EvangeliumLuc 21:25-33. In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis: Erunt signa in sole et luna et stellis, et in terris pressúra géntium præ confusióne sónitus maris et flúctuum: arescéntibus homínibus præ timóre et exspectatióne, quæ supervénient univérso orbi: nam virtútes cœlórum movebúntur. Et tunc vidébunt Fílium hóminis veniéntem in nube cum potestáte magna et maiestáte. His autem fíeri incipiéntibus, respícite et leváte cápita vestra: quóniam appropínquat redémptio vestra. Et dixit illis similitúdinem: Vidéte ficúlneam et omnes árbores: cum prodúcunt iam ex se fructum, scitis, quóniam prope est æstas. Ita et vos, cum vidéritis hæc fíeri, scitóte, quóniam prope est regnum Dei. Amen, dico vobis, quia non præteríbit generátio hæc, donec ómnia fiant. Cœlum et terra transíbunt: verba autem mea non transíbunt.
GospelLuke 21:25-33 At that time, Jesus said to His disciples: There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations bewildered by the roaring of sea and waves; men fainting for fear and for expectation of the things that are coming on the world; for the powers of heaven will be shaken. And then they will see the son of Man coming upon a cloud with great power and majesty. but when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption is at hand. And He spoke to them a parable. Behold the fig tree, and all the trees. When they now put forth their buds, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things coming to pass, know that the kingdom of God is near. Amen I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all things have been accomplished. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
Come consacrati alla Beata Vergine Maria, Ti imploriamo e Ti preghiamo, Signore Nostro Gesu’, di voler benedire la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, umilmente ispirata alla Tua Preghiera Continua, affinche’ possa produrre i frutti di grazia che Tu desideri. Per questo ti preghiamo ogni giorno secondo le tre preghiere di consacrazione (1-3), sperando di svolgere il nostro compito degnamente affinche’ tu le possa accettare.
As consacrated to the Blessed Holy Virgin, we implore and pray You, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to bless the Chain of Prayer of the Small Remnant, humbly inspired by Your Continuous Prayer, so that it may produce the fruits of grace that You desire. For this we pray to you every day according to the three prayers of consecration (1-3), hoping to carry out our task worthily so that you can accept them.
Oh Nostro Redentore Gesu’ Cristo, Signore della Misericordia, Nostro Redentore e Salvatore, che ci hai salvato dal male del peccato tramite la Tua Passione, Morte sulla Croce e Resurrezione dopo tre giorni, Ti preghiamo.
Oh Our Redeemer Jesus Christ and Lord of Mercy, Our Redemptor and Saviour, that have saved all of us from the evil of sin by means of your Passion, Death on Cross and Resurrection after three days, we pray You.
Ti preghiamo, oh Sacro Capo di Gesu’, Tempio della Divina Sapienza, affinche’ tu guidi sempre i nostri pensieri, parole e azioni e affinche’ possiamo sempre pensare, parlare e agire secondo la Tua volonta’.
We pray You, oh Holy Head of Jusus, Temple of Divine Wisdom, in order that You wish to guide always our thoughts, words and actions and so that we can always think, speak and act according to your will.
Signore Nostro Gesu, Ti preghiamo, come Tu ci chiedi, tramite l’intercessione di Tua Madre l’Immacolata, per:
– la conversione dei peccatori e la diffusione nella fede in tutto il mondo
– il nostro papa regnante Benedetto XVI, affinche’ possa manifestarsi a noi fedeli con la sua piena autorita’ di papa e di Katechon,
– l’ispirazione quotidiana per il proselitismo della fede, in tutte le occasioni, in ogni evento, in ogni incontro, in modo opportuno ed importuno,
ed in particolare:
– la difesa della vita, dignita e liberta’ di scelta per tutti coloro che rifiutano il vaccino segno di satana
– la salvezza dei nostri fratelli, ovvero tutti i cristiani battezzati che credono in Te Signore
– l’evangelizzazione dei non cristiani
– la difesa del Depositum Fidei
– la difesa del Tuo Corpo vivente, o Signore, nella particola dell’Eucarestia.
Our Lord Jesus, we pray you, as you ask us, through the intercession of your Mother the Immaculate for:
– the conversion of sinners and the spread of faith throughout the world
– our reigning pope Benedict XVI, so that he can manifest himself to us faithful with his full authority as pope and Katechon,
– the daily inspiration for the proselytizing of the faith, on all occasions, in every event, in every meeting, in an opportune and importunate way, and in particular:
– the defense of life, dignity and freedom of choice for all those who refuse the vaccine, a sign of Satan
– the salvation of our brothers, that is, all baptized Christians who believe in You Lord
– the evangelization of non-Christians
– the defense of the Depositum Fidei
– the defense of your living body, oh Lord, in the particle of the Eucharist.
Ti preghiamo, Signore, affinche’ lo Spirito Santo ci doni la grazia del discernimento e della fede, per poter combattere satana, i suoi seguaci e in particolare i falsi maestri, che si infiltrano tra noi tradendo il Depositum Fidei e che indulgono nella vanita’ e specialmente nell’orgoglio intellettuale. Affinche’ noi, e tutti i cristiani indotti in tentazione, abbiamo la forza di convertirci mediante la fede e il discernimento, allontanandoci dalla loro frequentazione, ascolto e dai loro riti imperfetti con cui diffondono falsita’, insinuazioni e calunnia. Cominciando da quelli che: – tradiscono il Depositum Fidei inventandosi false rivelazioni mistiche private e sono quindi falsi maestri e complici di satana, – tradiscono la parola autentica delle rivelazioni, alterando ad arte, per accreditarsi come veggenti, quelle della Beata Vergine Immacolata. – non hanno il coraggio di dichiararsi pubblicamente, come fedeli al papa regnante Benedetto XVI, – diffondono incessantemente falsi e malevoli giudizi sui veri cristiani, tramite la calunna, o addirittura la diffamazione e l’insulto personali, le manifestazione di odio – peccano di narcisismo e compiacimento personali, nonche’ d’orgoglio e superbia intellettuale dipingendo se stessi come innocenti al pari di Gesu’ Cristo e della Beata Vergine Immacolata! – per fini oscuri propalano disinformazione e notizie pseudoscientifiche palesemente false, – fanno dipendere il loro giudizio da motivi di convenienza, – e infine da coloro che, pur condannando a parole l’anti-chiesa, in realta’ la sostengono riconoscendo l’impostore come papa (ed evitando in tal modo la loro scomunica da parte della anti-chiesa).
Ti preghiamo, Signore Gesu’, per tutti coloro che restano confusi dalle parole ingannevoli dei falsi maestri, seguendo le loro parole ingannevoli e le loro false profezie.
We pray, Lord, that the Holy Spirit may grant us the grace of discernment and faith, to be able to fight satan, his followers and in particular the false teachers, who infiltrate us by betraying the Depositum Fidei and who indulge in vanity. and especially in intellectual pride. So that we, and all Christians led into temptation, have the strength to convert through faith and discernment, moving away from their frequentation, listening and their imperfect rites with which they spread falsehoods, insinuations and slander. Starting with those that:
– betray the Depositum Fidei by inventing false mystical private revelations and are therefore false teachers and accomplices of satan,
– betray the authentic word of the revelations, artfully altering those of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin to be credited as seers.
– do not have the courage to declare themselves publicly, as faithful to the reigning pope Benedict XVI,
– incessantly spread false and malevolent judgments on true Christians, through slander, or even personal defamation and insult, the manifestation of hatred
– sin of narcissism and personal satisfaction, as well as of pride and intellectual arrogance by portraying themselves as innocent like Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Blessed Virgin!
– for obscure purposes they propagate disinformation and clearly false pseudoscientific news,
– make their judgment dependent on reasons of convenience,
– and finally by those who, while condemning the anti-church in words, actually support it by recognizing the impostor as pope (and thus avoiding their excommunication by the anti-church).
We pray, Lord Jesus, for all those who are confused by the deceptive words of the false teachers, following their deceptive words and their false prophecies.
Mandaci Signore, tramite lo Spirito Santo Paraclito, le grazie che Tu ritieni necessarie. In particolare ti chiediamo la grazia del discernimento, della carita’ e della mitezza e infine la forza di per poter rispettare la regola del silenzio che hai dettato a Santa Faustina Kowalska (4), ovvero di non rispondere alle offese e alle insinuazioni maligne ispirate dei falsi cristiani. Infine, oh Gesu’ nostro Signore, ti preghiamo di poter diventare parte – se e’ possibile, anche se sappiamo che questo e’ riservato ai prescelti da Dio Padre stesso – del Piccolo Resto Celeste, cosicche’ possiamo cantare le nostre preghiere assieme a tutti i Salvati.
Send us, Lord, through the Holy Spirit Paraclete, the graces that you think necessary. In particular we ask you those of discernment, charity and meekness and finally the strength to be able to respect the rule of silence that you dictated to Saint Faustina Kowalska (4), or not to respond to the insinuations and malicious insinuations inspired by false Christians. Finally, oh Jesus our Lord, we pray You to become part – if it is possible, even if whe know that this is only for the chosen ones by God Father himself – of the heavenly Small Remnant, so that we can sing our prayers to You together with all the Saved ones.
Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera della Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola) e l’invocazione quotidiana al Cuore Immacolato di Maria (presso la basilica di SMM, Roma).
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (at the basilica of SMM, Rome).
Ti preghiamo, Madre di Dio e Madre Nostra, Tu che sei Santa e Immacolata Concezione, Tu che sei nel seno della SS Trinita’, affinche’ le nostre preghiere, nonostante i peccati che abbiamo commesso in passato e i peccati di oggi, diventino efficaci grazie alla tua misericordiosa intercessione! Rivolgiamo a Te l’invocazione quotidiana per il trionfo del tuo Cuore Immacolato e per le intenzioni della Tua Crociata di Preghiera! Ti preghiamo, certi nelle tue promesse di salvezza nelle preghiere che ci hai insegnato. Certi che Tu stessa ci aiuti a recitarle. Certi che Tu stessa intercedi per noi e i nostri cari presso la SS Trinita’.
We pray, Mother of God and Our Mother, You who are the Sacred Immaculate Conception, You who are in the bosom of the Holy Trinity, in order that our prayers, notwithstanding the sins we have committed in the past and our sins today, become effective thanks to your merciful intercession! Let us address the daily invocation to you for the triumph of your Immaculate Heart and for the intentions of Your Crusade of Prayer! We pray You, confident in your promises of salvation in the prayers You have taught us. We are certain that You yourself will help us to recite them. Certain that You yourself intercede for us and our loved ones at the Holy Trinity.
Ti preghiamo e Ti imploriamo, Madre di Dio e Madre Nostra, affinche’ Tu:
– ci guidi nell’azione quotidiana perche’ compiamo quanto tu desideri per la salvezza della Chiesa perseguitata
– continui visibilmente a moltiplicare nel mondo i gruppi di preghiera del Piccolo Resto formati da persone convertite che si consacrano spontaneamente a te e che pregano sotto la tua ispirazione
– ci aiuti e li protegga, o Madre Santissima
– ci renda capaci di essere spiritualmente uniti a Te, in unita’ d’intenti e di preghiera,
– ci ispiri tutti affinche’ riconosciamo Benedetto XVI come unico vero papa regnante che si e’ offerto vittima della Chiesa,
– ci protegga tutti, specialmente quelli che si sono imperfettamente consacrati a te a causa dei peccati commessi,
– converta, guidi e protegga tutti i nostri cari ed amici
– assista, curi e guarisca tutti i sofferenti e i malati, specialmente quelli colpiti dalla pandemia,
– renda tutti noi consapevoli che la via della croce di Cristo e’ l’unica via che possiamo seguire per conseguire la nostra salvezza personale
– ci protegga quanto qualcuno circonda di spine il nostro cuore, in modo che possiamo rispondere soltanto con il silenzio e con il bene
– ci faccia comprendere il significato delle tue rivelazioni e ci suggerisca le risposte giuste per le scelte di discernimento quotidiane.
We pray and implore You, Mother of God and Our Mother, in order that You :
– guide us in daily action so that we can accomplish what you wish to do for the salvation of the persecuted Church
– continue visibly to multiply in the world the prayer groups of the Small Remnant made up of converted people who spontaneously consecrate themselves to you and who pray under your inspiration.
– help us, O Holy Mother, so that all of us may be spiritually united with You, in unity of purpose and in prayer,
– guide us so that, together with all of us who pray to you, they recognize Benedict XVI as the only true reigning pope who has offered himself a victim of the Church,
– protect everyone, including those who have even imperfectly consecrated themselves to you,
– convert, guide and protect all our loved ones and friends
– assist, care for and heal all the suffering and sick, especially those affected by the pandemic,
– make all of us aware that the way of the cross of Christ is the only way we can follow to achieve our personal salvation
– protect us when someone surrounds our heart with thorns, so that we can respond only with silence and with goodness
– make us understand your revelations and suggest the right answers for the daily choices of discernment.
Ti preghiamo per tutti i lavoratori che, in tutto il mondo e ogni giorno, continuano a manifestare eroicamente per il loro diritto al lavoro, poiche’ viene loro impedito di svolgere il loro lavoro e quindi di mantenere se stessi e le loro famiglie! Aiutali, oh Maria Corredentrice! E noi in cambio combatteremo con l’arma della preghiera!
We pray for all workers who, everywhere in the world and every day, continue to demonstrate heroically for their right to work, as they are prevented from doing their jobs and therefore from supporting themselves and their families! Help them, oh Mary Co-redemptrix! And in return we will fight with the weapon of prayer!
Infine, Ti preghiamo, oh Vergine Immacolata assieme a Tuo Figlio Gesu’ Nostro Signore, per le anime di tutte le persone che abbiamo incontrato in vita, specialmente i nostri amici, sperando che voi li salviate perche’ hanno conservato un po’ della loro innocenza di quando erano bambini. Ti preghiamo inoltre per le anime che sono nel Limbo, specialmente le vittime innocenti dell’aborto. Ti preghiamo oh BVM affinche’ Tu voglia includere le loro anime del novero di tutti i beneficati dalle Tue promesse per l’Offerta di Vita. E pertanto imploriamo che Tu voglia portare in cielo anche le loro anime!
Finally, we address a prayer to you, oh you Immaculate Virgin together with your Son Jesus our Lord, for the souls of all the people we have met in life, especially our friends, hoping that you save them because they have kept some of their innocence from when they were children. We also pray for the souls who are in Limbo, especially the innocent victims of abortion. Please oh BVM so that you want to include their souls in the group of all the beneficiaries of your promises for the Offer of Life. And therefore we implore that You want to take their souls to heaven too!
La preghiera continua, chiesta da Gesu’ Cristo a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna, e realizzata mediante la preghiera del Rosario recitata singolarmente dai partecipanti alla catena!
Continuous prayer, asked by Jesus Crist to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna, and achieved through the prayer of the Rosary recited individually by the participants in the chain!
Mercoledi 1 dicembre 2021 dalle ore 5.36 alle ore 6.19: Rosario della Gioia, Offerta di Vita (la preghiera raccomandata da parte della BVM a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consacrazione al Preziosissimo Sangue di Gesu’ (S. Gaspare del Bufalo (2)), Consacrazione al Sacro Capo di Gesu’ (comunicata da Gesu’ Cristo alla serva di Dio Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) e Litaniae Lauretanae.
Wednesday 1 December 2021 from 5.36 to 6.19: Rosary of Joy, Offering of Life (the prayer recommended by the BVM to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus (St. Gaspar del Bufalo (2)), Consecration to the Sacred Head of Jesus (communicated by Jesus Christ to the servant of God Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) and Litaniae Lauretanae.
Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera della Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola) e l’invocazione quotidiana al Cuore Immacolato di Maria (presso la basilica di SMM, Roma).
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (at the basilica of SMM, Rome).
Preghiamo San Michele Arcangelo, il nostro angelo protettore durante la battaglia, affinche’ ci difenda in ogni momento della giornata (inclusi i sogni notturni) e presenti Lui stesso le nostre intenzioni alla SS Trinita’!
Let us pray to St. Michael the Archangel, our protector angel during the battle, so that he will defend us at any time of the day (including night dreams) and present our intentions himself to the Holy Trinity!
Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera della Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola) e l’invocazione quotidiana al Cuore Immacolato di Maria (presso la basilica di SMM, Roma).
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (at the basilica of SMM, Rome).
Ti preghiamo, Madre di Dio e Madre Nostra, Tu che sei Santa e Immacolata Concezione, Tu che sei nel seno della SS Trinita’, affinche’ le nostre preghiere, nonostante i peccati che abbiamo commesso in passato e i peccati di oggi, diventino efficaci grazie alla tua misericordiosa intercessione! Rivolgiamo a Te l’invocazione quotidiana per il trionfo del tuo Cuore Immacolato e per le intenzioni della Tua Crociata di Preghiera! Ti preghiamo, certi nelle tue promesse di salvezza nelle preghiere che ci hai insegnato. Certi che Tu stessa ci aiuti a recitarle. Certi che Tu stessa intercedi per noi e i nostri cari presso la SS Trinita’.
We pray, Mother of God and Our Mother, You who are the Sacred Immaculate Conception, You who are in the bosom of the Holy Trinity, in order that our prayers, notwithstanding the sins we have committed in the past and our sins today, become effective thanks to your merciful intercession! Let us address the daily invocation to you for the triumph of your Immaculate Heart and for the intentions of Your Crusade of Prayer! We pray You, confident in your promises of salvation in the prayers You have taught us. We are certain that You yourself will help us to recite them. Certain that You yourself intercede for us and our loved ones at the Holy Trinity.
Ti preghiamo e Ti imploriamo, Madre di Dio e Madre Nostra, affinche’ Tu:
– ci guidi nell’azione quotidiana perche’ compiamo quanto tu desideri per la salvezza della Chiesa perseguitata
– continui visibilmente a moltiplicare nel mondo i gruppi di preghiera del Piccolo Resto formati da persone convertite che si consacrano spontaneamente a te e che pregano sotto la tua ispirazione
– ci aiuti e li protegga, o Madre Santissima
– ci renda capaci di essere spiritualmente uniti a Te, in unita’ d’intenti e di preghiera,
– ci ispiri tutti affinche’ riconosciamo Benedetto XVI come unico vero papa regnante che si e’ offerto vittima della Chiesa,
– ci protegga tutti, specialmente quelli che si sono imperfettamente consacrati a te a causa dei peccati commessi,
– converta, guidi e protegga tutti i nostri cari ed amici
– assista, curi e guarisca tutti i sofferenti e i malati, specialmente quelli colpiti dalla pandemia,
– renda tutti noi consapevoli che la via della croce di Cristo e’ l’unica via che possiamo seguire per conseguire la nostra salvezza personale
– ci protegga quanto qualcuno circonda di spine il nostro cuore, in modo che possiamo rispondere soltanto con il silenzio e con il bene
– ci faccia comprendere il significato delle tue rivelazioni e ci suggerisca le risposte giuste per le scelte di discernimento quotidiane.
We pray and implore You, Mother of God and Our Mother, in order that You :
– guide us in daily action so that we can accomplish what you wish to do for the salvation of the persecuted Church
– continue visibly to multiply in the world the prayer groups of the Small Remnant made up of converted people who spontaneously consecrate themselves to you and who pray under your inspiration.
– help us, O Holy Mother, so that all of us may be spiritually united with You, in unity of purpose and in prayer,
– guide us so that, together with all of us who pray to you, they recognize Benedict XVI as the only true reigning pope who has offered himself a victim of the Church,
– protect everyone, including those who have even imperfectly consecrated themselves to you,
– convert, guide and protect all our loved ones and friends
– assist, care for and heal all the suffering and sick, especially those affected by the pandemic,
– make all of us aware that the way of the cross of Christ is the only way we can follow to achieve our personal salvation
– protect us when someone surrounds our heart with thorns, so that we can respond only with silence and with goodness
– make us understand your revelations and suggest the right answers for the daily choices of discernment.
Ti preghiamo per tutti i lavoratori che, in tutto il mondo e ogni giorno, continuano a manifestare eroicamente per il loro diritto al lavoro, poiche’ viene loro impedito di svolgere il loro lavoro e quindi di mantenere se stessi e le loro famiglie! Aiutali, oh Maria Corredentrice! E noi in cambio combatteremo con l’arma della preghiera!
We pray for all workers who, everywhere in the world and every day, continue to demonstrate heroically for their right to work, as they are prevented from doing their jobs and therefore from supporting themselves and their families! Help them, oh Mary Co-redemptrix! And in return we will fight with the weapon of prayer!
Infine, Ti preghiamo, oh Vergine Immacolata assieme a Tuo Figlio Gesu’ Nostro Signore, per le anime di tutte le persone che abbiamo incontrato in vita, specialmente i nostri amici, sperando che voi li salviate perche’ hanno conservato un po’ della loro innocenza di quando erano bambini. Ti preghiamo inoltre per le anime che sono nel Limbo, specialmente le vittime innocenti dell’aborto. Ti preghiamo oh BVM affinche’ Tu voglia includere le loro anime del novero di tutti i beneficati dalle Tue promesse per l’Offerta di Vita. E pertanto imploriamo che Tu voglia portare in cielo anche le loro anime!
Finally, we address a prayer to you, oh you Immaculate Virgin together with your Son Jesus our Lord, for the souls of all the people we have met in life, especially our friends, hoping that you save them because they have kept some of their innocence from when they were children. We also pray for the souls who are in Limbo, especially the innocent victims of abortion. Please oh BVM so that you want to include their souls in the group of all the beneficiaries of your promises for the Offer of Life. And therefore we implore that You want to take their souls to heaven too!
INVOCAZIONE A GESU’ CRISTO SALVATORE – Mercoledi 1 dicembre 2021
Come consacrati alla Beata Vergine Maria, Ti imploriamo e Ti preghiamo, Signore Nostro Gesu’, di voler benedire la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, umilmente ispirata alla Tua Preghiera Continua, affinche’ possa produrre i frutti di grazia che Tu desideri. Per questo ti preghiamo ogni giorno secondo le tre preghiere di consacrazione (1-3), sperando di svolgere il nostro compito degnamente affinche’ tu le possa accettare.
As consacrated to the Blessed Holy Virgin, we implore and pray You, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to bless the Chain of Prayer of the Small Remnant, humbly inspired by Your Continuous Prayer, so that it may produce the fruits of grace that You desire. For this we pray to you every day according to the three prayers of consecration (1-3), hoping to carry out our task worthily so that you can accept them.
Oh Nostro Redentore Gesu’ Cristo, Signore della Misericordia, Nostro Redentore e Salvatore, che ci hai salvato dal male del peccato tramite la Tua Passione, Morte sulla Croce e Resurrezione dopo tre giorni, Ti preghiamo.
Oh Our Redeemer Jesus Christ and Lord of Mercy, Our Redemptor and Saviour, that have saved all of us from the evil of sin by means of your Passion, Death on Cross and Resurrection after three days, we pray You.
Ti preghiamo, oh Sacro Capo di Gesu’, Tempio della Divina Sapienza, affinche’ tu guidi sempre i nostri pensieri, parole e azioni e affinche’ possiamo sempre pensare, parlare e agire secondo la Tua volonta’.
We pray You, oh Holy Head of Jusus, Temple of Divine Wisdom, in order that You wish to guide always our thoughts, words and actions and so that we can always think, speak and act according to your will.
Signore Nostro Gesu, Ti preghiamo, come Tu ci chiedi, tramite l’intercessione di Tua Madre l’Immacolata, per:
– la conversione dei peccatori e la diffusione nella fede in tutto il mondo
– il nostro papa regnante Benedetto XVI, affinche’ possa manifestarsi a noi fedeli con la sua piena autorita’ di papa e di Katechon,
– l’ispirazione quotidiana per il proselitismo della fede, in tutte le occasioni, in ogni evento, in ogni incontro, in modo opportuno ed importuno,
ed in particolare:
– la difesa della vita, dignita e liberta’ di scelta per tutti coloro che rifiutano il vaccino segno di satana
– la salvezza dei nostri fratelli, ovvero tutti i cristiani battezzati che credono in Te Signore
– l’evangelizzazione dei non cristiani
– la difesa del Depositum Fidei
– la difesa del Tuo Corpo vivente, o Signore, nella particola dell’Eucarestia.
Our Lord Jesus, we pray you, as you ask us, through the intercession of your Mother the Immaculate for:
– the conversion of sinners and the spread of faith throughout the world
– our reigning pope Benedict XVI, so that he can manifest himself to us faithful with his full authority as pope and Katechon,
– the daily inspiration for the proselytizing of the faith, on all occasions, in every event, in every meeting, in an opportune and importunate way, and in particular:
– the defense of life, dignity and freedom of choice for all those who refuse the vaccine, a sign of Satan
– the salvation of our brothers, that is, all baptized Christians who believe in You Lord
– the evangelization of non-Christians
– the defense of the Depositum Fidei
– the defense of your living body, oh Lord, in the particle of the Eucharist.
Ti preghiamo, Signore, affinche’ lo Spirito Santo ci doni la grazia del discernimento e della fede, per poter combattere satana, i suoi seguaci e in particolare i falsi maestri, che si infiltrano tra noi tradendo il Depositum Fidei e che indulgono nella vanita’ e specialmente nell’orgoglio intellettuale. Affinche’ noi, e tutti i cristiani indotti in tentazione, abbiamo la forza di convertirci mediante la fede e il discernimento, allontanandoci dalla loro frequentazione, ascolto e dai loro riti imperfetti con cui diffondono falsita’, insinuazioni e calunnia. Cominciando da quelli che: – tradiscono il Depositum Fidei inventandosi false rivelazioni mistiche private e sono quindi falsi maestri e complici di satana, – tradiscono la parola autentica delle rivelazioni, alterando ad arte, per accreditarsi come veggenti, quelle della Beata Vergine Immacolata. – non hanno il coraggio di dichiararsi pubblicamente, come fedeli al papa regnante Benedetto XVI, – diffondono incessantemente falsi e malevoli giudizi sui veri cristiani, tramite la calunna, o addirittura la diffamazione e l’insulto personali, le manifestazione di odio – peccano di narcisismo e compiacimento personali, nonche’ d’orgoglio e superbia intellettuale dipingendo se stessi come innocenti al pari di Gesu’ Cristo e della Beata Vergine Immacolata! – per fini oscuri propalano disinformazione e notizie pseudoscientifiche palesemente false, – fanno dipendere il loro giudizio da motivi di convenienza, – e infine da coloro che, pur condannando a parole l’anti-chiesa, in realta’ la sostengono riconoscendo l’impostore come papa (ed evitando in tal modo la loro scomunica da parte della anti-chiesa).
Ti preghiamo, Signore Gesu’, per tutti coloro che restano confusi dalle parole ingannevoli dei falsi maestri, seguendo le loro parole ingannevoli e le loro false profezie.
We pray, Lord, that the Holy Spirit may grant us the grace of discernment and faith, to be able to fight satan, his followers and in particular the false teachers, who infiltrate us by betraying the Depositum Fidei and who indulge in vanity. and especially in intellectual pride. So that we, and all Christians led into temptation, have the strength to convert through faith and discernment, moving away from their frequentation, listening and their imperfect rites with which they spread falsehoods, insinuations and slander. Starting with those that:
– betray the Depositum Fidei by inventing false mystical private revelations and are therefore false teachers and accomplices of satan,
– betray the authentic word of the revelations, artfully altering those of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin to be credited as seers.
– do not have the courage to declare themselves publicly, as faithful to the reigning pope Benedict XVI,
– incessantly spread false and malevolent judgments on true Christians, through slander, or even personal defamation and insult, the manifestation of hatred
– sin of narcissism and personal satisfaction, as well as of pride and intellectual arrogance by portraying themselves as innocent like Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Blessed Virgin!
– for obscure purposes they propagate disinformation and clearly false pseudoscientific news,
– make their judgment dependent on reasons of convenience,
– and finally by those who, while condemning the anti-church in words, actually support it by recognizing the impostor as pope (and thus avoiding their excommunication by the anti-church).
We pray, Lord Jesus, for all those who are confused by the deceptive words of the false teachers, following their deceptive words and their false prophecies.
Mandaci Signore, tramite lo Spirito Santo Paraclito, le grazie che Tu ritieni necessarie. In particolare ti chiediamo la grazia del discernimento, della carita’ e della mitezza e infine la forza di per poter rispettare la regola del silenzio che hai dettato a Santa Faustina Kowalska (4), ovvero di non rispondere alle offese e alle insinuazioni maligne ispirate dei falsi cristiani. Infine, oh Gesu’ nostro Signore, ti preghiamo di poter diventare parte – se e’ possibile, anche se sappiamo che questo e’ riservato ai prescelti da Dio Padre stesso – del Piccolo Resto Celeste, cosicche’ possiamo cantare le nostre preghiere assieme a tutti i Salvati.
Send us, Lord, through the Holy Spirit Paraclete, the graces that you think necessary. In particular we ask you those of discernment, charity and meekness and finally the strength to be able to respect the rule of silence that you dictated to Saint Faustina Kowalska (4), or not to respond to the insinuations and malicious insinuations inspired by false Christians. Finally, oh Jesus our Lord, we pray You to become part – if it is possible, even if whe know that this is only for the chosen ones by God Father himself – of the heavenly Small Remnant, so that we can sing our prayers to You together with all the Saved ones.
Sankt Pieter Kanijs, olandese di nascita, e’ stato il primo gesuita della provincia germanica. Fu proclamato beato nel 1869 da papa Pio IX e canonizzato nel 1925 da papa Pio XI che lo nominò pure dottore della Chiesa. Peraltro già papa Leone XIII lo aveva definito il secondo apostolo della Germania dopo san Bonifacio.
Ricevette la prima istituzione umanistica in patria; ma ancora adolescente fu inviato nel 1535 all’Università di Colonia dove studiò retorica, filosofia e diritto civile e canonico, laureandosi nel 1540 magister artium, o dottore in filosofia. Durante il suo soggiorno a Colonia Canisio subì l’influenza del mistico brabantino Nicolaus van Esch e quella del compagno di Ignazio di Loyola Pierre Favre; accompagnò Favre a Magonza nel 1543 e, dopo aver seguito un corso di esercizi spirituali, entrò nella Compagnia di Gesù, approvata appena tre anni prima: diventò così il primo gesuita tedesco.
Nel libro intervista “Ultime conversazioni” rilasciato a Peter Seewald da Papa Benedetto XVI, c’è una piccola e quanto mai bellissima “chicca” di tipo spirituale. La preghiera preferita da Joseph Ratzinger: la «Preghiera comune» di san Pietro Canisio, «secondo Apostolo della Germania» che recita così:
«Dio onnipotente ed eterno, Signore, Padre celeste! Rivolgi i tuoi occhi misericordiosi ai nostri lamenti, alla nostra miseria e alle nostre pene. Abbi pietà di tutti i cristiani per i quali il tuo figlio unigenito, il nostro amato Signore e Salvatore, Gesù Cristo, si è consegnato di sua volontà nelle mani dei peccatori e ha versato il suo preziosissimo sangue sulla santa croce. Per il Signore Gesù, allontana da noi le meritate punizioni, i pericoli presenti e futuri, il risentimento, le guerre e le armi, la carestia, i tempi di afflizione e di miseria. Nella tua bontà, illumina e fortifica i nostri superiori e i nostri governanti religiosi e mondani, affinché con le loro azioni possano giovare alla tua gloria divina, alla nostra salvezza, alla pace e al bene della cristianità intera. «Concedici, o Signore della pace, una giusta unità nella fede, senza divisioni e separazioni; converti i nostri cuori alla vera penitenza e all’edificazione della nostra vita; accendi in noi il fuoco del tuo amore; fai che abbiamo fame e sete di giustizia affinché, come figli obbedienti, possiamo esserti graditi e compiacerti nella vita e nella morte. Noi ti preghiamo anche, o Dio, come tu desideri che noi preghiamo, per i nostri amici e i nostri nemici, per i sani e gli ammalati, per tutti i cristiani afflitti e sofferenti, per i vivi e i morti, per le nostre attività e i nostri commerci, la nostra vita e la nostra morte. Fa’ che noi possiamo godere della tua grazia in questo mondo e che giungiamo là dove sono tutti gli eletti per lodarti, onorarti e magnificarti insieme a loro! Concedilo, o Signore, Padre celeste! Per il tuo Figlio Gesù Cristo, che vive e regna con te nell’unità dello Spirito Santo per tutti i secoli dei secoli. Amen».
In inglese
«Almighty and eternal God, Lord, Heavenly Father! Turn your merciful eyes to our complaints, our misery and our pains. Have mercy on all Christians for whom your only begotten son, our beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, willingly delivered himself into the hands of sinners and shed his most precious blood on the holy cross. For the Lord Jesus, remove from us deserved punishments, present and future dangers, resentment, wars and weapons, famine, times of affliction and misery. In your goodness, enlighten and strengthen our superiors and our religious and worldly rulers, so that with their actions they can benefit your divine glory, our salvation, peace and the good of all Christianity. «Grant us, O Lord of Peace, a just unity in faith, without divisions and separations; convert our hearts to true penance and the edification of our life; kindle the fire of your love in us; make us hungry and thirsty for justice so that, as obedient children, we may please you and please you in life and in death. We also pray to you, O God, as you wish us to pray, for our friends and enemies, for the healthy and the sick, for all afflicted and suffering Christians, for the living and the dead, for our activities and our trade, our life and our death. Grant that we can enjoy your grace in this world and that we reach where all the elect are to praise, honor and magnify you together with them! Grant it, O Lord, Heavenly Father! For your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen“.
In olandese
«Almachtige en eeuwige God, Heer, Hemelse Vader! Richt uw barmhartige ogen op onze klachten, onze ellende en onze pijnen. Heb medelijden met alle christenen voor wie uw eniggeboren zoon, onze geliefde Heer en Heiland, Jezus Christus, zichzelf gewillig in de handen van zondaars heeft overgegeven en zijn kostbaarste bloed aan het heilige kruis heeft vergoten. Voor de Heer Jezus, verwijder van ons verdiende straffen, huidige en toekomstige gevaren, wrok, oorlogen en wapens, hongersnood, tijden van verdrukking en ellende. Verlicht en versterk in uw goedheid onze superieuren en onze religieuze en wereldse heersers, zodat zij met hun daden uw goddelijke glorie, ons heart tot ware boetedoening en de opbouw van ons leven; ontsteek het vuur van uw liefde in ons; maak ons hongerig en dorstig naargerechtigheid, zodat wij, als gehoorzame kinderen, u kunnen behagen en behagen in leven en dood. Wij bidden ook tot u, o God, zoals u wilt dat wij bidden, voor onze vrienden en vijanden, voor de gezonde en de zieken, voor alle gekwelde en lijdende christenen, voor de levenden en de doden, voor onze activiteiten en onze handel, ons leven en onze dood. Geef dat we in deze wereld van uw genade mogen genieten en dat we komen waar alle uitverkorenen zijn om u samen met hen te loven, te eren en groot te maken! Sta het toe, o Heer, hemelse Vader! Voor uw Zoon Jezus Christus, die voor eeuwig en altijd met u leeft en regeert in de eenheid van de Heilige Geest. Amen“.
Penso possiamo tutti condividere queste parole dell’ Arcivescovo Vigano’. Specialmente riguardo alla guida maligna dei falsi pastori che porta fuori strada i cristiani smarriti!
Nella drammatica crisi che ormai da 60 anni affligge la Chiesa di Cristo, e che oggi si manifesta in tutta la sua gravità, un pusillus grex [piccolo gregge=piccolo resto] chiede al suo Signore di salvare l’umanità smarrita, quando la corruzione e l’apostasia hanno penetrò anche nel sacro recinto e fino al sommo Trono. Ed è pusillus [piccolo] perché la maggioranza di coloro che sono stati rigenerati nel Battesimo e hanno così meritato di essere chiamati “figli di Dio” negano ogni giorno le promesse di quel Battesimo, sotto la guida di mercenari e falsi pastori.
In the dramatic crisis that now for 60 years has afflicted the Church of Christ, and which today is showing itself in all its gravity, a pusillus grex [little flock] asks their Lord to save humanity that has gone astray, when corruption and apostasy have penetrated even the sacred enclosure and unto the highest Throne. And it is pusillus [little] because the majority of those who have been regenerated in Baptism and have thus deserved to be called “sons of God” daily deny the promises of that Baptism, under the leadership of hirelings and false shepherds.
Matt 4:18-22 In illo témpore: Ambulans Iesus iuxta mare Galilǽæ, vidit duos fratres, Simónem, qui vocátur Petrus, et Andréam fratrem eius, mitténtes rete in mare – erant enim piscatóres – et ait illis: Veníte post me, et fáciam vos fíeri piscatóres hóminum.
In questi primi giorni la liturgia ci fa festeggiare Sant’Andrea, uno dei primi apostoli.
Che segui’ subito Gesu’ non appena chiamato (1). Per diventare predicatore della Parola. Anche noi dobbiamo seguire l’esempio degli apostoli. Verra’ il tempo in cui il Signore ci chiedera’ conto della Parola del Vangelo.
Molto spesso il Vangelo viene tradito anche da sacerdoti indegni.
Che gli apostoli ci proteggano affinche’ possiamo essere fedeli alla Parola di Gesu’ Cristo!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(1) Sant’Andrea (in lingua greca: Ἀνδρέας; denominato secondo la tradizione ortodossa Protocleto o il Primo chiamato; Betsaida, 6 a.C. – Patrasso, 30 novembre 60) è stato un apostolo di Gesù Cristo. Fratello di Pietro, è venerato come santo dalla Chiesa cattolica e da quella ortodossa. Viene considerato un santo miroblita.
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Matt 4:18-22 At that time, as Jesus was walking by the sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea – for they were fishermen -. And He said to them, Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.
In these first days, the liturgy makes us celebrate Saint Andrew, one of the first apostles.
Who immediately followed Jesus as soon as he was called (1). To become a preacher of the Word.
We too must follow the example of the apostles. The time will come when the Lord will make us aware of the Word of the Gospel.
Very often the Gospel is betrayed even by unworthy priests.
May the apostles protect us so that we can be faithful to the Word of Jesus Christ!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(1) Saint Andrew (in Greek: Ἀνδρέας; referred to according to the Orthodox tradition as Protocleto or the First Called; Bethsaida, 6 BC – Patras, 30 November 60) was an apostle of Jesus Christ. Brother of Peter, he is venerated as a saint by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. He is considered a miroblite saint.
(*) This comment is written in real time during the homily. I apologize for any misinterpretation of Don Enrico’s words.
‘Come therefore, Lord Jesus, seek Thy servant, seek Thy weary sheep,’ wrote St. Ambrose of Milan
Mon Nov 29, 2021 – 9:54 am EST
(Catholic Family News) – “Quaere, inquit, servum tuum, quoniam mandata tua non sum oblitus. Veni ergo, Domine Jesu, quaere servum tuum, quaere lassam ovem tuam; veni, pastor, quaere sicut oves Joseph. Erravit ovis tua, dum tu moraris, dum tu versaris in montibus. Dimitte nonaginta novem oves tuas, et veni unam ovem quaerere quae erravit. Veni sine canibus, veni sine malis operariis, veni sine mercenario, qui per januam introire non noverit. Veni sine adjutore, sine nuntio, jam dudum te expecto venturum; scio enim venturum, quoniam mandata tua non sum oblitus. Veni non cum virga, sed cum caritate spirituque mansuetudinis.”[1]
The sacred time of Advent is of ancient institution and we find mention of it from around the fifth century, as a moment of the Liturgical Year destined for the preparation of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ secundumcarnem. Indeed, Advent marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year, allowing us to seize this opportunity to follow, with holy resolutions, the voice of the Church.
The discipline of penance and fasting during Lent in preparation for Easter is certainly of apostolic origin, whereas that inexpectationeDomini comes after and inspired by the former, becoming less rigid with the passage of centuries to only abstinence on certain days of the week. “It is true that Saint Peter Damian, in the eleventh century, still supposes that the fast of Advent was of forty days, and that Saint Louis, two centuries later, continued to observe it in this measure; but perhaps this holy king practiced it in this way out of a transport of particular devotion.”[2] The softness of modern generations has induced the maternal wisdom of the Church to mitigate the rigorous disciplines of former times, without preventing them from being practiced voluntarily; but maybe the present situation leads us to consider as opportune — precisely because they are not imposed — the privations practiced by our ancestors in obedience of an ecclesiastical precept.
The liturgy of the Advent season is indebted to the labors of St Gregory the Great, not only for the texts of the Office and the Mass, but also for the very plainchant compositions. The ancient trope Sanctissimusnamque, which introduces the Introit Ad te levavi of the first Sunday of Advent, recalls the inspiration of the Holy Pontiff by the Holy Ghost, Who appeared in the form of a dove.[3] Initially consisting of six weeks and then five, the weeks of preparation for the Holy Nativity were reduced to four between the end of the ninth century and the beginning of the tenth, which means the current use is at least a thousand years old. The Ambrosian Church still maintains six weeks, for a total of forty-two days, modelled after Lent.
Amongst the first authors of homilies on the subject of Advent, we find Saint Ambrose, Doctor and Father of the Church. It is with a prayer that we find in the Commentary on Psalm 118 that I would like to begin this meditation. The incipit of the prayer is Quaere, inquit, servumtuum. As you yourselves can see [note 1, below], the entire text is punctuated with quotations from Sacred Scripture: not in order to show off a biblical expertise, which the Holy Bishop of Milan certainly possessed, but because of that understanding of the Word of God which is the fruit of an intimate and vital assiduity for the soul, just as air is indispensable for breathing. This led Saint Ambrose to speak and write himself using the words of the sacred Author, not with an intent to plagiarize divine Wisdom, but because he had made them so much his own and repeated them in turn almost unaware.
When we approach the writings of the Saints, we can in some way feel disoriented or confused, like laymen; but if we have the grace to unite ourselves to the liturgical prayer by attending Holy Mass and with the recitation of the Divine Office in the traditional form, we find that it is the voice of the Church Herself that accompanies us in this meditation on the Scriptures, right from the Invitatory at Matins. And this is true also for the Advent liturgy: Regem venturum Dominum, venite adoremus, the singing of the first prayer, intoned in the middle of the night in anticipation of the rising of the true Unconquered Sun. Following this solemn invitation to adore the divine King is the beginning of the book of the Prophet Isaiah, ringing forth as a severe rebuke to His people:
“Hear, O ye heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the Lord hath spoken. I have brought up children, and exalted them: but they have despised me. The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel hath not known me, and my people hath not understood. Woe to the sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a wicked seed, ungracious children: they have forsaken the Lord, they have blasphemed the Holy One of Israel, they are gone away backwards. For what shall I strike you any more, you that increase transgression? the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is sad. From the sole of the foot unto the top of the head, there is no soundness therein: wounds and bruises and swelling sores: they are not bound up, nor dressed, nor fomented with oil.” (Is 1:2-6)
The Prophet’s revelation shows the Lord’s indignation at the unfaithfulness of His people, obstinate in their rebellion against His holy Law. But the literal or historical[4] sense of Isaiah’s passage concerning the Jews is accompanied by the moral sense, that is, concerning what we must do. It is therefore to us that the Majesty of God turns: “For the Lord hath spoken” (ibid., 2) once again to admonish us, to show us our betrayals, to spur us to conversion.
Thus, while we ask the Lord to deliver us de ore leonis et de profundolacu, we realize how little we deserve God’s mercy, how unworthy of His pity and how deserving we are of His punishments. Deus, qui culpa offenderis, pœnitentia placaris… The prostitutions — as Scripture calls them — into which the Jews fell are now joined by new and far worse prostitutions, not by a people to whom the Redeemer was promised, but a people which was born of His side, the Mystical Body of the Redeemer Himself; or rather, of that ilk who call themselves Catholics, but who by their unfaithfulness dishonor the Bride of the Lamb, as members both of the learning and teaching Church.
The new Israel has shown itself no less rebellious than the old, and the new Roman Sanhedrin is no less guilty than those who made the golden calf and offered it for the adoration of the Jews. If therefore the Prophet threatens terrible scourges upon those who disobeyed the Lord without having seen the coming Messiah, how much greater must be the words of a Prophet “of the end times” in light of the rebellion of humanity redeemed by the Blood of that divine Messiah, having been able to see the fulfilment of the Prophecies and the Incarnation of the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity?
In the dramatic crisis that now for 60 years has afflicted the Church of Christ, and which today is showing itself in all its gravity, a pusillus grex [little flock] asks their Lord to save humanity that has gone astray, when corruption and apostasy have penetrated even the sacred enclosure and unto the highest Throne. And it is pusillus [little] because the majority of those who have been regenerated in Baptism and have thus deserved to be called “sons of God” daily deny the promises of that Baptism, under the leadership of hirelings and false shepherds.
Think of how many believers, raised in absolute ignorance of the fundamentals of the Faith despite having attended Catechism, are steeped in heretical philosophical and theological doctrines, convinced that all religions are equivalent; that man is not wounded by original sin but naturally good; that the State must ignore the true Religion and tolerate error; that the mission of the Church is not the eternal salvation of souls and their conversion to Christ, but the protection of the environment and the indiscriminate welcoming of migrants. Think of those who, even though they fulfil their Sunday obligation, do not know that the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord are contained in the Holy Host, and think it is only a symbol; think of those who are convinced that repenting to themselves is sufficient to approach Communion, without calling to mind the torments that hang over those who receive the Lord’s Body and Blood unworthily. Think of how many priests, how many professed religious, all the sisters and monks who believe that the Council had brought a breath of renewal in the Church, or fostered a knowledge of Sacred Scripture, or enabled the laity to understand the liturgy, hitherto ignored by the masses and jealously guarded by a caste of rigid and intolerant ecclesiastics. Think of those who saw in it an indestructible beacon against the darkness of the world, a concrete and impregnable fortress in the face of the assaults of the ‘modern’ mentality, of widespread immorality, of the defence of life from its conception to its natural end.
Finally, think of the irrepressible satisfaction of the enemies of Christ to see the prostration of His Church before the world, with ideologies of death, the idolatry of the state, of power, of money, of the myths of false science; a Church willing to deny her glorious heritage, to adulterate the Faith and Morals taught to her by Our Lord, to corrupt her liturgy to please heretics and sectarians: not even the most delirious ravings of the worst Freemason could have hoped to see the fulfilment of Voltaire’s cry: Écrasezl’infame! [Crush the loathsome thing!]
In Advent we find ourselves symbolically at the gates of the temple, like Ash Wednesday in Lent, and watch from afar what happens at the altar: here is the Birth of the King of Israel, and there His Passion, Death and Resurrection. Let us imagine that we have to make an examination of conscience before we can be admitted to the holy place, as individual believers and as part of the ecclesial body. We can only come close to worshipping the King of kings, the Lord of lords, if we understand, on the one hand, the infinite Good that is offered to us in swaddling clothes in the manger; and on the other hand, our absolute unworthiness, which must necessarily be accompanied by the horror of our sins, the pain of having infinitely offended God and the desire to make reparation for the evil done through penance and good works.
And we must further understand that, as living members of the Church, we also have a collective responsibility for the faults of the other faithful and of our Pastors; and as citizens, we have a responsibility for the public faults of the nations. For the Communion of Saints enables us to share with the purifying souls and the merits of those of the blessed souls in Heaven, in order to balance in an incomparably more effective way than that “communion of the wicked” which makes the effects of their evil deeds fall upon their neighbors, particularly upon other people who are enemies of God.
“Come to me, those who are tormented by the attack of dangerous wolves,” Saint Ambrose exclaims. “Come to me, those who have been driven out of paradise and whose sores have long since been penetrated by the serpent’s poisons, those who have wandered far from Thy flocks in those mountains.”
We are beginning to realize that we are being besieged by ravenous wolves: by those who sow error, by those who corrupt morals, by those who propagate death and despair, by those who want to kill us in our souls even before they kill us in our bodies. We come to understand how shallow and foolish and proud we have been to allow ourselves to be deceived by the false promises of the world, of the flesh, and of the devil; how untrue were the words of those who, since the expulsion of our First Parents, continue to repeat the same temptations, to exploit our weaknesses, to exploit our pride and our vices in order to bring us down and drag us with them to Hell. We have forgotten that we have been cast out of the earthly paradise, that we bear the marks of the venomous sting of the serpent, that we have sinned by abandoning the secure pasture of the true Faith to let ourselves be seduced by the world, by the flesh, by the devil.
For if we were to live conscious of our primordial sin — which is also a collective and hereditary guilt — and of all the evil we commit and that we allow; if we were to meditate on our inability to save ourselves except through the supernatural help that God grants us through Grace; if we would not persuade ourselves that many of our actions are grave offences against the Majesty of God and that we would deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth in a way far worse than what happened to the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, then we would not even need the Good Shepherd to come looking for us, to abandon the ninety-nine sheep safely in the mountains, where “ravenous wolves cannot attack them.”
The saintly Bishop adds: “Come without dogs, come without evil doers, come without the hireling, who does not know how to pass through the door. Come without a helper, without a messenger,” because the dogs, the evil doers and the hireling are transient figures, destined to perish, to disperse at the breath that breathes forth from God’s mouth, even if at this moment it seems that the world belongs to them. “Come, then, and seek Your sheep, not by servants, not by hirelings, but by You in person”: the unfaithful servants invite us to be “resilient” and “inclusive,” to listen to the “cry of Mother Earth,”[5] to subject ourselves to vaccination with a serum made with aborted foetuses; the hireling, “cujus non sunt oves propriæ” (…) scatters us, abandons us, does not drive away the ferocious wolves and does not punish the wicked, but rather encourages them.
Why then should the Lord come? Why can we ask Him, “Come Thou in person”? St. Ambrose answers in prayer by quoting the Psalmist: “For I have not forgotten Thy commandments” (Ps 118:176). Our obedience to God’s will finds perfect correspondence — and a divine example — in the obedience of the eternal Son of the Father from all eternity, accepting to incarnate Himself, suffer and die for our salvation: “Then said I: Behold I come: in the head of the book it is written of Me: that I should do Thy will, O God”(Heb 10:7). The Lord comes in obedience to the Father and we must await His coming by being obedient to the will of the Holy Trinity, “for I have not forgotten Thy commandments.”
The reason why we can be sure that the Lord will come after us, delivering us from the onslaught of wolves and the nefarious influence of evil doers and hirelings, is that we must not forget what He has commanded us; we must not take His place by deciding what is good and what is evil; we must not follow the multitude into the abyss for human respect or because of cowardice or complicity, but remain like the ninety-nine sheep in the secure pastures of the Holy Church, “for the ravenous wolves cannot attack them as long as they are on the mountains,” closer to God by being detached from earthly things.
In addition, we must exercise Holy Humility, recognising ourselves as sinners: “come and seek out the one sheep that has erred,” for “Thou alone art able to turn back the errant sheep and You will not grieve those from whom You have strayed,” that is, the Catholics of all times, who have remained faithful, safe from the wolves in the high pastures. “And they too will rejoice at the return of the sinner.”
The prayer of Saint Ambrose continues with a very profound and meaningful expression: “Receive me in the flesh that fell in Adam. Receive me, not from Sarah, but from Mary, so that I may be not only a virgin untouched, but a virgin immune, through the effect of grace, from every stain of sin.” In Holy Mary, Sancta Virgo virginum, we find the Mediatrix of all graces; in Her, most pure creature, is incarnated the Eternal Word of God, from Her the Savior is born to the world; through Her we are presented to Her divine Son, and by His merits we may be received “in the flesh that fell in Adam,” by virtue of the Grace that restores us in friendship with God. A most fitting inspiration for meditation as we prepare ourselves for the Holy Nativity.
But there is another very important consideration that St. Ambrose leaves at the end of his oration: “Bring me by the Cross that gives salvation to the wanderers, in which alone there is rest for the weary, in which alone shall all who die live.” Everything revolves around the Cross of Christ, it rises in time and eternity as a sign of contradiction, by which we remember that it is an instrument of Redemption, salvation for the wandering, rest for the weary, life for those who are dying.
A 14th-century miniature by Pacino di Buonaguida [6] presents a very rare and highly symbolic image: the Lord climbing up the Cross with a ladder — the scala virtutum — to emphasize the willingness of His sacrifice and the “paradox” of His dual Nature. In 17th-century iconography we find a recurring image of the Child Jesus sleeping on the Cross,[7] an explicit allusion to divine love and the sacrifice of Christ. Christmas and Easter are intrinsically linked; thus, in preparation for the Birth of the Savior, we must always contemplate the centrality and veritable fulcrum of the Cross, on which rests the Child Jesus, and on which ascends, by way of a mystical ladder, the Immaculate Lamb. It is there that we also have to arrive, because it is only on the Cross that we find salvation, in pursuit of the Lord: “And He said to all: If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Lk 9:23).
“Veni, ut facias salutem in terris, in coelo gaudium”: “Come and accomplish salvation on earth, joy in heaven.” Let this be our invocation during the sacred time of Advent, to prepare ourselves spiritually for the trials that await us.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
November 28, 2021 Dominica I Adventus
[1] “Seek, he says, Thy servant, because I have not forgotten Thy commandments [Ps 118:176]. Come therefore, Lord Jesus, seek Thy servant, seek Thy weary sheep; come, Shepherd, seek, as Joseph sought the sheep [Gen 37:14]. Thy sheep hast wandered while Thou didst tarry, while Thou hast been about in the mountains. Leave behind Thy ninety-nine sheep, and come seek the one which hath wandered [Mt 18:12 ff; Lk 15:4]. Come without dogs, come without evil doers, come without the hireling, who does not know how to pass through the door [Jn 10:1-7]. Come without a helper, without a messenger. I have been waiting for Thy coming for a long time. For I know that Thou wilt come, for I have not forgotten Thy commandments [Ps 118:176]. Come not with a rod, but with charity and in the spirit of meekness [1 Cor 4:21].” — Saint Ambrose, Expositio Psalmi CXVIII, 22, 28.
[2] Dom Prosper Guéranger, L’Anno liturgico, I. Avvento — Natale — Quaresima — Passione, trad. it. P. Graziani, Alba, 1959, pp. 21-26.
[3] “Sanctissimus namque Gregorius cum preces effunderet ad Dominum ut musicum donum ei desuper in carminibus dedisset, tunc descendit Spiritus Sanctus super eum, in specie columbæ, et illustravit cor ejus, et sic demum exortus est canere, ita dicendo: Ad te levavi…” Trope to the Introit of the First Sunday of Advent — Cfr. https://gregobase.selapa.net/chant.php?id=4654.
[4] Littera gesta docet, quid credas allegoria, moralis quid agas, quo tendas anagogia (The letter teaches what has happened, the allegory what you have to believe, the moral what you have to do, the anagogy the goal you have to aim for) — Nicola di Lyra, Postilla in Gal., 4:3.
Dr. Robert Malone said in an interview with Steve Bannon last Monday that Austria ‘is the most egregious example’ of ‘the deployment of a totalitarian approach to this whole thing.’
“The future of global totalitarianism is here, it’s just not evenly distributed,” said Dr. Robert Malone, an immunologist and virologist who researched the use of messenger RNA in vaccines at the Salk Institute in the 1980s.
He said in an interview Monday with Steve Bannon’s “War Room” that Austria — the first country to require that every citizen be vaccinated — is “the most egregious example” of “the deployment of a totalitarian approach to this whole thing.”
The European nation and others, Malone said, are using what professor Mattias Desmet of Ghent University in Belgium calls “mass formation psychosis.”
“Basically, it’s the madness of crowds,” Malone said. “And a lot of these governments have been overtaken by this form of psychosis or hypnosis.
“They believe that these vaccines are effective. They clearly are not.”
Meanwhile, in Australia’s Northern Territory, the army is transferring positive COVID-19 cases and contacts by army truck to “quarantine centers.”
The chief minister of Northern Territory said Monday that more residents were being transferred to the camps, including 38 people who were in “close contact” with others who were infected with the novel coronavirus.
Gunner said at a news conference that he spoke with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and is “grateful for the support of about 20 [Australian Defence Force) personnel as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts.”
The Northern Territory chief also announced the imposition of a “hard lockdown” on two communities, meaning people can leave their homes only for medical treatment or in case of a medical emergency.
At the news conference Monday, angrily jabbing his finger repeatedly for emphasis, Gunner declared that anyone who opposes vaccine mandates, even if vaccinated, will be regarded by the government as an “anti-vaxxer.”
‘Impervious’ to ‘actual facts’
Malone told Bannon in the interview Monday that many government leaders and public health officials are “impervious to data” and “actual facts.”
Bannon stopped Malone at that point, telling his audience he wanted to make sure it’s clear what is meant by “effective.”
White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, vaccine funder Bill Gates, and others now are conceding that the COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection and transmission, Bannon noted.
Their pitch now is that the vaccines prevent serious disease and death. Bannon asked Malone to spell out the case Fauci is making for that benefit.
Malone said there’s no doubt that both the vaccines and natural immunity from a previous infection are very effective at preventing serious illness and death. He cited what he described as a “very large and well-constructed” Israeli study concluding that both the vaccines and natural immunity protect against death. But the Israelis also found that natural immunity confers 20-fold better protection from disease than the vaccine.
Fauci and other public officials are neglecting the effectiveness of natural infection, Malone said.
“They are obsessed with the potential mortality risk and hospitalization risk,” he said. “But that is all in the high-risk cohort, the elderly, and that can almost completely be mitigated through early intervention with a wide range of drugs, not the least of which is the monoclonal antibodies.”
Malone charged that public officials are insisting the vaccine is “somehow the only way out.”
“It is absolutely not; it is clearly not effective,” he said.
In fact, Fauci said in a New York Times podcast interview last week that the vaccines are even “waning to the point that you’re seeing more and more people getting breakthrough infections, and more and more of those people who are getting breakthrough infections are winding up in the hospital.”
Fauci: Boosters will be ‘essential’
Last week, Bill Gates acknowledged in an interview with Jeremy Hunt at London’s Policy Exchange that the vaccines are losing effectiveness and “we need a new way of doing the vaccines.”
Days later, Fauci acknowledged in the Times podcast that the COVID vaccine’s effectiveness against infection, hospitalization and death is waning for all age groups, meaning everyone will need to get a booster.
“I think the boosting is going to be an absolutely essential component of our response, not a bonus, not a luxury, but an absolute essential part of the program,” he said.