La preghiera continua, chiesta da Gesu’ Cristo a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna, e realizzata mediante la preghiera del Rosario recitata singolarmente dai partecipanti alla catena!
Continuous prayer, asked by Jesus Crist to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna, and achieved through the prayer of the Rosary recited individually by the participants in the chain!
Venerdi 5 novembre 2021 dalle ore 5.30 alle ore 6.13: Rosario del Dolore, Offerta di Vita (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consacrazione al Preziosissimo Sangue di Gesu’ (S. Gaspare del Bufalo (2)), Consacrazione al Sacro Capo di Gesu’ (serva di Dio Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) e Litaniae Lauretanae.
Friday, November 5 from 5.30 am to 6.13 am: Rosary of Pain, Offering of Life (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus (St. Gaspar del Bufalo (2)), Consecration to the Sacred Head of Jesus (servant of God Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) and Litaniae Lauretanae.
Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera della Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola) e l’invocazione quotidiana al Cuore Immacolato di Maria (presso la basilica di SMM, Roma).
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (at the basilica of SMM, Rome).
Ti invochiamo, Madre di Dio e Madre Nostra, specialmente nel momento della sofferenza per tutti noi, perche’ tu
– ci protegga assieme ai nostri cari e ci ispiri nella preghiera;
– ci ispiri quanto qualcuno circonda di spine il nostro cuore e ci aiuti a rispondere con il silenzio e cin il bene.
– Tu ci guidi con le tue rivelazioni.
Rivelazioni che ci guidano includono quella a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna per la preghiera di consacrazione alla SS.Trinita’ “Offerta di Vita”, con cui ci hai promesso la salvezza per noi, le nostre famiglie e per la Chiesa. Anche oggi l’abbiamo recitata come Tu hai chiesto.
We invoke you, Mother of God and Our Mother, especially in the moment of suffering for all of us, because you
– protect us together with our loved ones and inspire us in prayer;
– inspire us how much someone surrounds our heart with thorns and helps us to respond with silence and good luck.
– You guide us with your revelations.
Revelations that guide us include that to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna for the prayer of consecration to the Holy Trinity “Offer of Life”, with which you promised us salvation for us, our families and for the Church. Even today we recited it as you asked for.
Ti ringraziamo anche per la rivelazione a Bruno Cornacchiola riguardo alla Tua Crociata di Preghiera. Preghiera che recitiamo per la conversione degli atei, dei non cristiani e dei cristiani confusi dal fumo di satana. In cambio di ogni conversione cosi’ concessa dallo Spirito Santo, Tu hai promesso di mandare in cielo un’anima del Limbo!
We thank you also for the revelation to Bruno Cornacchiola regarding Your Crusade of Prayer. Prayer we recite for the conversion of atheists, non-Christians and Christians confused by the smoke of satan. In exchange for every conversion thus granted by the Holy Spirit, You promised to send a soul of Limbo to heaven!
Ti ringraziamo, Sancta Generalissima, per tutti i nuovi membri del nostro gruppo del Piccolo Resto che tu stai scegliendo!
We thank you, Sancta Generalissima, for all the new members of the of our group of the Little Remnant that you are choosing!
Ti preghiamo per tutti i lavoratori che continuano eroicamente ogni giorno a manifestare per il loro diritto al lavoro, poiche’ viene loro impedito di svolgere il loro lavoro e quindi di mantenere se stessi e le loro famiglie! Aiutali, oh Maria Corredentrice! E noi in cambio combatteremo con l’arma della preghiera!
We pray for all workers who continue, like heroes, to demonstrate every day for their right to work, as they are prevented from doing their jobs and therefore from supporting themselves and their families! Help them, oh Mary Co-redemptrix! And in return we will fight with the weapon of prayer!
Inoltre, in questi giorni delle festivita’ dei morti, Ti rivolgiamo una preghiera, a Te Maria Santissima e al Signore Gesu’ Tuo Figlio: per le anime di tutte le persone che abbiamo incontrato in vita, specialmente i nostri amici, sperando che si siano salvati perche’ hanno conservato la loro innocenza di quando erano bambini. Ti preghiamo inoltre per le anime che sono nel Limbo, specialmente le vittime innocenti dell’aborto. Ti preghiamo oh BVM affinche’ Tu voglia includere le loro anime del novero di tutti i beneficati dalle Tue promesse per l’Offerta di Vita. E pertanto imploriamo che Tu voglia portare in cielo anche le loro anime!
Furthermore in these days of the festivity for the deads, we pray You, Mary Most Holy and Lord Jesus Our Lord: for the souls of all the people we have met in life, especially our friends, hoping that they will be saved because they have kept their innocence of when they were children. We also pray for the souls who are in Limbo, especially the innocent victims of abortion. Please oh BVM so that you want to include their souls in the group of all the beneficiaries of your promises for the Offer of Life. And therefore we implore that You want to take their souls to heaven too!
Infine, rivolgiamo a Te, oh Virgo Santa Generalissima, l’invocazione quotidiana a te affinche’ avvenga presto il trionfo del tuo Cuore Immacolato!
At last, we direct to You, Virgo Santa Generalissima, the daily invocation to you so that the triumph of your Immaculate Heart may soon arrive!
Ti preghiamo, Signore Nostro Gesu’ Cristo, e Ti ringraziamo perche’ ci porti la Tua costante ispirazione al sacrificio di noi stessi, tramite l’impegno quotidiano, spinto fino al rischio della nostra stessa vita, per:
– la difesa della dignita’ umana e della liberta’ di scelta dei lavoratori che rifiutano il vaccino segno di satana
– la salvezza dei nostri fratelli, ovvero tutti i cristiani battezzati che credono in Te Signore
– la conversione dei peccatori, specialmente i cristiani freddi e senza vera fede
– l’evangelizzazione dei non cristiani
– la difesa del Depositum Fidei
– la difesa del Tuo Corpo vivente, o Signore, nella particola dell’Eucarestia.
We pray you, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we thank you for bringing us your constant inspiration to sacrifice ourselves, through daily commitment, pushed to the risk of our own life, to:
– the defense of human dignity and the freedom of choice of workers who reject the vaccine, a sign of Satan
– the salvation of our brothers, that is, all baptized Christians who believe in You Lord.
– the conversion of sinners, especially cold Christians without true faith.
– the evangelization of non-Christians
– the defense of the Depositum Fidei
– the defense of your living body, oh Lord, in the particle of the Eucharist.
Signore Nostro Gesu’ Cristo, Ti ringraziamo per la tua richiesta a tutti i tuoi consacrati di dedicarsi della Preghiera Continua (rivelazione a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna). Ti chiediamo per questo, Signore, di voler benedire la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, umilmente ispirata alla Tua Preghiera Continua, affinche’ possa produrre i frutti che Tu desideri.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for your request to all your consecrated persons to dedicate themselves to the Continuous Prayer (revelation to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna). We ask you for this, Lord, to bless the Little Rest Prayer Chain, humbly inspired by Your Continuous Prayer, so that it can produce the fruits you desire.
Ti preghiamo, Signore, perche’ tu ci conceda la grazia del discernimento e della fede affinche’ tu ci renda capaci di discernere i falsi maestri, e i loro complici, che tradiscono la parola autentica tua e quella delle rivelazioni della Beata Vergine Immacolata. Cominciando da:
– quelli che non hanno il coraggio di dichiararsi pubblicamente, come fedeli al papa regnante Benedetto XVI,
– quelli che rifiutano di farlo dichiarando “non possiamo giudicare”, mentre invece nostro dovere e’ obbedire ai Comandamenti e quindi discernere sia il bene che il male, nonche’ il vero e il falso,
– quelli che si dichiarano fedeli a un falso maestro e pur conoscendone gli errori continuano a seguirne i falsi insegnamenti rendendosi cosi’ suoi complici,
– quelli che alterano le parole autentiche delle rivelazioni mistiche approvate dalla Chiesa, solo per accreditarsi come veggenti (ma che cosi’ facendo si rivelano solo complici di satana),
-quelli che diffondono incessantemente falsi e malevoli giudizi sui veri cristiani, tramite la calunna, o addirittura la diffamazione e l’insulto personali, le manifestazione di odio
-quelli che peccano di narcisismo e compiacimento personali, nonche’ d’orgoglio e superbia intellettuale dipingendo se stessi come innocenti al pari di Gesu’ Cristo e della Beata Vergine Immacolata!
– quelli che per fini oscuri propalano disinformazione e notizie pseudoscientifiche palesemente false,
– ai tanti che fanno dipendere il loro giudizio da motivi di convenienza,
– e infine da coloro che, pur condannando a parole l’anti-chiesa, in realta’ la sostengono riconoscendo l’impostore come papa (ed evitando in tal modo la loro scomunica da parte della anti-chiesa).
We pray, Lord, that you grant us the grace of discernment and faith so that you enable us to discern false teachers, and their accomplices, who betray your authentic word and that of the revelations of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin. Starting with
– those who do not have the courage to declare themselves publicly, as faithful to the reigning pope Benedict XVI,
– those who refuse to do so by declaring “we cannot judge”, while instead our duty is to obey the Commandments and thus to discern both good and evil, as well as true and false,
– those who declare themselves faithful to a false teacher and even knowing his errors continue to follow his false teachings, thus becoming his accomplices,
– those who alter the authentic words of the mystical revelations approved by the Church, only to be accredited as seers (but who in doing so reveal themselves only as accomplices of Satan),
– those who incessantly spread false and malevolent judgments on true Christians, through slander, or even personal defamation and insult, the manifestation of hatred
– those who sin of narcissism and personal satisfaction, as well as of pride and intellectual arrogance by portraying themselves as innocent like Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Blessed Virgin!
– those who for obscure purposes propagate disinformation and clearly false pseudoscientific news,
– to the many who make their judgment dependent on reasons of convenience,
– and finally by those who, while condemning the anti-church in words, actually support it by recognizing the impostor as pope (and thus avoiding their excommunication by the anti-church).
Mandaci Signore, tramite lo Spirito Santo Paraclito, le grazie che Tu ritieni necessarie. In particolare ti chiediamo la grazia del discernimento, della carita’ e della mitezza e infine la forza di per poter rispettare la regola del silenzio che hai dettato a Santa Faustina Kowalska (4),ovvero di non rispondere alle offese e alle insinuazioni maligne ispirate dei falsi cristiani.
Send us, Lord, through the Holy Spirit Paraclete, the graces that you think necessary. In particular we ask you those of discernment, charity and meekness and finally the strength to be able to respect the rule of silence that you dictated to Saint Faustina Kowalska (4), or not to respond to the insinuations and malicious insinuations inspired by false Christians.
What is the worst, ever-growing and ever-lasting, blasphemy of the anti-pope?
Qual’e’ la peggiore, sempre-crescente e sempre-presente, blasfemia dell’anti-papa?
It is the statement written in the Abu Dhabi Document on Human Fraternity (and signed by the anti-Pope Francis and Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb on 4 February 2019) which asserts that:
E’ l’affermazione scritta nel Documento sulla Fraternita’ Umana di Abu Dhabi (e firmato dall’anti-papa Francesco e dal Grande Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb il 4 febbraio 2019) che afferma:
“the pluralism and the diversity of religions…are willed by God.”
“il pluralismo e la diversita’ delle religioni … sono volute da Dio”
The main push for harmonizing the three Abrahamic faiths comes from Pope Francis. He has long advocated for various religions to unite under common beliefs and values. The hitch is that the common beliefs and values described in the Document on Human Fraternity are mostly humanistic values — tolerance, acceptance, fraternity, mutual understanding, and so forth. God is mentioned frequently, but He is a generic God. He has created all human beings equally and wants them to live together in peace and harmony as brothers and sisters.
At the same time, however, the document asserts that “the pluralism and the diversity of religions…are willed by God.” This raises an important question. If God wants all people to live together in fraternity and harmony, why did He create a “diversity of religions”? After all, a great many bloody wars have been fought over religious differences.
The document doesn’t really answer this question. Rather, it pretends that, despite their diversity, all religions are more or less the same; all teach peace, equality, and freedom. When bad things happen, it’s not the fault of religion but of “deviation from the teachings of religions.”
Although the publicity for the Abrahamic Family House says that “the unique character of each religion” will be preserved, that seems unlikely. What seems more likely is a watering down of the unique character of each religion. That already seems to have happened.
For example, the Document on Human Fraternity makes no mention of the fact that Christians believe that God is a Trinity. There is also no mention of Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity who came to earth to reveal these and other truths to mankind. The “unique character” of Christianity is that it was founded by Christ, the Son of God.
Yet, belief in the Trinity and in the divinity of Christ is not shared by Jews and Muslims. In fact, the religion of Islam vehemently rejects these beliefs. So, the price of entry into the Abrahamic House is to de-emphasize the central elements of your faith. At least, that is the price that Francis seems willing to pay. Whether or not Jews and Muslims will dilute their faiths correspondingly is another matter.
Will Francis and his followers succeed in watering down Christianity sufficiently so that it can blend smoothly with other religions? Fortunately, there is good reason to think that they won’t succeed. The main obstacle to the success of the syncretic project is an itinerant preacher from Galilee named Jesus. His clear teachings are the greatest impediment to syncretism. The claim that, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” is not conducive to interreligious compromise.
Likewise, the assertion that “no one comes to the Father but by me” (John 14:6) does not suggest that plurality and diversity of religions are willed by God.
Reading the Gospels, one does not get the impression that God willed a diversity of religions. On the contrary, it seems quite obvious that God willed one particular religion and sent His Son to establish it on earth. The “unique character” of Christianity is not that it teaches love of neighbor and charity toward the poor — other religions do the same. Its unique character is that it was founded by God in person.
Admittedly, the Christian claim seems boastful at first glance. And if Christ’s claim about Himself was untrue, that would make Him not only a boastful fraud but also dangerously deceptive — indeed, one of the worst people of all time. As C.S. Lewis and others have observed, if Christ was not God, then He was either a colossal liar or a lunatic. But, to abbreviate Lewis’ argument, Christ seems to be neither crazy nor deceitful, so we must accept the conclusion that He is God. After all, that is what He claimed — not just once or twice, but over and over, directly and indirectly.
Moreover, Christ brought His message to a people — monotheistic Jews — who would instinctively resist any man’s claim to be God. Let us recall that the Jews of the Roman era were a far more skeptical lot than modern-day Americans, many of whom seem disposed to swallow whatever “woke” fantasy is currently in fashion.
Yet it was among these hard-to-convince first-century Jews that many came to believe the astonishing claims made by Jesus. We tend to forget just how astonishing those claims were and are. As I wrote ten years ago:
Imagine how it would sound for any other man, even a great man, to talk about himself the way Christ did. How would it sound if Socrates had said, “Before Abraham came to be, I am”? Or if George Washington had said, “He who lives and believes in me shall never die”? Or if Winston Churchill had said “Your sins are forgiven you”? The answer? It would sound crazy in the extreme.… The strange thing is that, in the case of Christ, the claims don’t seem quite so crazy. In His case, the words do seem to fit the man. (Christianity, Islam, and Atheism, p. 137)
Of course, it wasn’t only the words that convinced people that Jesus was truly the Son of God. The words were backed up by miracles — many of them. And there must have been something else — some extraordinary power of personality.
Msgr. Ronald Knox put it this way: “What was the magic of voice or look that drew them [the apostles] away in those early days when no miracles had yet been done, when the campaign of preaching had not yet been opened?” It must have been, Knox suggests, “the tremendous impact which his force of character made on people” (The Hidden Stream, p. 107).
The question is this: If you believe in the power, authority, and divinity of Christ, and if you believe in His startling claim that He is the only way to the Father, why would you want to simply dialogue with members of other faiths? Shouldn’t you want to convert them? Likewise, why would you want to form a unity of religions in which each retains its “unique character”? Wouldn’t you want to convert those other religions to the Church established by Christ?
That seems to be what Christ desired when He told His apostles, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
Yet Pope Francis and others in the Church’s leadership don’t seem terribly interested in making converts to Christ. In Evangelii Gaudium, Francis seems to exempt both Jews and Muslims from any need to convert. He once told a group of Muslim migrants that they should find comfort in the Koran. Another time, he advised Catholics in Morocco that “Conversion is not your mission.” And he told atheist journalist Eugenio Scalfari that “proselytism is solemn nonsense.”
In 2014, he told a group of Protestants, “I’m not interested in converting Evangelicals to Catholicism.” On another occasion, he criticized the ordinariate established by Benedict XVI for Anglicans who wish to become Catholics. Francis said they should remain as Anglicans.
In that regard, it was recently reported that “efforts were made at the highest level of the Vatican to dissuade 72-year-old Nazir-Ali from converting to Catholicism.” Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Anglican bishop of Rochester, England, recently converted to Catholicism. The most likely reason for the efforts to dissuade him is that Dr. Nazir-Ali is a strong critic of Islamic sharia. Furthermore, he felt the Church of England was not doing enough to convert Muslims. According to a clerical source cited by Church Militant, “Nazir-Ali isn’t the kind of convert we are looking for under the Francis pontificate.”
“Not the kind of convert we are looking for”? One sometimes gets the impression that the Church under Pope Francis isn’t looking for any converts at all. Why bother to convert when all religions are roughly the same? And, make no mistake, the sameness of all religions is one of the basic assumptions undergirding the Document on Human Fraternity (which, by the way, looks very much as though it was written in Rome rather than in Cairo.) Here’s a typical passage:
This Document…upholds…the firm conviction that authentic teachings of religions invite us to remain rooted in the values of peace; to defend the values of mutual understanding, human fraternity and harmonious coexistence; to re-establish wisdom, justice and love…
All of this sounds more like one of those Humanist Manifestos of the last century than like a document written by men who are on fire with the love of God. Religion? Any one will do—as long as it’s committed to humanist values.
As for the violent commands of Muhammad and the exclusive demands of Jesus? Well, as the document says, “Dialogue among believers means coming together in the vast space of spiritual, human and shared social values.” But perhaps the space for dialogue is not so vast after all. The document goes on to say, “It [dialogue] also means avoiding unproductive discussions.” Hmm. It’s a good bet that all those astonishing claims that Jesus made about Himself fall under the category of “unproductive discussions.”
Indeed, if your aim is the creation of a one-world humanistic religion, then about 90 percent of the New Testament is “unproductive.” Not to mention the significant percentage of the Koran that does not fit into a humanistic framework.
Ps 109:4 V.Tu es sacérdos in ætérnum, secúndum órdinem Melchísedech.Allelúia.
Matt 25:14-23 In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis parábolam hanc: Homo peregre proficíscens vocávit servos suos, et trádidit illis bona sua. Et uni dedit quinque talénta, álii autem duo, álii vero unum, unicuíque secúndum própriam virtútem, et proféctus est statim.
Oggi ricordiamo la grande figure di San Carlo Borromeo. Il Vangelo di oggi riguarda la parabola dei talenti. Sembra ritagliato su misura sui pastori cui e’ stato affidato tanto. Hanno ricevuto doni particolari per rivestire gli ordini religiosi. Proprio perche’ il Signore li ha scelti come guide. Nel corso della vita scopre i talenti che gli sono stati dati, cinque, due o uno solo. Ma per i servi fedeli il Signore riserva la gloria del Paradiso.
San Carlo Borromeo ha certamente impiegato proficuamente i suoi talenti. Fece del bene come sacerdote, vescovo e cardinale, portando la predicazione anche nei paesi piu’ sperduti di montagna. Portava la dottrina ovunque e confermava nelle fede il popolo di Cristo in un tempo in cui vi era l’eresia protestante.
E’ rappresentato con un capestro al collo. Perche’ al tempo della peste portava la corda per indicare che lui era servo di Cristo! La peste era una vera pandemia in cui piu’ della meta’ della popolazione moriva dopo atroci sofferenze (la peste bubbonica).
La Chiesa oggi si deve riprendere a partire dai pastori. Adesso il clero e’ addormentato. Di fronte alla pandemia la Chiesa deve ripartire dai sacerdoti. I quali non possono seguire la falsa chiesa di satana, ingannando i fedeli.
I sacerdoti devono seguire la donna dell’Apocalisse, la Donna Vestita di Sole, la Vergine Celeste! I sacerdoti devono uscire nel deserto seguendo la Beata Vergine Maria, imitando l’esempio di San Carlo Borromeo!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Ps 109: 4 V. Tu es sacérdos in ætérnum, secúndum órdinem Melchísedech. Alleluia.
Matt 25: 14-23 In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis parábolam hanc: Homo peregre proficíscens vocávit servos suos, et trádidit illis bona sua. Et uni dedit quinque talénta, álii autem duo, álii vero unum, unicuíque secúndum própriam virtútem, et proféctus est statim.
Today we remember the great figure of San Carlo Borromeo.
Today’s Gospel concerns the parable of the talents. It seems tailor-made on the shepherds to whom so much has been entrusted. They received special gifts to hold religious orders. Precisely because the Lord has chosen them as guides.
Throughout his life, he [the priest] discovers the talents he has been given, five, two, or just one. But for the faithful servants the Lord reserves the glory of Heaven.
San Carlo Borromeo certainly used his talents profitably. He did good as a priest, bishop and cardinal, bringing preaching to even the most remote mountain villages.
He carried the doctrine everywhere and confirmed the faith of the people of Christ in a time when there was a Protestant heresy. He is represented with a halter around his neck. Because at the time of the plague he wore the rope to indicate that he was Christ’s servant!
The plague was a real pandemic in which more than half of the population died after excruciating suffering (the bubonic plague). The Church today must recover starting from the pastors.
Now the clergy is asleep. In the face of the pandemic, the Church must restart from the priests. Who cannot follow the false church of satan, deceiving the faithful. Priests must follow the woman of the Apocalypse, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the Celestial Virgin!
Priests must go out into the desert following the Blessed Virgin Mary, imitating the example of St. Charles Borromeo!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
“Le pandemie saranno la regola e non l’eccezione; dovranno essere controllate senza la democrazia, che è un sistema pieno di debolezze. Tutto il mondo dovrà essere governato da un “Uno-dio”, che potrà fare tutto, come il presidente della Cina”.
Questi sono i concetti espressi durante un intervento tv dal Prof. Giuliano Di Bernardo, già Gran Maestro del Grande Oriente d’Italia, (1990-’93). Dimessosi dal GOI per le infiltrazioni mafiose da lui stesso denunciate, fondatore di un’altra obbedienza, la Gran Loggia Regolare d’Italia, alla fine, scandalizzato dai rapporti che si tessevano ovunque tra logge, mafia e ‘ndrangheta, ha lasciato del tutto la Massoneria.
L’ex Gran Maestro ci offre un chiaro panorama di riferimento per capire quello che sta succedendo.
Vi proponiamo lo “sbobinamento” completo del suo intervento registrato durante la trasmissione televisiva “Segnalibro” andata in onda su Telerama il 15 agosto 2020 (a partire dal minuto 7:20).
I massoni non di rado cedono alla tentazione di divulgare in pubblico le loro teorie e i loro segreti, magari creando qualche imbarazzo. (Un po’ come quando nel 2015 il cardinale superbergogliano Godfried Danneels, confermò, tutto compiaciuto, alla tv belga di appartenere alla “Mafia di San Gallo”, la lobby di cardinali modernisti e in odore di massoneria ecclesiastica che volevano cacciare Benedetto XVI. Affermazioni gravissime, che tiravano in causa scomuniche per tutti: infatti, poi, sparì di scena, [chissà perché?] fino alla sua morte avvenuta nel 2019).
Comunque, per chi avesse ancora qualche dubbio su quello che sta succedendo, ascolti il prof. Di Bernardo:
* * *
“Noi dobbiamo vedere già una prima forma di globalizzazione nella costituzione dei regni. Un popolo che parla la stessa lingua, la stessa cultura, la stessa religione viene omogeneizzato.
Quando più regni formano l’impero avviene un’ulteriore omogeneizzazione e la globalizzazione altro non è che un processo di omogeneizzazione delle differenze umane.
In tempi recenti, la globalizzazione ha avuto una forte accelerata da parte della scienza e delle sue applicazioni tecnologiche e questo ha cambiato tutto.
Il fenomeno di globalizzazione ormai sta andando sempre più avanti ed è irreversibile per una ragione semplice: se sono la scienza e le applicazioni tecnologiche a spingere verso la globalizzazione del pianeta, bene, noi potremmo arrestare la globalizzazione fermando la scienza. Lei pensa che questo sia possibile?
La scienza andrà avanti e più la scienza va avanti più ci sarà globalizzazione. Arriveremo a un punto in cui ci sarà una sola società su tutto il pianeta Terra e allora la domanda è: chi governerà questo “paese”, chi governerà questo mondo? Per ragioni che ho spiegato ampiamente nel libro non potrà essere la democrazia, la democrazia rivela tutte le sue debolezze e le sue contraddizioni.
La società completamente globalizzata sarà governata da colui che ho chiamato l’UNO, ma questo che cosa significa? Significa che i fenomeni che oggi noi stiamo affrontando potranno trovare soluzione soltanto all’interno di una società governata dall’UNO.
La pandemia, ecco, la pandemia è un ulteriore fattore di accelerazione verso la società globalizzata dell’UNO dio, perché? Perché la pandemia di cui parliamo oggi non è l’eccezione, ma è la regola.
Noi ci dobbiamo aspettare, in tempi brevi, altre pandemie che metteranno a rischio la sopravvivenza dell’umanità.
Allora dobbiamo trovare il modo, che non è quello di evitare le pandemie, ma quello di controllarle e allora dobbiamo vedere quali forme di governo consentono di controllare le pandemie.
Rispetto al futuro da me ipotizzato, che è quello dell’UNO-dio, oggi noi abbiamo una piccola anticipazione nel nostro presente, rappresentato appunto dalla Cina.
Per noi osservatori occidentali, quasi sempre distratti, la Cina sta creando condizioni del tutto particolari. Il presidente è stato eletto a vita, il che significa che per tutta la sua vita può dare quella impostazione che lui desidera per la Cina e per tutto il pianeta.
Non ha, quindi, le interruzioni previste dalla democrazia, ma proprio per questo avendo a disposizione la scienza, la tecnologia, l’intelligenza artificiale e tutto ciò che rappresenta le potenzialità scientifiche, è veramente UN DIO CHE PUÒ FARE TUTTO, che ha un potere assoluto, ecco perché io l’ho chiamato l’UNO-dio, ma l’UNO-dio può governare con successo un popolo di 1miliardo e 400.000 mila individui anche perché questo popolo non ha una religione, ma ha una filosofia pratica che è il Confucianesimo”.
Ebbene, il prof. Di Bernardo è quello che il procuratore di Palmi Agostino Cordova ha definito “un fiore sulla palude della massoneria”. QUI al minuto 6:20. Se questi sono i programmi ideologici del “fiore”, potrete avere una caratura immediata di quali siano i programmi della “palude”.
P.S. In un’intervista del febbraio 2016, il quotidiano Libero ha fatto a Di Bernardo la domanda: “Qual è il suo prototipo di tiranno illuminato?”. Il professore ha risposto: “Se devo indicare un nome, direi il Papa“.
ORARI S.MESSA DI OGGI GIOVEDI 4 NOVEMBRE, ORE 8.00 – S. Caroli Episcopi et Confessoris ~ III. classis Tempora: Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam XXIII post Octavam Pentecostes V. Octobris
Matt 25:14-23 In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis parábolam hanc: Homo peregre proficíscens vocávit servos suos, et trádidit illis bona sua. Et uni dedit quinque talénta, álii autem duo, álii vero unum, unicuíque secúndum própriam virtútem, et proféctus est statim. Abiit autem, qui quinque talénta accéperat, et operátus est in eis, et lucrátus est ália quinque. Simíliter et, qui duo accéperat, lucrátus est ália duo. Qui autem unum accéperat, ábiens fodit in terram, et abscóndit pecúniam dómini sui. Post multum vero témporis venit dóminus servórum illórum, et pósuit ratiónem cum eis. Et accédens qui quinque talénta accéperat, óbtulit alia quinque talénta, dicens:Dómine, quinque talénta tradidísti mihi, ecce, alia quinque superlucrátus sum. Ait illi dóminus eius: Euge, serve bone et fidélis, quia super pauca fuísti fidélis, super multa te constituam: intra in gáudium dómini tui. Accéssit autem et qui duo talénta accéperat, et ait: Dómine, duo talénta tradidísti mihi, ecce, ália duo lucrátus sum. Ait illi dóminus eius: Euge, serve bone et fidélis, quia super pauca fuísti fidélis, super multa te constítuam: intra in gáudium dómini tui.
GospelMatt 25:14-23 At that time, Jesus spoke this parable to His disciples: “A man going abroad, called his servants and handed over his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his particular ability, and then he went on his journey. And he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more. In like manner, he who had received the two gained two more. But he who had received the one went away and dug in the earth and hid his master’s money. Then after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them. And he who had received the five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Master, you handed over to me five talents; behold, I have gained five others in addition.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; because you have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many; enter into the joy of your master.’ And he also who had received the two talents came, and said, ‘Master, you handed over to me two talents; behold, I have gained two more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; because you have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many; enter into the joy of your master.
Ps 109:4 V.Tu es sacérdos in ætérnum, secúndum órdinem Melchísedech.Allelúia.
Matt 25:14-23 In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis parábolam hanc: Homo peregre proficíscens vocávit servos suos, et trádidit illis bona sua. Et uni dedit quinque talénta, álii autem duo, álii vero unum, unicuíque secúndum própriam virtútem, et proféctus est statim.
Oggi ricordiamo la grande figure di San Carlo Borromeo. Il Vangelo di oggi riguarda la parabola dei talenti. Sembra ritagliato su misura sui pastori cui e’ stato affidato tanto. Hanno ricevuto doni particolari per rivestire gli ordini religiosi. Proprio perche’ il Signore li ha scelti come guide. Nel corso della vita scopre i talenti che gli sono stati dati, cinque, due o uno solo. Ma per i servi fedeli il Signore riserva la gloria del Paradiso.
San Carlo Borromeo ha certamente impiegato proficuamente i suoi talenti. Fece del bene come sacerdote, vescovo e cardinale, portando la predicazione anche nei paesi piu’ sperduti di montagna. Portava la dottrina ovunque e confermava nelle fede il popolo di Cristo in un tempo in cui vi era l’eresia protestante.
E’ rappresentato con un capestro al collo. Perche’ al tempo della peste portava la corda per indicare che lui era servo di Cristo! La peste era una vera pandemia in cui piu’ della meta’ della popolazione moriva dopo atroci sofferenze (la peste bubbonica).
La Chiesa oggi si deve riprendere a partire dai pastori. Adesso il clero e’ addormentato. Di fronte alla pandemia la Chiesa deve ripartire dai sacerdoti. I quali non possono seguire la falsa chiesa di satana, ingannando i fedeli.
I sacerdoti devono seguire la donna dell’Apocalisse, la Donna Vestita di Sole, la Vergine Celeste! I sacerdoti devono uscire nel deserto seguendo la Beata Vergine Maria, imitando l’esempio di San Carlo Borromeo!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Ps 109: 4 V. Tu es sacérdos in ætérnum, secúndum órdinem Melchísedech. Alleluia.
Matt 25: 14-23 In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis parábolam hanc: Homo peregre proficíscens vocávit servos suos, et trádidit illis bona sua. Et uni dedit quinque talénta, álii autem duo, álii vero unum, unicuíque secúndum própriam virtútem, et proféctus est statim.
Today we remember the great figure of San Carlo Borromeo.
Today’s Gospel concerns the parable of the talents. It seems tailor-made on the shepherds to whom so much has been entrusted. They received special gifts to hold religious orders. Precisely because the Lord has chosen them as guides.
Throughout his life, he [the priest] discovers the talents he has been given, five, two, or just one. But for the faithful servants the Lord reserves the glory of Heaven.
San Carlo Borromeo certainly used his talents profitably. He did good as a priest, bishop and cardinal, bringing preaching to even the most remote mountain villages.
He carried the doctrine everywhere and confirmed the faith of the people of Christ in a time when there was a Protestant heresy. He is represented with a halter around his neck. Because at the time of the plague he wore the rope to indicate that he was Christ’s servant!
The plague was a real pandemic in which more than half of the population died after excruciating suffering (the bubonic plague).
The Church today must recover starting from the pastors. Now the clergy is asleep. In the face of the pandemic, the Church must restart from the priests. Who cannot follow the false church of satan, deceiving the faithful. Priests must follow the woman of the Apocalypse, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the Celestial Virgin!
Priests must go out into the desert following the Blessed Virgin Mary, imitating the example of St. Charles Borromeo!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
Ti preghiamo, Signore Nostro Gesu’ Cristo, e Ti ringraziamo perche’ ci porti la Tua costante ispirazione al sacrificio di noi stessi, tramite l’impegno quotidiano, spinto fino al rischio della nostra stessa vita, per:
– la difesa della dignita’ umana e della liberta’ di scelta dei lavoratori che rifiutano il vaccino segno di satana
– la salvezza dei nostri fratelli, ovvero tutti i cristiani battezzati che credono in Te Signore.
– la conversione dei peccatori, specialmente i cristiani freddi e senza vera fede.
– l’evangelizzazione dei non cristiani
– la difesa del Depositum Fidei
– la difesa del Tuo Corpo vivente, o Signore, nella particola dell’Eucarestia.
We pray you, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we thank you for bringing us your constant inspiration to sacrifice ourselves, through daily commitment, pushed to the risk of our own life, to:
– the defense of human dignity and the freedom of choice of workers who reject the vaccine, a sign of Satan
– the salvation of our brothers, that is, all baptized Christians who believe in You Lord.
– the conversion of sinners, especially cold Christians without true faith.
– the evangelization of non-Christians
– the defense of the Depositum Fidei
– the defense of your living body, oh Lord, in the particle of the Eucharist.
Signore Nostro Gesu’ Cristo, Ti ringraziamo per la tua richiesta a tutti i tuoi consacrati di dedicarsi della Preghiera Continua (rivelazione a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna). Ti chiediamo per questo, Signore, di voler benedire la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, umilmente ispirata alla Tua Preghiera Continua, affinche’ possa produrre i frutti che Tu desideri.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for your request to all your consecrated persons to dedicate themselves to the Continuous Prayer (revelation to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna). We ask you for this, Lord, to bless the Little Rest Prayer Chain, humbly inspired by Your Continuous Prayer, so that it can produce the fruits you desire.
Ti preghiamo, Signore, perche’ tu ci conceda la grazia del discernimento e della fede affinche’ tu ci renda capaci di discernere i falsi maestri che tradiscono la parola autentica tua e quella delle rivelazioni della Beata Vergine Immacolata. Cominciando da:
– quelli che non hanno il coraggio di dichiararsi pubblicamente, come fedeli al papa regnante Benedetto XVI,
– quelli che rifiutano di farlo dichiarando “non possiamo giudicare”, mentre invece nostro dovere e’ obbedire ai Comandamenti e quindi discernere sia il bene che il male, nonche’ il vero e il falso,
– quelli che alterano le parole autentiche delle rivelazioni mistiche approvate dalla Chiesa, solo per accreditarsi come veggenti (ma che cosi’ facendo si rivelano solo complici di satana),
-quelli che diffondono incessantemente falsi e malevoli giudizi sui veri cristiani, tramite la calunna, o addirittura la diffamazione e l’insulto personali, le manifestazione di odio
-quelli che peccano di narcisismo e compiacimento personali, nonche’ d’orgoglio e superbia intellettuale dipingendo se stessi come innocenti al pari di Gesu’ Cristo e della Beata Vergine Immacolata!
– quelli che per fini oscuri propalano disinformazione e notizie pseudoscientifiche palesemente false,
– ai tanti che fanno dipendere il loro giudizio da motivi di convenienza,
– e infine da coloro che, pur condannando a parole l’anti-chiesa, in realta’ la sostengono riconoscendo l’impostore come papa (ed evitando in tal modo la loro scomunica da parte della anti-chiesa).
We pray, Lord, that you grant us the grace of discernment and faith so that you enable us to discern the false teachers who betray your authentic word and that of the revelations of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin. Starting with:
– those who do not have the courage to declare themselves publicly, as faithful to the reigning pope Benedict XVI,
– those who refuse to do so by declaring “we cannot judge”, while instead our duty is to obey the Commandments and thus to discern both good and evil, as well as true and false,
– those who alter the authentic words of the mystical revelations approved by the Church, only to be accredited as seers (but who in doing so reveal themselves only as accomplices of Satan),
– those who incessantly spread false and malevolent judgments on true Christians, through slander, or even personal defamation and insult, the manifestation of hatred
– those who sin of narcissism and personal satisfaction, as well as of pride and intellectual arrogance by portraying themselves as innocent like Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Blessed Virgin!
– those who for obscure purposes propagate disinformation and clearly false pseudoscientific news,
– to the many who make their judgment dependent on reasons of convenience,
– and finally by those who, while condemning the anti-church in words, actually support it by recognizing the impostor as pope (and thus avoiding their excommunication by the anti-church).
Mandaci Signore, tramite lo Spirito Santo Paraclito, le grazie che Tu ritieni necessarie. In particolare ti chiediamo la grazia del discernimento, della carita’ e della mitezza e infine la forza di per poter rispettare la regola del silenzio che hai dettato a Santa Faustina Kowalska (4),ovvero di non rispondere alle offese e alle insinuazioni maligne ispirate dei falsi cristiani.
Send us, Lord, through the Holy Spirit Paraclete, the graces that you think necessary. In particular we ask you those of discernment, charity and meekness and finally the strength to be able to respect the rule of silence that you dictated to Saint Faustina Kowalska (4), or not to respond to the insinuations and malicious insinuations inspired by false Christians.
La preghiera continua, chiesta da Gesu’ Cristo a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna, e realizzata mediante la preghiera del Rosario recitata singolarmente dai partecipanti alla catena!
Continuous prayer, asked by Jesus Crist to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna, and achieved through the prayer of the Rosary recited individually by the participants in the chain!
Giovedi 4 novembre dalle ore 5.25 alle ore 6.08: Rosario del Dolore, Offerta di Vita (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consacrazione al Preziosissimo Sangue di Gesu’ (S. Gaspare del Bufalo (2)), Consacrazione al Sacro Capo di Gesu’ (serva di Dio Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) e Litaniae Lauretanae.
Thursday, November 4 from 5.25 am to 6.08 am: Rosary of Pain, Offering of Life (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus (St. Gaspar del Bufalo (2)), Consecration to the Sacred Head of Jesus (servant of God Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) and Litaniae Lauretanae.
Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera della Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola) e l’invocazione quotidiana al Cuore Immacolato di Maria (presso la basilica di SMM, Roma).
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (at the basilica of SMM, Rome).
Ti invochiamo, Madre di Dio e Madre Nostra, specialmente nel momento della sofferenza per tutti noi, affinche’ tu ci protegga assieme ai nostri cari e ci ispiri nella preghiera. E perche’ ci aiuti e ci guidi sempre con le tue rivelazioni. Le Tue rivelazioni che ci guidano includono quella a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna per la preghiera di consacrazione alla SS.Trinita’ “Offerta di Vita”, con cui ci hai promesso la salvezza per noi, le nostre famiglie e per la Chiesa. Anche oggi l’abbiamo recitata come Tu hai chiesto.
We invoke you, Mother of God and Our Mother, especially at the time of suffering for all of us, so that you protect us together with our loved ones and inspire us in prayer. And because do you help us and always guide us with your revelations. Your revelations that guide us include that to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna for the prayer of consecration to the Holy Trinity “Offer of Life”, with which you promised us salvation for us, our families and for the Church. Even today we recited it as you asked for.
Ti ringraziamo anche per la rivelazione a Bruno Cornacchiola riguardo alla Tua Crociata di Preghiera. Preghiera che recitiamo volentieri per la conversione degli atei, dei non cristiani e dei cristiani confusi dal fumo di satana. In cambio di ogni conversione cosi’ concessa dallo Spirito Santo, Tu hai promesso di mandare in cielo un’anima del Limbo!
We thank you also for the revelation to Bruno Cornacchiola regarding Your Crusade of Prayer. Prayer we recite willingly for the conversion of atheists, non-Christians and Christians confused by the smoke of satan. In exchange for every conversion thus granted by the Holy Spirit, You promised to send a soul of Limbo to heaven!
Ti ringraziamo, Sancta Generalissima, per tutti i nuovi membri del nostro gruppo del Piccolo Resto che tu stai scegliendo!
We thank you, Sancta Generalissima, for all the new members of the of our group of the Little Remnant that you are choosing!
Ti preghiamo per tutti i lavoratori che continuano eroicamente a manifestare per il loro diritto al lavoro, poiche’ viene loro impedito di svolgere il loro lavoro e quindi di mantenere se stessi e le loro famiglie! Aiutali, oh Maria Corredentrice! E noi in cambio combatteremo con l’arma della preghiera!
We pray for all workers who continue, like heroes, to demonstrate for their right to work, as they are prevented from doing their jobs and therefore from supporting themselves and their families! Help them, oh Mary Co-redemptrix! And in return we will fight with the weapon of prayer!
Inoltre, in questi giorni delle festivita’ dei morti, Ti rivolgiamo una preghiera, a Te Maria Santissima e al Signore Gesu’ Tuo Figlio: per le anime di tutte le persone che abbiamo incontrato in vita, specialmente i nostri amici, sperando che si siano salvati perche’ hanno conservato la loro innocenza di quando erano bambini. Ti preghiamo inoltre per le anime che sono nel Limbo, specialmente le vittime innocenti dell’aborto. Ti preghiamo oh BVM affinche’ Tu voglia includere le loro anime del novero di tutti i beneficati dalle Tue promesse per l’Offerta di Vita. E pertanto imploriamo che Tu voglia portare in cielo anche le loro anime!
Furthermore in these days of the festivity for the deads, we pray You, Mary Most Holy and Lord Jesus Our Lord: for the souls of all the people we have met in life, especially our friends, hoping that they will be saved because they have kept their innocence of when they were children. We also pray for the souls who are in Limbo, especially the innocent victims of abortion. Please oh BVM so that you want to include their souls in the group of all the beneficiaries of your promises for the Offer of Life. And therefore we implore that You want to take their souls to heaven too!
Infine, rivolgiamo a Te, oh Virgo Santa Generalissima, l’invocazione quotidiana a te affinche’ avvenga presto il trionfo del tuo Cuore Immacolato!
At last, we direct to You, Virgo Santa Generalissima, the daily invocation to you so that the triumph of your Immaculate Heart may soon arrive!
Ti preghiamo, Signore Nostro Gesu’ Cristo, e Ti ringraziamo perche’ ci porti la Tua costante ispirazione al sacrificio di noi stessi, tramite l’impegno quotidiano, spinto fino al rischio della nostra stessa vita, per:
– la difesa della dignita’ umana e della liberta’ di scelta dei lavoratori che rifiutano il vaccino segno di satana
– la salvezza dei nostri fratelli, ovvero tutti i cristiani battezzati che credono in Te Signore.
– la conversione dei peccatori, specialmente i cristiani freddi e senza vera fede.
– l’evangelizzazione dei non cristiani
– la difesa del Depositum Fidei
– la difesa del Tuo Corpo vivente, o Signore, nella particola dell’Eucarestia.
We pray you, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and we thank you for bringing us your constant inspiration to sacrifice ourselves, through daily commitment, pushed to the risk of our own life, to:
– the defense of human dignity and the freedom of choice of workers who reject the vaccine, a sign of Satan
– the salvation of our brothers, that is, all baptized Christians who believe in You Lord.
– the conversion of sinners, especially cold Christians without true faith.
– the evangelization of non-Christians
– the defense of the Depositum Fidei
– the defense of your living body, oh Lord, in the particle of the Eucharist.
Signore Nostro Gesu’ Cristo, Ti ringraziamo per la tua richiesta a tutti i tuoi consacrati di dedicarsi della Preghiera Continua (rivelazione a Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna). Ti chiediamo per questo, Signore, di voler benedire la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, umilmente ispirata alla Tua Preghiera Continua, affinche’ possa produrre i frutti che Tu desideri.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for your request to all your consecrated persons to dedicate themselves to the Continuous Prayer (revelation to Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna). We ask you for this, Lord, to bless the Little Rest Prayer Chain, humbly inspired by Your Continuous Prayer, so that it can produce the fruits you desire.
Ti preghiamo, Signore, perche’ tu ci conceda la grazia del discernimento e della fede affinche’ tu ci renda capaci di discernere i falsi maestri che tradiscono la parola autentica tua e quella delle rivelazioni della Beata Vergine Immacolata. Cominciando da:
– quelli che non hanno il coraggio di dichiararsi pubblicamente, come fedeli al papa regnante Benedetto XVI,
– quelli che rifiutano di farlo dichiarando “non possiamo giudicare”, mentre invece nostro dovere e’ obbedire ai Comandamenti e quindi discernere sia il bene che il male, nonche’ il vero e il falso,
– quelli che alterano le parole autentiche delle rivelazioni mistiche approvate dalla Chiesa, solo per accreditarsi come veggenti (ma che cosi’ facendo si rivelano solo complici di satana),
-quelli che diffondono incessantemente falsi e malevoli giudizi sui veri cristiani, tramite la calunna, o addirittura la diffamazione e l’insulto personali, le manifestazione di odio
-quelli che peccano di narcisismo e compiacimento personali, nonche’ d’orgoglio e superbia intellettuale dipingendo se stessi come innocenti al pari di Gesu’ Cristo e della Beata Vergine Immacolata!
– quelli che per fini oscuri propalano disinformazione e notizie pseudoscientifiche palesemente false,
– ai tanti che fanno dipendere il loro giudizio da motivi di convenienza,
– e infine da coloro che, pur condannando a parole l’anti-chiesa, in realta’ la sostengono riconoscendo l’impostore come papa (ed evitando in tal modo la loro scomunica da parte della anti-chiesa).
We pray, Lord, that you grant us the grace of discernment and faith so that you enable us to discern the false teachers who betray your authentic word and that of the revelations of the Immaculate Blessed Virgin. Starting with:
– those who do not have the courage to declare themselves publicly, as faithful to the reigning pope Benedict XVI,
– those who refuse to do so by declaring “we cannot judge”, while instead our duty is to obey the Commandments and thus to discern both good and evil, as well as true and false,
– those who alter the authentic words of the mystical revelations approved by the Church, only to be accredited as seers (but who in doing so reveal themselves only as accomplices of Satan),
– those who incessantly spread false and malevolent judgments on true Christians, through slander, or even personal defamation and insult, the manifestation of hatred
– those who sin of narcissism and personal satisfaction, as well as of pride and intellectual arrogance by portraying themselves as innocent like Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Blessed Virgin!
– those who for obscure purposes propagate disinformation and clearly false pseudoscientific news,
– to the many who make their judgment dependent on reasons of convenience,
– and finally by those who, while condemning the anti-church in words, actually support it by recognizing the impostor as pope (and thus avoiding their excommunication by the anti-church).
Mandaci Signore, tramite lo Spirito Santo Paraclito, le grazie che Tu ritieni necessarie. In particolare ti chiediamo la grazia del discernimento, della carita’ e della mitezza e infine la forza di per poter rispettare la regola del silenzio che hai dettato a Santa Faustina Kowalska (4),ovvero di non rispondere alle offese e alle insinuazioni maligne ispirate dei falsi cristiani.
Send us, Lord, through the Holy Spirit Paraclete, the graces that you think necessary. In particular we ask you those of discernment, charity and meekness and finally the strength to be able to respect the rule of silence that you dictated to Saint Faustina Kowalska (4), or not to respond to the insinuations and malicious insinuations inspired by false Christians.
COMMENTO: Premetto una breve sintesi in italiano dell’articolo (1) pubblicato il 2 novembre 2021 da Robert Morrison sulla rivista “The Remnant“, USA (*)
L’articolo afferma che e’ facile giudicare irrilevante “Il Sinodo per una Chiesa Sinodale”. Infatti tutto nel Sinodo appare semplicemente ridicolo (**). Cominciando dal fatto che ogni cosa sembra concepita apposta per umiliare il Corpo Mistico di Gesu’ Cristo, partendo dalla premessa che Dio ha fatto le cose giuste ma che ora all’uomo peccatore pare sia giunto il momento per tentare di dire la sua (SIC!). Ma il risultato e’ gia’ prevedibile: inevitabilmente sara’ nient’altro che una falsa chiesa umana, una chiesa creata dal consenso degli uomini e non da Dio.
Nel suo libro “The Catechism of the Crisis in the Church” Fr. Matthias Gaudron descrive il difetto (la colpa) principale del Sindono: il processo in cui il giudizio personale conduce a sostituire alla fede soprannaturale una fede puramente umana e quindi inevitabilmente falsa, visto che non ci e’ dato di attingere al trascendente e al soprannaturale.
Pertanto lo stesso processo Sinodale condurra’ inevitabilmente a una fede differente. Cio’ in quanto fede puramente umana, seppur con qualche lontana somiglianza con il cattolicesimo.
It is easy to dismiss, or at least mock, Francis’s “Synod for a Synodal Church.” Everything about the Synod seems intentionally ridiculous. Truly, it is designed to humiliate the Mystical Body of Christ, with the premise that God got some things right but now we must let sinful men give it a shot.
So the very process of the Synodal path would lead to a different faith because it will be a human faith, even if it has some resemblance to Catholicism.
It would, of course, be bad enough if it were simply a process of reevaluating everything about the Church. Even if the process yielded a church which resembled the Catholic Church during her most glorious years, it would still be sinister because it would be a church created by the consensus of men rather than the authority, wisdom, and love of God. In his The Catechism of the Crisis in the Church, Fr. Matthias Gaudron describes this fundamental fault of the Synod: the process by which personal judgment leads to the supernatural faith being replaced by a purely human faith:
“Faith does not depend on our personal judgment, but on the authority of God who reveals Himself and who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Thus it is necessary to receive everything that God has revealed and not take only that which seems good to us. Therefore someone who makes a choice about the revealed deposit of faith and does not want to accept it as a whole imposes a limit on God, for he lets his reason have the last word. He who acts in this way no longer has a supernatural faith, but only a human faith, however numerous the points on which it may be in accord with supernatural faith.”
So the very process of the Synodal path would lead to a different faith because it will be a human faith, even if it has some resemblance to Catholicism.
Unfortunately it gets worse. Paragraph 17 of the “preparatory document” for the Synod introduces an image for the journey:
“An original scene appears, in its fundamental structure, as the constant of the way in which Jesus reveals himself throughout the Gospel, as he announces the coming of the Kingdom of God. Essentially, three actors (plus one) are involved. The first, of course, is Jesus, the absolute protagonist who takes the initiative, sowing the words and signs of the coming of the Kingdom without ‘showing partiality’ (cf. Acts 10:34).”
The next several paragraphs of the Synod’s preparatory document purport to teach us about the way in which Jesus reveals himself throughout the Gospel. This little introduction intentionally sparks our curiosity — it speaks of “three actors (plus one)” involved in the process . . . who is the “plus one”?
The Synodal path began in hell and leads to hell.
The introduction also mentions that Jesus is the “absolute protagonist” because He “takes the initiative,” not because He is God. In paragraph 18, we learn that Jesus’s work depends in some way on His “constant openness” to the second actor in the scene, the crowd following Him:
“In fact, the work of evangelization and the message of salvation would not be comprehensible without Jesus’ constant openness to the widest possible audience, which the Gospels refer to as the crowd, that is, all the people who follow him along the path, and at times even pursue him in the hope of a sign and a word of salvation: this is the second actor on the scene of Revelation. The proclamation of the Gospel is not addressed only to an enlightened or chosen few. Jesus’ interlocutor is the ‘people’ of ordinary life, the ‘everyone’ of the human condition, whom he puts directly in contact with God’s gift and the call to salvation. In a way that surprises and sometimes scandalizes the witnesses, Jesus accepts as interlocutors all those who emerge from the crowd.”
Francis has already familiarized us with his god of surprises, who “sometimes scandalizes.” Unlike Jesus Who tells souls their Faith has made them whole and that they should sin no more, Francis’s god of surprises tells them their human dignity has made them free and they can sin forevermore.
Paragraph 19 introduces the third actor, the Apostles:
“The third actor’s entrance on the scene occurs not thanks to a cure or a conversion, but because it coincides with Jesus’ call. The election of the apostles is not the privilege of an exclusive position of power and separation but the grace of an inclusive ministry of blessing and fellowship. . . . Thanks to the gift of the Spirit of the Risen Lord, they are to guard the place of Jesus, without replacing him: not to put filters on his presence, but to make it easy to encounter him.”
Indeed, during sane periods of Church history, Catholics would have been forbidden to participate in such an unholy and dangerous spectacle.
So Jesus, our protagonist, took the initiative to spread the word about the Kingdom of God to the crowd, and the Apostles are there, “not to put filters on his presence, but to make it easy to encounter him.” Just as we do not get any sense that Jesus is the “absolute protagonist” because He is God, this view of the Apostles does not include any sense that they are entrusted to faithfully transmit what Jesus has taught them. This idea that they are “not to put filters on His presence” seems to suggest that the Apostles would violate their mandate if they tried to teach anything.
Thus we have the “three actors,” but we know from paragraph 17 that we still need to meet the mysterious “plus one.” Paragraph 21 tells us about this “extra”:
“Then, there is the ‘extra’ actor, the antagonist, who brings to the scene the diabolical separation of the other three. Faced with the perturbing prospect of the cross, there are disciples who leave and mood-changing crowds. The insidiousness that divides—and, thus, thwarts a common path—manifests itself indifferently in the forms of religious rigor, of moral injunction that presents itself as more demanding than that of Jesus, and of the seduction of a worldly political wisdom that claims to be more effective than a discernment of spirits. In order to escape the deceptions of the ‘fourth actor,’ continuous conversion is necessary.”
It seems odd that anyone would be excluded from the feel-good synodal path but here we understand that the fiendish “antagonist” will not be receiving the official Synod crayons to design a new church. These insidious extras operate with “religious rigor” and “moral injunction.” In other words, they believe and practice the Catholic Faith as it has always been believed and practiced. And for Francis these antagonists are obstacles, who “thwart a common path” because they do not give proper weight to the “discernment of spirits.” As a result, Francis and his collaborators must “escape the deceptions of the fourth actor” through some mysterious process of “continuous conversion.” In short, if you are a faithful Catholic, you are the insidious extra who is not welcome to join the Synodal journey.
Above all else, though, we need to become saints, now.
The Synodal path began in hell and leads to hell, so we should not feel too distraught about not being invited. Indeed, during sane periods of Church history, Catholics would have been forbidden to participate in such an unholy and dangerous spectacle. But we cannot ignore this diabolical disorientation, for it attacks the Mystical Body of Christ: we must pray, perform penance, fight for the truth, and refute the monstrous lies Francis and Satan intend to spread in the name of Catholicism. Above all else, though, we need to become saints, now.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary help us to fight these demons that she will ultimately crush.
Oggi la liturgia ci consente di scegliere la messa votiva quotidiana per i defunti. Ci colpisce il Vangelo: chi mangia la mia carne vivra’ in eterno.
La vita eterna e’ la vita per sempre. Si tratta della stessa vita di Gesu’ Cristo, ovvero la stessa vita della natura divina! Dobbiamo comprenderne le implicazioni profonde per la nostra vita, altrimenti il gesto della comunione diventa inutile.
La comunione non e’ semplicemente un gesto formale. Occorre seguire l’esempio di Maria, consacrandoci ogni giorno al Signore con la fiamma della nostra fede.
Solo cosi’ Gesu’ Cristo potra’ riconoscerci alla nostra morte.
Occorre avere fede! Rivolgiamoci per questo alla BVM, nostra Madre Celeste. E’ lei la nostra protettrice, che intercede per noi. Lei ci portera’ alle soglie della nuova chiesa che il Signore sta creando partendo dai suoi piccoli!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Today the liturgy allows us to choose the daily votive mass for the dead.
We are struck by the Gospel: whoever eats my flesh will live forever. Eternal life is life forever. It is the same life as Jesus Christ, or the very life of the divine nature!
We must understand its profound implications for our life, otherwise the gesture of communion becomes useless. Communion is not simply a formal gesture.
We must follow Mary’s example, consecrating ourselves every day to the Lord with the flame of our faith.
Only in this way will Jesus Christ be able to recognize us on our death. It is necessary to have faith!
For this let us turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Heavenly Mother. She is our protector, who intercedes for us.
She will lead us to the threshold of the new church that the Lord is creating starting from his little ones!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.