Dal 2010 mi sono avvicinato al Vetus Ordo, la messa antica di rito tridentino-romano. E’ stata una scoperta personale. Si tratta ora di difendere la santita’ della santa eucarestia e la chiesa cattolica in unione con Benedetto XVI.
Qui e’ possibile ricevere la particola in bocca stando in ginocchio, come nel rito tradizionale cattolico. Si tratta di un rito trascurato e anzi begato dalla falsa chiesa.
Ora e’ importante adorare degnamente, per quanto possiamo come uomini, il corpo e il sangue di Cristo. Per poter ricevere la stessa grazia che Gesu’ ha effuso, alla sua morte in croce, dal Suo Costato.
Solo cosi’ potra’ rinascere la chiesa fedele a Cristo!
Preghiamo che questo possa avvenire presto!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Since 2010 I have approached the Vetus Ordo, the ancient mass of the Tridentine-Roman rite.
It was a personal discovery.
It is now a question of defending the holiness of the Holy Eucharist and the Catholic Church in union with Benedict XVI.
Here it is possible to receive the host in the mouth while kneeling, as in the traditional Catholic rite. It is a neglected rite and even begun by the false church.
Now it is important to worthily adore, as far as we can as men, the body and blood of Christ. To be able to receive the same grace that Jesus poured out from his side at his death on the cross.
Only in this way can the church faithful to Christ be reborn!
We pray that this will happen soon!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
ORARIO S.MESSA ALLE ORE 8.00 – Giovedi 21 ottobre 2021 – Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam XXI post Octavam Pentecostes III. Octobris ~ IV. classis Commemoratio: S. Hilarionis Abbatis: S.Messa online di Don Enrico Roncaglia, su youtube channel:
EvangeliumLuc 22:14-2014Quando venne l’ora, prese posto a tavola e gli apostoli con lui, 15e disse loro: «Ho tanto desiderato mangiare questa Pasqua con voi, prima della mia passione, 16perché io vi dico: non la mangerò più, finché essa non si compia nel regno di Dio». 17E, ricevuto un calice, rese grazie e disse: «Prendetelo e fatelo passare tra voi, 18perché io vi dico: da questo momento non berrò più del frutto della vite, finché non verrà il regno di Dio». 19Poi prese il pane, rese grazie, lo spezzò e lo diede loro dicendo: «Questo è il mio corpo, che è dato per voi; fate questo in memoria di me». 20E, dopo aver cenato, fece lo stesso con il calice dicendo: «Questo calice è la nuova alleanza nel mio sangue, che è versato per voi».
Gospel Luc 22: 14-20
14When the hour came, he took his place at the table and the apostles with him, 15 and said to them, “I have longed to eat this Passover with you, before my passion, 16 because I tell you: I will not eat it. more, until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God ». 17And when he received a cup, he gave thanks and said, “Take it and pass it among you, 18 for I tell you, from now on I will no longer drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God comes.” 19Then he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you; Do this in memory of me”. 20And after supper, he did the same with the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”
Dal 2010 mi sono avvicinato al Vetus Ordo, la messa antica di rito tridentino-romano. E’ stata una scoperta personale. Si tratta ora di difendere la santita’ della santa eucarestia e la chiesa cattolica in unione con Benedetto XVI.
Qui e’ possibile ricevere la particola in bocca stando in ginocchio, come nel rito tradizionale cattolico. Si tratta di un rito trascurato e anzi begato dalla falsa chiesa.
Ora e’ importante adorare degnamente, per quanto possiamo come uomini, il corpo e il sangue di Cristo. Per poter ricevere la stessa grazia che Gesu’ ha effuso, alla sua morte in croce, dal Suo Costato.
Solo cosi’ potra’ rinascere la chiesa fedele a Cristo!
Preghiamo che questo possa avvenire presto!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Since 2010 I have approached the Vetus Ordo, the ancient mass of the Tridentine-Roman rite.
It was a personal discovery.
It is now a question of defending the holiness of the Holy Eucharist and the Catholic Church in union with Benedict XVI.
Here it is possible to receive the host in the mouth while kneeling, as in the traditional Catholic rite. It is a neglected rite and even begun by the false church.
Now it is important to worthily adore, as far as we can as men, the body and blood of Christ. To be able to receive the same grace that Jesus poured out from his side at his death on the cross.
Only in this way can the church faithful to Christ be reborn!
We pray that this will happen soon!
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
La preghiera continua realizzata mediante il contributo di tutti i singoli partecipanti alla catena!
Continuous prayer achieved through the contribution of all the individual participants in the chain!
Giovedi 21 ottobre dalle ore 5.30 alle ore 6.17: Rosario del Dolore, Offerta di Vita (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consacrazione al Preziosissimo Sangue di Gesu’ (S. Gaspare del Bufalo (2)), Consacrazione al Sacro Capo di Gesu’ (serva di Dio Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) e Litaniae Lauretanae.
Thursday, October 21 from 5.30 am to 6.17 am: Rosary of Pain, Offering of Life (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus (St. Gaspar del Bufalo (2)), Consecration to the Sacred Head of Jesus (servant of God Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) and Litaniae Lauretanae.
Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera della Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola) e l’invocazione quotidiana al Cuore Immacolato di Maria (presso la basilica di SMM, Roma).
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (at the basilica of SMM, Rome).
Ti preghiamo, o Signore Gesu’, per chiederti la Tua ispirazione, guida, protezione, e soprattutto la Tua salvezza, con le tre preghiere di consacrazione, Offerta di Vita (1), al Preziosissimo Sangue (2) e al Tuo Sacro Capo (3).
We pray, O Lord Jesus, to ask for your inspiration, guidance, protection, and above all your salvation, with the three prayers of consecration, the Offering of Life (1), to the Most Precious Blood (2) and to Your Sacred Head ( 3).
Abbiamo bisogno della tua guida e ispirazione o Signore! Donaci il discernimento, unito all’ impegno e alla dedizione necessari al compito, affinche’ possiamo aiutare i cristiani in difficolta’, inclusi in particolare i nostri cari. Rendici o signore tuoi testimoni della verita’ espressa nel Vangelo. Rendici capaci di discernere i falsi maestri che tradiscono la tua parola, sia modificandola per accreditarsi come veggenti, sia propalando disinformazione (notizie pseudoscientifiche false), sia facendo dipendere il loro giudizio da motivi di convenienza (ed evitare la scomunica da parte della anti-chiesa).
We need your guidance and inspiration o Lord! Give us the discernment, combined with the commitment and dedication necessary for the task, so that we can help Christians in difficulty, including in particular our loved ones. Lord, make us your witnesses of the truth expressed in the Gospel. Enable us to discern the false teachers who betray your word, both by modifying it to be credited as seers, by spreading disinformation (false pseudoscientific news), and by making their judgment dependent on reasons of convenience (and avoiding excommunication by the anti-church ).
Ti preghiamo, O Signore, per l’unita’ della Chiesa, per la salvezza delle anime. Per poterti seguire lungo la Tua Via della croce, l’unica strada della salvezza. Per poterti amare fedelmente, per poter seguire i tuoi insegnamenti. E infine affinche’ tutti noi, consacrati a Maria, possiamo anche se indegnamente entrare a far parte del tuo Piccolo Resto Celeste.
We pray, O Lord, for the unity of the Church, for the salvation of souls. To be able to follow you along your Way of the cross, the only way of salvation. To be able to love you faithfully, to be able to follow your teachings. And finally, so that all of us, consecrated to Mary, can, even if unworthily, become part of your Little Heavenly Rest.
Ti preghiamo, o Vergine della Rivelazione con la Crociata di Preghiera, che tu hai chiesto tramite Bruno Cornacchiola di diffondere ovunque nel mondo:
– per la conversione degli atei, e dei cristiani confusi dal fumo di satana, e tra di loro anche le persone a noi care;
– per coloro che hanno ricevuto il segno della bestia, che ora sono d’un tratto cambiati diventando pieni d’odio verso tutti coloro che – come noi – rifiutano lo stesso segno.
We pray you, O Virgin of Revelation with the Crusade of Prayer, that you have asked through Bruno Cornacchiola to spread everywhere in the world:
– for the conversion of atheists, and of Christians confused by the smoke of Satan, and among them also people to we dear;
– for those who have received the sign of the beast, who have now suddenly changed, becoming full of hatred towards all those who – like us – reject the same sign.
Continuiamo a invocarti, O Madre Celeste, affinche’ tu voglia sostenere, guidare e proteggere tutti i lavoratori cui viene impedito di svolgere il loro lavoro e quindi di sostenere se stessi e le loro famiglie! Aiutali, o Maria Corredentrice! E noi combattiamo con l’arma della preghiera, invocando la tua protezione sui lavoratori che soffrono!
We continue to invoke you, O Heavenly Mother, in order that you support, guide and protect all workers who are prevented from doing their jobs and thus support themselves and their families! Help them, O Mary Co-redemptrix! And we fight with the weapon of prayer, invoking your protection on the suffering workers!
Infine, innalziamo a te, o Virgo Santa Generalissima, l’invocazione quotidiana a te affinche’ avvenga presto il trionfo del tuo Cuore Immacolato!
Finally, let us raise to you, O Virgo Santa Generalissima, the daily invocation to you so that the triumph of your Immaculate Heart may soon arrive!
Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio, classe 1967, è giornalista pubblicista dal 1991. Ha diretto vari giornali locali piemontesi ed è stato corrispondente per i quotidiani Il Giornale e Libero. Nel 2018 ha fondato il webmedia di informazione giornalistica cristiana Gospa News. Dal 2019 è autore sul sito americano di gepolitica ed intelligence militare Veterans Today. Le sue investigazioni internazionali sono state pubblicate su Reseau International, Sputnik Italia, Maurizio Blondet e altri portali di contro-informazione. Alcune inchieste sono state tradotte in varie lingue e pubblicate su siti cinesi, russi, bulgari, mediorientali e latino americani. https://gospanews.net
Oggi i dati di farmacovigilanza sui vaccini antiCovid raccolti dalla piattaforma EudraVigilance per conto dell’European Medicines Agency (EMA) nei paesi dell’Unione Europea confermano la prosecuzione di un massacro… Lo rivela puntualmente un articolo del sito EventiAvversi News (link a fondo pagina).
Il database dell’Unione europea delle segnalazioni di sospette reazioni ai farmaci è EudraVigilance e ora riporta 27.247 decessi e 2.563.768 danneggiati, a seguito di vaccini COVID-19. Questo database gestito da EudraVigilance è solo per i paesi europei che fanno parte dell’Unione europea (UE), che comprende 27 paesi, Il numero totale di paesi in Europa è molto più alto.
Quindi, in Europa il numero di morti e danneggiati a seguito di vaccinazioni COVID-19, sarà effettivamente molto più alto di quello riportato in questo articolo. Il database EudraVigilance riporta che fino al 25 settembre 2021 ci sono 27.247 morti e 2.563.768 danni segnalati a seguito di somministrazioni dei quattro vaccini sperimentali COVID-19:
21.965 Disturbi generali e condizioni del sito di somministrazione, inclusi 381 decessi
104 Disturbi epatobiliari inclusi 9 decessi
347 Disturbi del sistema immunitario inclusi 7 decessi
2.564 Infezioni e infestazioni incluse 102 decessi
791 Lesioni, avvelenamento e complicazioni procedurali inclusi 16 decessi
4.223 Indagini incluse 88 decessi
502 Metabolismo e disturbi dell’alimentazione inclusi 34 decessi
12.777 Disturbi muscoloscheletrici e del tessuto connettivo, inclusi 34 decessi
41 Neoplasie benigne, maligne e non specificate (incluse cisti e polipi) inclusi 2 decessi
16.999 Disturbi del sistema nervoso inclusi 160 decessi
31 Gravidanza, puerperio e condizioni perinatali incl. 1 decesso
21 Problemi relativi al prodotto
1.143 Disturbi psichiatrici inclusi 13 decessi
325 Disturbi renali e urinari inclusi 16 decessi
1.356 Disturbi del sistema riproduttivo e del seno, inclusi 5 decessi
2.985 Disturbi respiratori, toracici e mediastinici inclusi 167 decessi
2.565 Disturbi della pelle e del tessuto sottocutaneo, inclusi 5 decessi
258 Circostanze sociali inclusi 4 decessi
606 Procedure chirurgiche e mediche con 45 decessi
2.703 Disturbi vascolari inclusi 121 decessi
Questi totali sono stime basate su rapporti presentati a EudraVigilance. I totali possono essere molto più alti in base alla percentuale di reazioni avverse riportate. Alcune di queste segnalazioni possono anche essere segnalate ai database delle reazioni avverse del singolo paese, come il database VAERS degli Stati Uniti e il sistema del cartellino giallo del Regno Unito. I decessi sono raggruppati per sintomi e alcuni decessi possono essere il risultato di sintomi multipli
Il vero numero dei decessi e delle disabilità legate alla somministrazione di vaccini Covid 19 in tutto il mondo, è sconosciuto, dal momento che i sistemi di vigilanza farmaceutica utilizzati nella maggior parte dei Paesi, sono sistemi passivi e c’è un’enorme pressione per far sì che le segnalazioni non vengano effettuate.
Che giova, fratelli miei, se uno dice di aver la fede e non abbia le opere? Potrà forse salvarlo la fede? (Jac 2:12-17)
E anche voi tenetevi pronti, perché, nell’ora che non pensate, verrà il Figlio dell’uomo (Luc 12:35-40).
Dobbiamo quindi stare pronti con fede (le lucerne accese). Ma per questo occorrono anche la pieta’ e carita’.
Oggi ricordiamo la figura di San Giovanni Canzio (1390-1473), santo polacco grande teologo. Ordinato sacerdote, insegnò per molti anni teologia nell’Università di Cracovia. Giovanni Canzio è stato un presbitero, fisico, teologo e filosofo scolastico polacco. Ma fu anche un grande santo, proclamato santo da papa Clemente XIII nel 1767. Fu un esempio di pietà e carità verso il prossimo, particolarmente verso poveri e gli indigenti (cui donava cibo, i suoi abiti e anche le sue scarpe).
E’ solo con la carita’ che possiamo essere bene accetti al Signore. Stiamo attenti a quelli che sbandierano le proprie ragioni vantando i propri titoli. Le ragioni si difendono solo con il ragionamento, non mettendosi su un piedistallo di orgoglio intellettuale.
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith and doesn’t have works? Could faith possibly save him? (Jac 2: 12-17)
And you too get ready, because, at an hour you do not think, the Son of man will come (Luke 12: 35-40).
We must therefore be ready with faith (the lighted lamps). But for this we also need piety and charity.
Today we remember the figure of St. John Canzio (1390-1473), a Polish saint and great theologian. Ordained a priest, he taught theology for many years at the University of Krakow.
Giovanni Canzio was a Polish presbyter, physicist, theologian and philosopher. But he was also a great saint, proclaimed a saint by Pope Clement XIII in 1767.
He was an example of piety and charity towards his neighbor, particularly towards the poor and the destitute (to whom he gave food, his clothes and even his shoes).
It is only with charity that we can be welcomed by the Lord. Let’s be careful of those who flaunt their reasons by boasting their titles. Reasons are defended only by reasoning, not by putting themselves on a pedestal of intellectual pride.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
You also must be ready, because at an hour that you do not expect, the Son of Man is coming.
ORARIO S.MESSA ALLE ORE 8.00 – Mercoledi 20 ottobre 2021 –S. Joannis Cantii Confessoris ~ III. classis Tempora: Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam XXI post Octavam Pentecostes III. Octobris: S.Messa online di Don Enrico Roncaglia, su youtube channel:
EvangeliumLuc 12:35-40 In illo témpore: Dixit Iesus discípulis suis: Sint lumbi vestri præcíncti, et lucérnæ ardéntes in mánibus vestris, et vos símiles homínibus exspectántibus dóminum suum, quando revertátur a núptiis: ut, cum vénerit et pulsáverit, conféstim apériant ei. Beáti servi illi, quos, cum vénerit dóminus, invénerit vigilántes: amen, dico vobis, quod præcínget se, et fáciet illos discúmbere, et tránsiens ministrábit illis. Et si vénerit in secúnda vigília, et si in tértia vigília vénerit, et ita invénerit, beáti sunt servi illi. Hoc autem scitóte, quóniam, si sciret paterfamílias, qua hora fur veníret, vigiláret útique, et non síneret pérfodi domum suam. Et vos estóte paráti, quia, qua hora non putátis,Fílius hóminis véniet.
GospelLuke 12:35-40 At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, Let your loins be girt about and your lamps burning, and you yourselves like men waiting for their master’s return from the wedding; so that when he comes and knocks, they may straight-way open to him. Blessed are those servants whom the master, on his return, shall find watching. Amen I say to you, he will gird himself, and will make them recline at table, and will come and serve them. And if he comes in the second watch, and if in the third, and finds them so, blessed are those servants! But of this be assured, that if the householder had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would certainly have watched, and not have let his house be broken into. You also must be ready, because at an hour that you do not expect, the Son of Man is coming.
Che giova, fratelli miei, se uno dice di aver la fede e non abbia le opere? Potrà forse salvarlo la fede? (Jac 2:12-17)
E anche voi tenetevi pronti, perché, nell’ora che non pensate, verrà il Figlio dell’uomo (Luc 12:35-40).
Dobbiamo quindi stare pronti con fede (le lucerne accese). Ma per questo occorrono anche la pieta’ e carita’.
Oggi ricordiamo la figura di San Giovanni Canzio (1390-1473), santo polacco grande teologo. Ordinato sacerdote, insegnò per molti anni teologia nell’Università di Cracovia. Giovanni Canzio è stato un presbitero, fisico, teologo e filosofo scolastico polacco. Ma fu anche un grande santo, proclamato santo da papa Clemente XIII nel 1767. Fu un esempio di pietà e carità verso il prossimo, particolarmente verso poveri e gli indigenti (cui donava cibo, i suoi abiti e anche le sue scarpe).
E’ solo con la carita’ che possiamo essere bene accetti al Signore. Stiamo attenti a quelli che sbandierano le proprie ragioni vantando i propri titoli. Le ragioni si difendono solo con il ragionamento, non mettendosi su un piedistallo di orgoglio intellettuale.
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo! Sempre sia lodato!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith and doesn’t have works? Could faith possibly save him? (Jac 2: 12-17)
And you too get ready, because, at an hour you do not think, the Son of man will come (Luke 12: 35-40).
We must therefore be ready with faith (the lighted lamps). But for this we also need piety and charity.
Today we remember the figure of St. John Canzio (1390-1473), a Polish saint and great theologian. Ordained a priest, he taught theology for many years at the University of Krakow.
Giovanni Canzio was a Polish presbyter, physicist, theologian and philosopher. But he was also a great saint, proclaimed a saint by Pope Clement XIII in 1767.
He was an example of piety and charity towards his neighbor, particularly towards the poor and the destitute (to whom he gave food, his clothes and even his shoes).
It is only with charity that we can be welcomed by the Lord. Let’s be careful of those who flaunt their reasons by boasting their titles. Reasons are defended only by reasoning, not by putting themselves on a pedestal of intellectual pride.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Always be praised!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
La preghiera continua realizzata mediante il contributo di tutti i singoli partecipanti alla catena!
Continuous prayer achieved through the contribution of all the individual participants in the chain!
Mercoledi 20 ottobre dalle ore 5.30 alle ore 6.15: Rosario del Dolore, Offerta di Vita (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consacrazione al Preziosissimo Sangue di Gesu’ (S. Gaspare del Bufalo (2)), Consacrazione al Sacro Capo di Gesu’ (serva di Dio Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) e Litaniae Lauretanae.
Wednesday 20 October from 5.30 am to 6.15 am: Rosary of Pain, Offering of Life (Sr. Maria Natalia Magdolna (1)), Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus (St. Gaspar del Bufalo (2)), Consecration to the Sacred Head of Jesus (servant of God Teresa Helena Higginson (3)) and Litaniae Lauretanae.
Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera della Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola) e l’invocazione quotidiana al Cuore Immacolato di Maria (presso la basilica di SMM, Roma).
For the Chain of Prayer of the Piccolo Resto (the Small Remnant), the Crusade of Prayer of the Virgin of Revelation (Bruno Cornacchiola) and the daily invocation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (at the basilica of SMM, Rome).
Come ogni giorno Ti preghiamo e ringraziamo, o Signore Gesu’, con le tre preghiere di consacrazione, Offerta di Vita (1), al Preziosissimo Sangue (2) e al Tuo Sacro Capo (3).
Like every day, we pray and thank you Lord Jesus with the three prayers of consecration, the Offering of Life (1), to the Precious Blood (2) and to Your Sacred Head (3).
Ti preghiamo Signore affinche’ Tu ci ispiri e ci renda ardenti per la causa della conversione degli atei, dei non cristiani e dei cristiani confusi dal fumo di satana, per l’unita’ della Chiesa, per la salvezza delle anime. Ti preghiamo, O Signore, per poterti seguire lungo la Tua Via della croce, l’unica strada della salvezza. Per potere amarti fedelmente, per poter seguire i tuoi insegnamenti. E infine affinche’ tutti noi che ci siamo consacrati a Maria, possiamo anche se indegnamente entrare a far parte del tuo Piccolo Resto Celeste.
We pray Lord that you inspire us and make us ardent for the cause of the conversion of atheists, non-Christians and Christians confused by the smoke of satan, for the unity of the Church, for the salvation of souls. We pray you, O Lord, to be able to follow you along Your Way of the cross, the only way of salvation. To be able to love you faithfully, to be able to follow your teachings. And finally so that all of us who have consecrated ourselves to Mary, we can, even if unworthily, become part of your Little Celestial Rest.
Ti preghiamo, o Vergine della Rivelazione con la Crociata di Preghiera che tu hai chiesto a Bruno Cornacchiola di diffondere ovunque nel mondo, per la conversione degli atei, e dei cristiani confusi dal fumo di satana, e tra di loro anche le persone a noi care. Ti preghiamo specialmente per coloro che hanno ricevuto il segno della bestia, che ora sono d’un tratto cambiati diventando pieni d’odio verso tutti coloro che – come noi – rifiutano lo stesso segno.
We pray you, O Virgin of Revelation with the Crusade of Prayer that you asked Bruno Cornacchiola to spread all over the world, for the conversion of atheists, and of Christians confused by the smoke of Satan, and among them also the people dear to us. We pray you especially for those who have received the sign of the beast, who have now suddenly changed, becoming full of hatred towards all those who – like us – reject the same sign.
Continuiamo a invocarti, O Madre Celeste, affinche’ tu voglia sostenere, guidare e proteggere tutti i lavoratori cui viene impedito di svolgere il loro lavoro e quindi di sostenere se stessi e le loro famiglie! Aiutali, o Maria Corredentrice! E noi combattiamo con l’arma della preghiera, invocando la tua protezione sui lavoratori che soffrono!
We continue to invoke you, O Heavenly Mother, in order that you support, guide and protect all workers who are prevented from doing their jobs and thus support themselves and their families! Help them, O Mary Co-redemptrix! And we fight with the weapon of prayer, invoking your protection on the suffering workers!
Infine, innalziamo a te, o Virgo Santa Generalissima, l’invocazione quotidiana a te affinche’ avvenga presto il trionfo del tuo Cuore Immacolato!
Finally, let us raise to you, O Virgo Santa Generalissima, the daily invocation to you so that the triumph of your Immaculate Heart may soon arrive!
Immagini del Sars-cov-2 al microscopio elettronico. I laboratori di Rocky Mountain di Hamilton, nel Montana, del National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAD) degli Stati Uniti hanno prodotto alcune immagini del nuovo coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) su microscopi elettronici. In una nota l’Istituto fa notare che le immagini non sembrano molto diverse da quelle del virus MERS-CoV il coronavirus causa della Sindrome respiratoria del Medio Oriente, emerso nel 2012) o di quello del SARS-CoV originale (il coronavirus della Sindrome respiratoria acuta grave, che è emerso nel 2002).
La notizia e’ che non occorre isolare i virus per determinare le loro caratteristiche RNA e quindi individuare possibili mutazioni. Il metodo e’ basato sulla polimerasi (moltiplicazione dei blocchi di RNA) e sulla tecnica descritta nel lavoro qui sotto citato.
La notizia e’ importante per smentire fake news che girano sul web relative a:
Citazione bibl.:
Beaucourt, S., Bordería, A. V., Coffey, L. L., Gnädig, N. F., Sanz-Ramos, M., Beeharry, Y., Vignuzzi, M., Isolation of Fidelity Variants of RNA Viruses and Characterization of Virus Mutation Frequency. J. Vis. Exp. (52), e2953, doi:10.3791/2953 (2011).
Il presente articolo descrive i passaggi necessari per isolare e caratterizzare l’RNA polimerasi varianti fedeltà dei virus a RNA e come utilizzare i dati di frequenza di mutazione per confermare le modifiche fedeltà in coltura.
I am following the peaceful protest that the dockers of Trieste have been calling for a few days, against the illegitimate rule that obliges all workers to obtain a health pass, obtainable by undergoing the inoculation of the experimental gene serum, or by subjecting themselves to a swab every forty-eight hours.
You have now understood, dear friends, that the so-called vaccine is still in the experimental phase; that the long-term effects are unknown; for weeks there have been more and more adverse reactions to deaths, which the Health Authority – with the complicity of the media – tries to hide by categorizing them as sudden illness.
We are all guinea pigs, the subject of mass experimentation imposed by pharmaceutical companies on their servants in institutions. You also know that the vaccine does not guarantee any immunity, does not protect against infecting either from being infected. And you know that swabs also have minimal reliability, because they were not designed to be used for diagnostic purposes.
Yet, an employee cannot work, cannot receive a salary, nor have sick leave and maternity leave, if he does not agree to undergo this vile blackmail, with which you are forced to vaccinate or prove that you have not been infected. from a virus that no laboratory – I repeat: none – he still isolated, but only sequenced.
And I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. The violation of natural freedoms, civil and constitutional rights, the right to freedom of speech and peaceful demonstration has become an instrument of coercion and blackmail by a civil authority that no longer protects the health and well-being of citizens, but with the pretext of the psycho pandemic wants to enslave them. Slaves to control, to supervise, of which to trace every movement, every purchase, every transaction, every activity.
And don’t be surprised: everything they are doing in these months – and what they will do in the next few months if no one stops them – was clearly stated.
From the use of the pandemic emergency to impose new forms of control, to the use of the ecological emergency to prevent us from using the car, buying certain products, using electricity or gas. In their projects, they want to destroy our world, our culture, our religion, our way of life, of working, of relating to each other.
We must become [Translator’s note: in their hope] automatons without critical judgment, customers of their multinationals, underpaid slaves of their companies, without rights, without protection, without social security and without freedom. Some of you – especially among those who joined this protest only lately – they will think that what I tell you are conspiracy theorems.
Some naively think that this pandemic – whose deaths were caused almost entirely by the prohibition of following effective protocols – has only been mismanaged, by incompetent or inexperienced people.
But it is not so.
Anyone who talks about the decline in infected people and the absence of green passes in the countries of Northern Europe is unaware that, in a few months, in Denmark the digital ID with which every citizen will be registered with the identity card, passport, tax code will be mandatory, health card, vaccination status and bank account.
And if there was no lockdown and curfew; if masks have not been made mandatory, it is only because those countries are already perfectly fine globalized, indoctrinated in the Great Reset ideology, ready to have the subcutaneous microchip inserted.
In Sweden the microchip is already active on a voluntary basis, and used to open the front door or start the car. In the Northern countries, online purchases, the use of riders, electronic payments have already been a reality for some time. But here with us no: until February last year, those who wanted a pizzala ordered near the house, without the need to use an app.
This is why in Italy, Spain, Portugal and in general in all the countries of Catholic tradition – the countries that some consider backward – the pandemic emergency had to be used: it had to serve to force us to cancel our way of life – a human way of life, made up of interpersonal relationships, greetings, hugs, conversations and exchanges of ideas – replacing it with the use of technology, the internet of things, to the impersonal application that records what we buy, when, where, at what price and with what type of payment.
They want to know what we write on social media, what we say at home with Alexa and Google, what we like to read on Kindle, what movies we watch on Netflix and what music we listen to with Spotify.
They know where we are going because the car, the cell phone, the watch, the iPad and even the bag and clothes have a connection to the network. They want to know your heart rate, your blood pressure, your blood sugar level, and of course how many and what vaccinations you have had or need to have.
They also want to control your reproductive cycles, deciding if and when you can be fertile. They know how much you earn, how much you spend, how you spend it, who you meet with, which vehicles you travel on. In Italy this is happening more slowly than elsewhere.
Thank God, there are people like you and like many other citizens who have understood that vaccination is a pretext to put you on a permanent leash, forcing you to do what you don’t want just because otherwise you can’t work, travel, eat.
They don’t care about breaking the law. They are not interested in breaking the Constitution with impunity, let alone the law of God. They fear no one but their masters.
The political class – the entire current political class, from the majority to the opposition – is completely subservient to a tyrannical power that commands governments, finance, health care, the media, large companies, the forces of law and order, the judiciary.
And the ecclesiastical hierarchy is no exception, also subservient to the New World Order.
This protest of yours, dear friends, is much more important than it may appear. Because you are demonstrating not only against a cowardly blackmail, with which you have to choose between a salary or the use of a pass; but against an entire ideology, against a faceless tyrannical power that seeks to impose itself definitively, which enjoys the unconditional support of the media and politics.
A power that no one has ever elected, and which for this very reason does not consider necessary either the democratic vote or the role of the people’s representatives, since it has already bought them and blackmails them.
This morning you were removed from the port entrances with fire hydrants, tear gas and batons. Means by which violent criminals, non-peaceful families and honest workers who see their wages and their freedom in danger are dispersed. You have been charged by policemen and carabinieri who are the first to experience the absurdity of the green pass, since some of them do not have one.
I hope your peaceful and composed response leads them to think about what they are doing, about the betrayal of the Constitution on which they have sworn, about the tyrants they obey. He [Translator’s note: Jesus Christ] arose not to give in to violence, but equally not to be intimidated by rulers appointed by banks and pharmaceutical companies, because their power lasts as long as there are those who let themselves be frightened, those who obey, those who bow their heads and endure in silence .
If each of you, firmly and peacefully, will be able to resist this intolerable oppression, this grotesque farce will collapse. inexorably, and with it the extras and extras who support it. Resistance to an authority that abuses its power against the purpose for which it was established is not only legitimate, but obligatory; how necessary was the struggle against totalitarianism and against all forms of dictatorship. And remember that you are all Christians, that your fathers and mothers have transmitted to you a Faith and values that have allowed our beloved homeland to be a beacon of civilization, culture, art, business.
Those who fought by giving their lives for Italy, to defend its sovereignty and independence, look down on you from heaven and expect equal pride, equal courage, equal honor. Remember of your Bishop Mons. Antonio Santin, who stood up to the Fascists, the Nazis and the Communists. We defend our identity, our religion, our values, our children, our loved ones, our work, our home. And I beg you: do not give in to the provocations of those who seek only the pretext to transform this nation into a regime subservient to Freemasonry, the Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral, the World Economic Forum, the WHO and all these conspirators. nameless and faceless. Your weapon, a terrible and very powerful weapon, must be the Holy Rosary. Invoke the Blessed Virgin, pray to her together with your loved ones, your children and your brothers; take up the blessed Crown! Together we ask Mary Mother and Queen of Monte Grisa and the Madonna della Salute venerated in Santa Maria Maggiore, to help our Italy, to protect it, to free it. Pray with faith, and she will inexorably defeat and defeat our adversary.
I bless you all, assuring you of my prayer and asking you, begging you to place all your hopes in the Blessed Virgin, our Lady, our Mother, Help of Christians. Long live Maria! Long live Christ the King!