Celebriamo oggi la Messa votiva della SS. Trinità’.
SS. Trinità che ha concepito la Redenzione per mezzo di Maria. Maria è la figlia prediletta del Padre, la sposa dello Spirito Santo e la Madre di Gesù Cristo.
Dobbiamo quindi ringraziare la Santissima Trinità, non solo per la Creazione in se’, ma per la creazione di Maria.
Nel Vangelo, Gesù parla della venuta dello Spirito Santo. Anche nel nostro tempo questo accadrà e succede. Dobbiamo quindi rendere grazie e gloria alla SS. Trinità!
Dio chiede la nostra testimonianza!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Today we celebrate the votive Mass of the SS. Trinity’.
SS. Trinity who conceived the Redemption through Mary. Mary is the beloved daughter of the Father, the bride of the Holy Spirit and the Mother of Jesus Christ.
We must therefore thank the Most Holy Trinity, not only for the Creation in itself, but for the creation of Mary.
In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Even in our time this will happen and it happens. We must therefore give thanks and glory to the SS. Trinity!
God asks for our testimony!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
Lunedì 6 settembre, dalle ore 5.34 alle 6.15: Rosario del Dolore, Offerta di Vita, Consacrazione al Sacro Capo di Gesu’, Litaniae Lauretanae. Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera chiesta dalla Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola, Tre Fontane, 1947) e perenne invocazione al Cuore Immacolato della BVM presso la Basilica di SMM a Roma.
O Madre misericordiosa ti ringraziamo: per averci rivelato la tua preghiera Offerta di Vita e per avercene rivelato le tue promesse di salvezza per noi e tutti i nostri cari.
Ti ringraziamo o Vergine Immacolata per averci scelto senza nessun nostro merito, perche’ continui a guidarci, proteggerci e ispirarci nonostante i nostri errori.
Ti preghiamo, o BVM, intercedi per noi affinché lo Spirito Santo accresca la nostra fede e amore per Gesu’ Cristo nostro Signore, aumenti il nostro zelo per l’evangelizzazione, ci doni il discernimento e consiglio necessari perpoter distinguere il bene dal male e la verita’ di Cristo dalla falsita’ di satana e dei suoi falsi maestri.
26 Quando verrà il Consolatore che io vi manderò dal Padre, lo Spirito di verità che procede dal Padre, egli mi renderà testimonianza; 27 e anche voi mi renderete testimonianza, perché siete stati con me fin dal principio.
Gospel JOHN 15: 26-27 26
When the Comforter comes whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me; 27 and you also will testify to me, because you have been with me from the beginning.
Celebriamo oggi la Messa votiva della SS. Trinità’.
SS. Trinità che ha concepito la Redenzione per mezzo di Maria. Maria è la figlia prediletta del Padre, la sposa dello Spirito Santo e la Madre di Gesù Cristo.
Dobbiamo quindi ringraziare la Santissima Trinità, non solo per la Creazione in se’, ma per la creazione di Maria.
Nel Vangelo, Gesù parla della venuta dello Spirito Santo. Anche nel nostro tempo questo accadrà e succede. Dobbiamo quindi rendere grazie e gloria alla SS. Trinità!
Dio chiede la nostra testimonianza!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
Today we celebrate the votive Mass of the SS. Trinity’.
SS. Trinity who conceived the Redemption through Mary. Mary is the beloved daughter of the Father, the bride of the Holy Spirit and the Mother of Jesus Christ.
We must therefore thank the Most Holy Trinity, not only for the Creation in itself, but for the creation of Mary.
In the Gospel, Jesus speaks of the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Even in our time this will happen and it happens. We must therefore give thanks and glory to the SS. Trinity!
God asks for our testimony!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
(Natural News) A laboratory virus experiment that cannot be questioned or debated has no resemblance to science. “Covid-19 vaccines” do not even function like a traditional biologic and cannot be considered a vaccine. This project has not undergone a traditional FDA approval process and was pressured into existence through fraud and coercion. Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health have repeatedly lied about this laboratory virus experiment and are currently pressure governments and corporations to make spike protein replication mandatory; therefore, this is not a transparent process nor is it an ethical pursuit. When this concoction is forced into the population in the most coercive ways imaginable, it cannot be considered “preventative medicine” at all. According to former Pfizer chief scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, the COVID shots and their endless boosters are “depopulation weapons” designed to enslave and kill.
COVID shots are wartime weapons, deployed for complete dominion over humans
It’s time for the formerly-dubbed “fully vaccinated” to wake up and realize that there is nothing ethical or scientific about what is being done to them. Just five months after being promised their “freedom,” the “fully vaccinated” are now being told they are inadequate, a subhuman species again, without a functioning and capable immune system. Trained to obey coercive authorities and abusive medial edicts, these human test rats are being psychologically controlled and physically restrained to a shortened life of pharmaceutical dependence. As routine boosters are prepared for the population, and the word “mandatory” is used to force these shots in seasonally, it’s time to realize this isn’t a vaccine and it’s not protecting anyone. It’s a war time weapon, a depopulation program. As vaccine manufacturers reap billions of dollars in extorted taxpayer funds, deploy propaganda and fraud, and fight for dominion over people’s lives, they have become mass murderers.
Dr. Michael Yeadon says “there’s absolutely NO possible justification” for the manufacture of covid-19 vaccines and the upcoming onslaught of booster shots. Longstanding, efficacious treatments and traditional Chinese herbal medicine offers a variety of solution for common respiratory infections, including influenza viruses, enteroviruses like polio, RSV and coronavirus infections. But these treatments have been viciously attacked, censored and suppressed across the medical landscape, as the public health gatekeepers restrain doctors and nurses from treating people early and saving lives. Dr. Yeadon warns that the booster shot was forced into existence and is nothing more than an extermination weapon to destroy innate immunity, spur super viruses into existence, and mass murder human beings. According to the clinical trials, the rate of adverse events is ten times greater after the second shot. What will the third, fourth and fifth boosters do to the population, as tens of thousands have already died off?
The vaccine program is designed for pharmaceutical dependence and depopulation
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says the company has already created a new vaccine development system that can mass produce a new mRNA booster every ninety-five days. “Every time a variant appears in the world, our scientists are getting their hands around it,” Bourla said. “And they are researching to see if this variant can escape the protection of our vaccine.” There is a long list of spike protein sequence variations that have been identified around the world. Now that Pfizer has dominion over the regulatory framework and the government, it’s now imminent that they will conduct yearly forced experiments on the world population, using tweaks in the spike protein to mass replicate the deadly bioweapon into the unforeseeable future.
An August 10 study in the Lancet shows that vaccinated people are more susceptible to the Delta variant. Dr. Peter McCullough, board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases and clinical lipidology, explained that there were more than 14 strains of coronavirus in the United States just six months ago. When the vaccines put selective pressure on the amino acids of the spike protein, a new variant begins to emerge, evading immune detection. He referenced a paper by Niessen and scientists from Boston and Rochester, Minnesota, which put over a million sequenced samples to the test. “They looked at vaccination rates all over, and the variant proportions, and they concluded that with more than 25% of the population vaccinated, you’ll encourage a dominant strain to move forward,” McCullough said. There’s no doubt that this vaccine program is designed for pharmaceutical dependence and depopulation.
Il Vangelo ci parla di un miracolo. Nella citta di Naim Gesu’ fa risorgere il figlio unico di una madre vedova (l’immagine della Chiesa sola e desolata). Gesu’ deve a dimostrare a noi e al suo popolo la sua potenza divina. Ma la nostra fede non e’ ancora abbastanza forte. Specialmente in questi tempi difficili.
La nostra epoca e’ quella della grande apostasia. Nella Bibbia stessa si parla della nostra epoca. E’ giunto il tempo della grande battaglia tra la Madre Celeste, la Madonna, e il male rappresentato da satana e l’anticristo. La chiesa, come la vedova, vive nel dolore e nella sofferenza per la perdita dei suo figlio unico (le anime perdute dei cristiani).
Per forza dobbiamo gettarci tra le braccia di Gesu’! Lui solo puo’ salvarci! Ma verra’ il tempo in cui il Signore passera per la nostra strada. E le cose cambieranno! E’ quindi il tempo di fare l’esame di coscienza, non badare ai difetti degli altri, ma ai nostri. Dobbiamo essere completamente pentiti delle nostre colpe. Chiediamo e preghiamo ogni giorno incessantemente affinche’ la nostra fede si accresca. Solo riponendo la nostra fiducia in Cristo possiamo salvarci!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
The Gospel tells us of a miracle. In the city of Naim, Jesus resurrects the only child of a widowed mother (the image of the lonely and desolate Church). Jesus must demonstrate his divine power to us and to his people. But our faith is not yet strong enough.
Especially in these difficult times. Our age is that of the great apostasy. The Bible itself speaks of our age. The time has come for the great battle between the Heavenly Mother, Our Lady, and the evil represented by Satan and the antichrist.
The church, like the widow, lives in pain and suffering for the loss of her only child (the lost souls of Christians). We must necessarily throw ourselves into the arms of Jesus! He alone can save us! But the time will come when the Lord will pass our way.
And things will change! It is therefore time to do the examination of conscience, not to pay attention to the defects of others, but to our own. We must be completely repentant of our sins. We ask and pray ceaselessly every day for our faith to grow. Only by placing our trust in Christ can we be saved!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
(Natural News) A laboratory virus experiment that cannot be questioned or debated has no resemblance to science. “Covid-19 vaccines” do not even function like a traditional biologic and cannot be considered a vaccine. This project has not undergone a traditional FDA approval process and was pressured into existence through fraud and coercion. Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institutes of Health have repeatedly lied about this laboratory virus experiment and are currently pressure governments and corporations to make spike protein replication mandatory; therefore, this is not a transparent process nor is it an ethical pursuit. When this concoction is forced into the population in the most coercive ways imaginable, it cannot be considered “preventative medicine” at all. According to former Pfizer chief scientist, Dr. Michael Yeadon, the COVID shots and their endless boosters are “depopulation weapons” designed to enslave and kill.
COVID shots are wartime weapons, deployed for complete dominion over humans
It’s time for the formerly-dubbed “fully vaccinated” to wake up and realize that there is nothing ethical or scientific about what is being done to them. Just five months after being promised their “freedom,” the “fully vaccinated” are now being told they are inadequate, a subhuman species again, without a functioning and capable immune system. Trained to obey coercive authorities and abusive medial edicts, these human test rats are being psychologically controlled and physically restrained to a shortened life of pharmaceutical dependence. As routine boosters are prepared for the population, and the word “mandatory” is used to force these shots in seasonally, it’s time to realize this isn’t a vaccine and it’s not protecting anyone. It’s a war time weapon, a depopulation program. As vaccine manufacturers reap billions of dollars in extorted taxpayer funds, deploy propaganda and fraud, and fight for dominion over people’s lives, they have become mass murderers.
Dr. Michael Yeadon says “there’s absolutely NO possible justification” for the manufacture of covid-19 vaccines and the upcoming onslaught of booster shots. Longstanding, efficacious treatments and traditional Chinese herbal medicine offers a variety of solution for common respiratory infections, including influenza viruses, enteroviruses like polio, RSV and coronavirus infections. But these treatments have been viciously attacked, censored and suppressed across the medical landscape, as the public health gatekeepers restrain doctors and nurses from treating people early and saving lives. Dr. Yeadon warns that the booster shot was forced into existence and is nothing more than an extermination weapon to destroy innate immunity, spur super viruses into existence, and mass murder human beings. According to the clinical trials, the rate of adverse events is ten times greater after the second shot. What will the third, fourth and fifth boosters do to the population, as tens of thousands have already died off?
The vaccine program is designed for pharmaceutical dependence and depopulation
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says the company has already created a new vaccine development system that can mass produce a new mRNA booster every ninety-five days. “Every time a variant appears in the world, our scientists are getting their hands around it,” Bourla said. “And they are researching to see if this variant can escape the protection of our vaccine.” There is a long list of spike protein sequence variations that have been identified around the world. Now that Pfizer has dominion over the regulatory framework and the government, it’s now imminent that they will conduct yearly forced experiments on the world population, using tweaks in the spike protein to mass replicate the deadly bioweapon into the unforeseeable future.
An August 10 study in the Lancet shows that vaccinated people are more susceptible to the Delta variant. Dr. Peter McCullough, board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases and clinical lipidology, explained that there were more than 14 strains of coronavirus in the United States just six months ago. When the vaccines put selective pressure on the amino acids of the spike protein, a new variant begins to emerge, evading immune detection. He referenced a paper by Niessen and scientists from Boston and Rochester, Minnesota, which put over a million sequenced samples to the test. “They looked at vaccination rates all over, and the variant proportions, and they concluded that with more than 25% of the population vaccinated, you’ll encourage a dominant strain to move forward,” McCullough said. There’s no doubt that this vaccine program is designed for pharmaceutical dependence and depopulation.
Domenica 5 settembre dalle ore 5.38 alle ore 6.20: Rosario del Dolore, Offerta di Vita, Consacrazione al Sacro Capo di Gesu’ e Litaniae Lauretanae. Per la Catena di Preghiera del Piccolo Resto, la Crociata di Preghiera chiesta dalla Vergine della Rivelazione (Bruno Cornacchiola, Tre Fontane, 1947) e l’invocazione perenne al Cuore Immacolato della BVM presso la Basilica di SMM a Roma.
O Madre di Dio e Madre nostra, noi tuoi figli adottivi nel nome di Gesù Cristo Nostro Signore, ti preghiamo per la Chiesa e per il suo Vicario di Cristo. Per la conversione degli atei, dei miscredenti, dei cristiani confusi dal fumo di satana e dai falsi maestri, nonche’ per gli stessi falsi maestri.
Ti preghiamo BVM anche per noi stessi che apparteniamo a questa piccola catena di preghiera affinché possiamo discernere, distinguere ed evitare il peccato principale di questi nostri tempi: l’orgoglio intellettuale e il narcisismo di sé che portano all’odio dell’avversario, al’insulto e alla calunnia.
Ti preghiamo o BVM guidaci, proteggici, ispiraci nei nostri pensieri ed azioni. Affinche’, finalmente puri e pentiti, possiamo diventare degni di combattere fianco a fianco sotto il tuo comando potente!
Nell’attesa del tuo arrivo e del trionfo del tuo Cuore Immacolato!
EvangeliumLuc 7:11-16 In illo témpore: Ibat Iesus in civitátem, quæ vocátur Naim: et ibant cum eo discípuli eius et turba copiósa. Cum autem appropinquáret portæ civitátis, ecce, defúnctus efferebátur fílius únicus matris suæ: et hæc vidua erat: et turba civitátis multa cum illa. Quam cum vidísset Dóminus, misericórdia motus super eam, dixit illi: Noli flere. Et accéssit et tétigit lóculum. – Hi autem, qui portábant, stetérunt. – Et ait: Adoléscens, tibi dico, surge. Et resédit, qui erat mórtuus, et cœpit loqui. Et dedit illum matri suæ. Accépit autem omnes timor: et magnificábant Deum, dicéntes: Quia Prophéta magnus surréxit in nobis: et quia Deus visitávit plebem suam.
GospelLuke 7:11-16 At that time, Jesus went to a town called Naim; and His disciples and a large crowd went with Him. And as He drew near the gate of the town, behold, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow; and a large gathering from the town was with her. And the Lord, seeing her, had compassion on her, and said to her, Do not weep. And He went up and touched the stretcher; and the bearers stood still. And He said, Young man, I say to you, arise. And he who was dead, sat up, and began to speak. And He gave him to his mother. But fear seized upon all, and they began to glorify God, saying, A great prophet has risen among us, and God has visited His people.
Il Vangelo ci parla di un miracolo. Nella citta di Naim Gesu’ fa risorgere il figlio unico di una madre vedova (l’immagine della Chiesa sola e desolata). Gesu’ deve a dimostrare a noi e al suo popolo la sua potenza divina. Ma la nostra fede non e’ ancora abbastanza forte. Specialmente in questi tempi difficili.
La nostra epoca e’ quella della grande apostasia. Nella Bibbia stessa si parla della nostra epoca. E’ giunto il tempo della grande battaglia tra la Madre Celeste, la Madonna, e il male rappresentato da satana e l’anticristo. La chiesa, come la vedova, vive nel dolore e nella sofferenza per la perdita dei suo figlio unico (le anime perdute dei cristiani).
Per forza dobbiamo gettarci tra le braccia di Gesu’! Lui solo puo’ salvarci! Ma verra’ il tempo in cui il Signore passera per la nostra strada. E le cose cambieranno! E’ quindi il tempo di fare l’esame di coscienza, non badare ai difetti degli altri, ma ai nostri. Dobbiamo essere completamente pentiti delle nostre colpe. Chiediamo e preghiamo ogni giorno incessanetemente affinche’ la nostra fede si accresca. Solo riponendo la nostra fiducia in Cristo possiamo salvarci!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
The Gospel tells us of a miracle. In the city of Naim, Jesus resurrects the only child of a widowed mother (the image of the lonely and desolate Church). Jesus must demonstrate his divine power to us and to his people. But our faith is not yet strong enough.
Especially in these difficult times. Our age is that of the great apostasy. The Bible itself speaks of our age. The time has come for the great battle between the Heavenly Mother, Our Lady, and the evil represented by Satan and the antichrist.
The church, like the widow, lives in pain and suffering for the loss of her only child (the lost souls of Christians). We must necessarily throw ourselves into the arms of Jesus! He alone can save us! But the time will come when the Lord will pass our way.
And things will change! It is therefore time to do the examination of conscience, not to pay attention to the defects of others, but to our own. We must be completely repentant of our sins. We ask and pray ceaselessly every day for our faith to grow. Only by placing our trust in Christ can we be saved!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.
EvangeliumLuc 11:27-28 In illo témpore: Loquénte Iesu ad turbas, extóllens vocem quædam múlier de turba, dixit illi: Beátus venter, qui te portávit, et úbera, quæ suxísti. At ille dixit: Quinímmo beáti, qui áudiunt verbum Dei, et custódiunt illud.
GospelLuke 11:27-28 At that time, as Jesus was speaking to the multitudes, a certain woman from the crowd lifted up her voice and said to Him, Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts that nursed You. But He said, Rather, blessed are they who hear the word of God and keep it.
Primo sabato del mese di settembre dedicato alla BVM. Dobbiamo consacrarci al Cuore Immacolato di Maria, fiduciosi nella sua potente intercessione. Dobbiamo affidarci totalmente a lei sia nello spirito che nelle cose. Dobbiamo infatti essere distaccati dal mondo.
Questo e’ particolarmente importante nel nostro tempo. C’e’ il progetto di satana che vuole distruggere la chiesa e il popolo di Dio. La consacrazione a Maria, la penitenza e la recita del rosario quotidiano sono la via per combattere il regno di Satana!
E’ la battaglia tra il bene e il male! Uniamoci all’esercito del Bene guidato dalla Beata Vergine Maria e da San Michele Arcangelo!
Dobbiamo pensare alla salvezza dell’anima, nostra e quella dei nostri cari!
Sia lodato Gesu’ Cristo!
(*) Questo commento e’ scritto in tempo reale durante l’omelia. Mi scuso per l’eventuale misinterpretazione delle parole di Don Enrico.
First Saturday of September dedicated to the BVM. We must consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, confident in her powerful intercession.
We have to rely totally on her both in spirit and in things. We must in fact be detached from the world. This is particularly important in our time.
There is the plan of Satan who wants to destroy the church and the people of God. The consecration to Mary, penance and the recitation of the daily rosary are the way to fight the reign of Satan!
It is the battle between good and evil! Let’s join the army of Good led by the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel!
We must think about the salvation of the soul, ours and that of our loved ones! Praised be Jesus Christ!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
(**) This document is written in real time while the homily is taking place. I escuse myself for any possible misinterpretation of the words by Don Enrico.