false (3)
2) parimenti la profezia di Malachia sull’ultimo papa sarebbe da considerarsi semplicemente falsa.
Ma non basta, Aleteia va all’attacco anche delle rivelazioni di Maria Valtorta (4)
Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world!
ORARI S.MESSA DI OGGI GIOVEDI 13 GENNAIO 2022, ORE 8.00 – In Commemoratione Baptismatis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi ~ II. classis Tempora: Feria V infra Hebdomadam I post Epiphaniam
EvangeliumIoann 1:29-34 In illo témpore: Vidit Ioánnes Iesum veniéntem ad se, et ait: Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce, qui tollit peccátum mundi. Hic est, de quo dixi: Post me venit vir, qui ante me factus est: quia prior me erat. Et ego nesciébam eum, sed ut manifestétur in Israël, proptérea veni ego in aqua baptízans. Et testimónium perhíbuit Ioánnes, dicens: Quia vidi Spíritum descendéntem quasi colúmbam de coelo, et mansit super eum. Et ego nesciébam eum: sed qui misit me baptizáre in aqua, ille mihi dixit: Super quem víderis Spíritum descendéntem, et manéntem super eum, hic est, qui baptízat in Spíritu Sancto. Et ego vidi: et testimónium perhíbui, quia hic est Fílius Dei.
GospelJohn 1:29-34 At that time, John saw Jesus coming to him, and he said, Behold, the Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world! This is He of Whom I said, ‘After me there comes One Who has been set above me, because He was before me.’ And I did not know Him. But that He may be known to Israel, for this reason have I come baptizing with water. And John bore witness, saying, I beheld the Spirit descending as a dove from heaven, and it abode upon Him. And I did not know Him. But He Who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He upon Whom you will see the Spirit descending, and abiding upon Him, He it is Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.