The soldiers therefore came: and they broke the legs of the first and of the other who had been crucified with him.

Evangélii secúndum Joannem Joann. 19, 31-37
IN ILLO témpore : Judaéi (quóniam Parascéve erat), ut non remanérent in cruce córpora sábbato (erat enim magnus dies ille sábbati), rogavérunt Pilátum, ut frangeréntur eórum crura, et tolleréntur. Venérunt ergo mílites: et primi quidem fregérunt crura et alteríus, qui crucifíxus est cum eo. Ad Jesum autem cum veníssent, ut vidérunt eum jam mórtuum, non fregérunt ejus crura, sed unus mílitum láncea latus ejus apéruit, et contínuo exívit sanguis et aqua. Et qui vidit, testimónium perhíbuit : et verum est testimónium ejus. Et ille scit quia vera dicit, ut et vos credátis. Facta sunt enim hæc ut Scriptúra implerétur : Os non comminuétis ex eo. Et íterum alia Scriptúra dicit : Vidébunt in quem transfixérunt.
Gospel according to John. 19, 31-37
At that time: The Jews (because it was), they may not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath), sought Pilate that their legs away. The soldiers therefore came: and they broke the legs of the first and of the other who had been crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus, and saw that He was already dead, they did not break his legs, but one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side, and immediately there came out blood and water. The man who saw it bare record, and his record is true. He says he knows that, as you may believe. For these things were done that the Scripture might be fulfilled: You shall not break a bone of him. And again another passage shall look on him whom they pierced.
E’ l’antivigilia della festa dell’Assunzione di Maria. Celebriamo la messa votiva del Sacro Cuore di Gesu’. Al Sacro Cuore di Gesu’ dobbiamo infatti grazie per tutti i doni che ci ha fatto e che ci fa continuamente.
In questi tempi in cui la battaglia tra i bene e il male e’ cosi’ intensa dobbiamo rivolgerci al Sacro Cuore di Gesu’.
Non ci sono infatti quasi ovunque messe celebrate validamente (1). Siamo immersi nel peccato, in mezzo alle bestemmie della gente, in mezzo al tradimento dei consacrati, veramente c’e’ il pericolo che molti si perdano!
Occorre pregare dunque il Sacratissimo Cuore di Gesu’!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo!
It is the day before the eve of the feast of the Assumption of Mary.
We celebrate the votive mass of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In fact, we owe thanks to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for all the gifts he has given us and continually gives us.
In these times when the battle between good and evil is so intense we must turn to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
In fact, there are almost no masses celebrated validly (2).
We are immersed in sin, in the midst of the blasphemies of the people, in the midst of the betrayal of the consecrated, there is truly the danger that many are lost!
It is therefore necessary to pray to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(1) per essere valide le messe devono essere infatti celebrate UNA CUM Benedetto XVI. Pertanto, prima che la messa cominci chiedete al sacerdote in unione con chi celebri la messa.
(2) indeed to be valid the masses must be celebrated UNA CUM (jointly) with Benedict XVI. Therefore before mass begins ask the priest whom he is celebrating in union with.